How many times have they breathed since they arrived here?

All of them except Felix thought of that while looking at the scenery before them.

It is a dining room in prison.

No, it's supposed to be a room in prison.

But it was filled with extravagant luxury that they did not know when they grew up as kings and nobles.

The first thing to cover your head is the spillless starry sky.

In the blue night sky, the milky white stars are softly emitting light.

From there, the wall stretches so as to melt into the night sky. It was fitted with stained glasses that boasted perfect beauty, not to mention a rare artist's work, bringing some light to Lucas.

At the bottom of the wall is a large number of candlesticks that do not disturb the starlight but do not make the room feel strange and dark.

They didn't know exactly what the lighting was, even though it was shaking like a flame, which occasionally changed colors at once.

Selected furnishings on polished floors.

Gentle music that listens softly when you hear it.

And the table is full of gorgeous dishes never eaten by royalty.

"Please, sit down."

By the way, Elma, who attends right next to me, is as beautiful as a butterfly coming out of a chrysalis by taking off her makeup and makeup.

I didn't know which direction to look at anymore and was impressed, and they all wandered off their gaze.

"Welcome to Walzer."

And with the people who stood up according to our entrance, they took a breath without sexual punishment.

Six men and women stood on the lower side of the table.

"Welcome, sir. I'm Isaac."

The characteristic puncture tone was communicated by the harsh face of a bear, the eldest man.

The appearance of carrying the great sword had unusual abundance, and both of them unconsciously forced their whole bodies to stretch.

"Look, the face of [eating too much (Isaac)] is so scary, everyone's freaking out. - Oh, I'm Holst." My sister "always looks after me. We just really want to entertain you, so please relax your shoulders."

The young man in white somehow told me in a shattered tone.

Though gentle and impressive, a prisoner who says to his royal opponent, "Relax your shoulders" is unusual when you think about it carefully.

"My name is Morgan. You are our dear" daughter "customer. Having been away from Shaba for a long time, there may be some bad things about it, but I hope you enjoy the hospitality you've always wanted."

Then politely, a gentle, grand man.

His remarks lighten the atmosphere a little.

Well, since they were isolated from Tsubaga, it may be natural to have a distant air.

"I'm Liesel. It's good to see you. I was really looking forward to this day when I heard Elma was looking after her."

Next, the mistress (...) smiled at the scene, but apparently it was like a man because of her low voice.

The hair was stretched out and the beautiful appearance of the makeup, all of them lost sight of gender for a moment.

"Elma's father, Gilbert. There will be many circumstances surrounding you, but tonight we would like to treat you as a mere guest of our daughter. Please have fun."

It's a tough man looking straight at us. From his honest face and majestic appearance, he feels more like a knight than a prisoner.

He smiled slightly on his tight face and turned his arm naturally on the back of the last person.

"― ― My name is Heidemary, Elma's mother. You're welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down."

The woman with her hands gently strokes her big, swollen belly and urges her again.

Together they opened their eyes to a beautiful voice that sounded like a bell and a beautiful appearance.

Beauty with perfect left-right symmetry is undoubtedly similar to Elma.

However, if you compare Elma to her first poor rose, it looks like a ripe and blooming lily.

Even though you wear a dress with a collar and your hair is clearly tied together, the skin that peeks slightly from the blurring of the button and the loose hair rather exudates a choking aroma.

The opponent is a prostitute and a prisoner.

Yet the nobles of the royal family of Rouden lowered their hips without hesitation, feeling something of pressure.

Even Telegia the Mother of the Nation, Felix the King, and Lucas the woman are used to, so Irene, who is only the daughter of the Baron's family, is no longer on the verge of ascension.

She clutched her fists together under the table and managed to push her murmuring heart into it.

(Nh... what... what... what...?)

What a vivid presence.

No, I've been ready for them since before I met Irene.

After all, they are criminals, prisoners.

No matter how much you say "family" of your best friend, you may have a vicious look that makes you faint just by looking at it, or you may have a pathetic look that you can't stand to see again.

Still, my beloved Elma's "family".

In either case, I was secretly simulating fear and disgust - quite clearly, this was unexpected.

(Isaac is so powerful, but Mr. Holst feels like an intelligent brother, and Mr. Morgan is so classy that he wants to see the butler....)

I was surprised at Rezel's neutral behavior, but his appearance is unique, like the leading role of the opera troupe, and Gilbert also has a polished body and mind.

And when it comes to high demeanor, it's just inclination.

Although it has a fragrance, it is not vulgar and has a gloss that catches up with the eyes.

(In general, people are attractive... the characters are thick!

Irene wanted to squat on this spot, if she could.

With Hydemarie and Elma through, the deviation of the ugliness seems crazy, but these great sinners look beautiful overall.

Even the big man Isaac is full of musculoskeletal beauty.

Irene instantly forgot where she was right now, in a situation where attractive faces in many directions were uniformly positive and she was about to entertain us.

(Because such lovely people treat me favourably... my days in this prison are going to be better than I thought.)

At the same time, she sneaked her chest down.

Elma, whose home is the prison, did not tell the surroundings, but Irene was quite upset when she got caught up in the prison.

Even Walzer prison, rumored to be "hell in the world".

I hear that the sanitary environment will be poor and that ill-treatment and torture are widespread.

Surrounded by vicious criminals, I didn't think a strong Irene would be able to live a comfortable life.

Besides, the person to take care of is "Bloody Telesia".

If you hit her badly, you could even lose your life in a cage from her. Irene had no idea how much of Elma's best friend was with him, why he named himself after this prison trip - well, that's brainwashing.

But if you open the lid, the prison is cleaner than the royal palace, and full of tech you don't know.

Prisoners also feel that the character is a little too standing, but it seems like a person who usually thinks of her daughter.

"Your Highness, Elma's family is more generous than you think."

"Oh, it's a little out of the ordinary, but it's not as ready as I thought. They're all very favorable."

Lucas, sitting next to him - is there no status in prison, where the maid Irene is allowed to sit side-by-side - whispers, and he nods back. Apparently, I had the same feeling.

Cheers to incredibly tasty wine and colorful appetizers, the prison dinner progresses gently to your heart's content.

I found that the cuisine that Isaac cooked was delicate and delicious, and even the telesia familiar with gastronomy broke the eyes at the moment it contained it.

Gentle conversations, subtle jokes, and nuanced services that take place between them.

What a comfortable meal.

It's as if your days in jail starting from now on are calm.

Yes, Irene and the others were relieved by the arrows ahead.

"Okay, I'll bring you the main dish."

Isaac stood up slightly.

And when he left the dining room, the clouds went crazy.

"Even though it's the main dish... there's no room on the table anymore...?

Irene leans her neck as she watches a table lined with exquisite dishes from all over the West and East.

Hearing that, Elma nodded as if nothing had happened.

"Today's main grill of birds is a little too big to be on the table."


"Yes, the doors were so big that they blew up the ceiling. The fact that I was planning to configure the dragon has changed... Actually, I was a little impatient when I was preparing."

"... what?

Elma, telling her it was a little illuminated, and Irene and Lucas, listening beside her, twitched their faces.

sooner than asking what that means.


A sharp sound sounded from above, and they raised their faces.


Above them.

The area where the blowout is supposed to be.

There were huge birds floating in space, carrying stars scattered in the night sky.

I'm not flying.

Already fried, it's wrapped around a wire that flies like a whip.


"Finished baking"

- Boo!

Together with Isaac's thick voice, the birds of the universe are wrapped in flames.

Elma looked up and explained to Irene and the others with a smile.

"Today's main dish is the stuffed (staffed) Phoenix."


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