"... I'm tired..."

In the spacious space, a distressing murmur leaked.

Coincidentally, the three voices overlapped, and the three people lying on the table raised their faces.

Lucas, Irene, and Telesia looked at each other like dead fish.

"... I'm sorry. When I was a maid, I was talking to myself....."

"... no, Irene. Don't tell anyone. I know how you feel."

"... hmm"

If Irene apologizes, Lucas blocks it with a gentle tone.

Even Telegia, who had a reputation for thinking only about the maid to the extent of insecticide, snorted and said nothing.

Surrounded by huge bookshelves covering the walls and perfectly arranged art pieces sewn between them.

Now Lucas and the others are in a place called the Rest Room Lounge in prison.

That's why I'm squandering my time until dinner.

This is because Elma's "'family' is very welcoming this visitor" and "I would like to have a small dinner".

Elma had already left the break room to help with the cooking.

"Guys, you're serious. I'm exhausted because I'm going in one way or another. I have to live my days with a more accepting attitude."

In the meantime, only Felix is cheeking on the tea candy.

Lucas inadvertently twitched the edge of his lips in that elegant manner.

"... well, you can flatten your cheeks in this environment."

"What's the problem with spending time waiting for dinner, surrounded by lots of books and artwork, listening to subtle music? None of them are of great quality."

"The problem is that it's too great! Don't you have common sense characters in your dictionary?

Lucas barks. And then immediately,

"If you are looking for a dictionary, here..."

From nowhere, the men holding the dictionary appeared, so Lucas waved in a hurry.

"No, it's not. This is not a 'search'. Please, just leave me alone."


The men who were posting the dictionary quickly retracted.

They are in charge of the bookshelves in this lounge, and they play a role equivalent to what Shabaa calls a "librarian".

However, they should no longer be called "automated searching machines", as they quickly spread the pages of the books in question by just murmuring some of the titles of the books they wanted to read and the names of the authors.

Irene, who was back in position, watching them switching to standby mode and diving,

"Is there anything... unusual in this prison...?

And make your face twitch.

Then, frightened as I was, I looked around the fine lounge to this strange place.

"This is... a prison, right? And what is the amount of books more than this Royal Library? Isn't that the rose label that occupies the corner of the wall on the right hard to get even Aurelia? Why is there an exhaustive lineup of such things?

"Really...? It's too far from here to even read the title."

"I'm a professional here. It's just the color of the back cover."

Irene hugged herself so that she could bear the fear.

"What do you mean," dinner "in prison? And you're not a guard, you're a prisoner? What kind of flag is Elma floating away?

"You better save yourself some room to penetrate, Irene. I'm sure there 'll be some kind of shock ahead of us in the future..."

"... that's right."

Irene nodded tirelessly to Lucas, pointing out blurrily while looking up at the ceiling.

In fact, from the time of Elma's prison tour to now, they were all thrusting into each other like rage.

For example, if Lucas walks into prison and receives a towel that says, "Wipe away your travel fatigue."

"What is this towel? My fingers are sinking everywhere...!?

"Cotton towels made from cotton grown in the backyard. By further improving the ultra-length cotton variety, the length of the fiber exceeds that of the cashmere. In prison, it's known as" Cotton, Beyond "."

"Can you pick cotton in the backyard?!

With one towel, I was pushed through the high agricultural level of the prison.

As soon as Telegia saw the painting hanging in the hallway,

………… Why is there a "smiling girl" at the back of the royal palace...? Precise replica...?

"Ah, no, this is the real one, and the one in the royal palace is the masterpiece. However, the masterpiece depicting the color of the blonde hair is better as an art as a result, and we also reflect on that point -"

"Wait, what does' we also reflect 'mean!?

It was suggested that the finest paintings in the Royal Palace's possession could be masterpieces of prison work.

In addition,

"I think the hallway floor is moving...!?

"Oh, Your Highness. It's a" moving sidewalk. "It's a treasure because the prison is so big."

Something like that.

"What? The magic bird didn't cross the window right now?

"Oh, Your Majesty Felix. I own a few chickens in the Chicken House. In addition to laying good eggs, you tickle them.

You spit out the fire, and it's perfect for warming up. "

Something like that.

"I kind of lifted my toilet seat on my own, but woohoo!

"Oh, Irene. This prison employs hot water washing toilet seats throughout the building. Convenient, isn't it, the automatic opening and closing function?"

and the incredible specifications were presented one after the other.

There are three more impossible environments to show off before you can make enough noise about one.

As a result of the unusual anger, everyone except Felix began the tour in five minutes.


Too thick to rinse.

I want a little break.

In general, there is too much trouble with the anomaly "Bokeh" compared to the number of penetrating personnel.

Just being guided down the hallway makes Lucas look farther away.

As a result, the appearance of Telesia, who was performing exactly the same operation, came into view.

She seems to have lost her breath in her first painting, and since then she has lost her pace and lost her life every time I encounter her.

From Lucas' point of view, she is the accused suspected of infidelity, and has once planted poisonous swords and insects on her mother and herself.

Spiritual distance should have been limitless. But when I see you sneaking around together in this strange environment, I feel a sense of solidarity.

Lucas felt a sense of crisis.

Sometimes you don't even have the division of enemy allies, when this prison blows up.

Only Felix was slightly distressed by Lucas's covert grief - no, he was so open when Elma brought him in.

First of all, I greeted them, and in the guarded room where they were taken, there was a man of great age standing.

"I would like to introduce you. He is the guardian in charge of this Walzer prison, Priest Anton."

"Welcome aboard. Until the moment when the solemn hammer of judgment descends, no matter what your doubts may be, all of you shall live and love one another. I will give you the best possible hospitality in this prison."

"... eh, Anton? Clement used to send me as a token, you know? You haven't changed a lot, have you?

Yes, it is.

The coloured priests, drowned in power and luxury, sent by Clement to manipulate the prison, were now shredded with flesh and behaved like believers who had undergone severe training.

"Once upon a time, I was just a pig who drowned in lust... But I woke up to true faith on the occasion of that sin, which was foolishly attempting to hold hands on the supreme being. Now I am the faithful servant of the seven supreme servants... As dull as ever, this pig knows what the truth is."

However, it is said that the name of the God whom he dedicates his faith is not the god of Aur, but the seven supreme.

"Priest Anton once tried to hold my mother in his arms, but at that time he was taught to live by his father and his" family ". At that time, I was called a pig, and it is a reliable existence that allows me to flourish in many directions, and now it helps me to run the prison without any help."

"It's an excessive word, sweaty face...."

As Elma supplements, Anton is quietly humbled with an anguish expression.

--Besides, it's not called brainwashing training.

The three men, excluding Felix, took a silent step away from Anton.

and there,

"Hey, Anton. Last week's prison report, I checked [laziness] and found that the depiction of torture was tattooed, and that the misery could not be conveyed..."

Without knocking, an elderly man in a mood walks in.

Looking at his face, Felix shouted, "Ah."

It's Clement.

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