How did this happen?

Lucas once again rebuked his unexpected feelings about how many times it would be, and he had distant eyes.

"Now, enjoy a little more stroll, and now look left and right. First of all, your left-hand, adorable flowers are blooming in Mandragola, the alchemist's favorite. Please be careful as you scream when you pull it out. By the way, the purple flower you see on your right hand is a digitalis. This is highly poisonous."

A few steps away, Elma, a maid with a cloth bag on her shoulder, shows her the way in a good mood.

Irene right behind her, Lucas behind her.

The three of them had already acted together in various places, and this sight did not appear to be just a mountain walk, but only this time, there was clearly an element that made them feel disturbed.

"Hey, how long are we gonna keep playing this picnic?"

One of the disturbing elements.

Behind Lucas, Felix.

"... I'm tired. It's not a horse, but is there a cage?"

And this is the decisive part - the disturbing part.

Behind Felix lies his mother, Her Majesty Queen Telesia.

Speaking of Telesia, she is known for her rough nature, and after Felix's birth, she has attacked Juliana and her concubines a number of times.

In other words, if you want to maintain your status as a mother-in-law, you can't move a single eyebrow to stain your hands with blood.

I gathered the maid I didn't like and chopped her up with a sword. Even my beloved and reputational sister slit her face with jealousy and sent her to the convent. The terrible rumors about her were beyond control with both hands.

Her nickname, whispered secretly, is Bloody Telesia.

The atmosphere of the party that welcomed her could not be bright and pleasant - Lucas sighed again when she saw Irene go in front of her when Telesia sighed.

How did this happen?

"We apologize for the inconvenience. If you walk a little further, you will see my mansion - Valzer Prison - so please forgive me. Ah, by the way, from the shade of grass over there is a minority settled around here, the neck hunters. Fufu, you still have a nice spear today."

Elma, who acted as a guide, appeared to have floated all along.

As for Lucas, I wanted to get into her attitude as well as the contents of the noisy tourist guide.

This is not a guide to a friend who came to visit you at home.

It's just a journey to imprison the current king and the mother-in-law in the world's infamous Walzer prison.

"Oops, it's time for thunderstorms to hit this forest area while we're doing this. Let's speed it up."

Lucas remembered that day as he gazed at Elma, who was leading with pride.

Instead of Felix, who nodded softly and silently, it was Elvin who was still in the King's chamber giving a speech on our face.

"Haha, it's a special victory. If you point this much evidence at it, your favorite tongue will be completely dull, right? If it's a complete disadvantage, only praise your comprehension of the situation accurately. One more report as a reward."

He smiled with a glamorous smile and looked amazing.

"I've already whispered this scandal to newspapers around the world."

"Elvin, you..."

With so much audacity, Lucas doubts his ears.

If this were true, it would be a scandal that would shake the whole of Rouden, no, the entire continent.

There was no scrutiny or verification, and I couldn't believe the lightness of spreading it abroad.

But Elvin remained smiling convinced of his superiority.

It was obvious that the little brain miso was full of inscriptions such as "the moment when the hero of the tragedy expelled from the country peeled off the hide of the King of Decays".

"Don't worry, brother-in-law - No, Lord Felix. Ruden is a State governed by the rule of law. Even if you are an evil man, you will always be tried through the courts. An honest, open country deserves to be in front of all citizens!

There are plans for a public execution.

Elvin didn't even try to hide the abusive nature of his remarks anymore.

"Don't you miss yourself? That's why your mother is with you. I just called you here. A rare evil woman who has just reigned as a fool and a mother-in-law while working unjustly, or brutally tormented our mother-in-law's concubine."

When he snapped his fingers, several more soldiers appeared from the hallway - apparently Elvin had secured the token there inside Rouden - violently poking at a woman.

Green eyes with dull blonde hair and strong will.

It was the mature woman who felt harshness and ferocity, rather than proper beauty, who was Telesia von Rudendorf, the true queen of the ancestors.

"Rude. Don't touch me with your filthy hands."

Low voices for women are full of majesty at times like this, and even in a quiet tone, they hit their ears hard.

Upset the soldier with a glance, she gently cut off the hem of the dress and then glanced around.

Find Elvin and lift up the edge of her mouth.

"Long time no see, third one. I thought we both drove her to the countryside of Stalk. Couldn't you remember where you were going home with that poor brain?

"... that's enough of your uncomfortable mouth, Telesia. For thou shalt only pay for thy sin, which made thy mother a living body without the holy instrument, with a dreadful poison."

Elvin's voice finally engenders hatred that seems to come from the bottom of his heart.

But Telegia only gracefully raised one eyebrow.

"Oh, that bitch, she's still alive with the help of the sacred instrument. I admit that I went to Stalk, which is famous for the development of sacred instruments, but I am amazed by my compassion."

"This woman....! Look, as soon as you and the others are ready for trial, dress up in shameful clothes in front of all the citizens, and after the verdict, turn around the country -"


Elvin was intense, but a cool voice broke in sooner than he showed off his magnificent revenge plan.

"We're sorry to hear about this, but would you like to confirm a little and make a suggestion?"

It's Elma.

Of course it wasn't nice at all, but before Elvin could say anything back, Elma spinned the words.

"First of all, I would like to confirm that His Highness Elvin intends to announce and bring to justice His Majesty, the current king, in order to convey the truth to the whole people by obtaining evidence that he is not the birth son of his predecessor. Is that the right understanding?

"Ah, ahh...."

What kind of maid has never been in sight in this plain way?

While questioning, Elvin nods as she feels the power of a little girl.

"Yes, that's right...."

"I see. Now, with all due arrogance, do you know what procedures will be involved in bringing the incumbent King to justice? How long will it take? What about the accused in the meantime?


Rolled up indifferently, Elvin turned his eyes black and white.

"It's a speedy trial in accordance with its... prescribed rules..."

"International law requires the signature of all judges and public scrutiny, as well as the approval of the five neighboring countries, in order to try the King, who is absolute. And since Elvin is currently in Stalk, unfortunately it is not impossible to prosecute him in Rouden, but it will take a huge amount of work. And at the same time, the accused must be guaranteed a decent life as a presumption of innocence until the sentencing gavel is lifted."

"Eh... eh..."

Elvin is upset when things are arranged one after the other.

In the meantime, he opened his mouth with an objection, where Elma smiled with a smile.

"But it's okay."

Plus, take off your glasses.

To Elvin, who suddenly appeared in an extraordinary beauty, she even stepped forward.

"With all due respect, I have a suggestion for you. Obviously, as soon as I became" good ", I solidified that I could help. Can you forgive me for speaking in front of you...?

Look up a little and moisturize your eyes. Putting your hands together in front of your chest is a pathetic word.

Even Lucas, who must be thinking that he's definitely not Roku, is attracted to his eyes.

Elvin, who had no immunity, couldn't keep it for a second.

"Yo, yo, yo, yo! Say it!"

"Why don't they - His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen - spend some time in Varzer until they're ready?"

Elvin feels gloomy.

Speaking of which, Lucas understood Elma's intentions in one word and drew his face silently.

"Walzer prison... in hell in the world, huh?

"Yes, Walzer is the absolute fortress of Luden. The difficulty of escaping from prison has a reputation. Since the Royal Palace is far apart, it is impossible to hold the trial stakeholder back during the preparation period. On the other hand, even though it is shaped, there are rooms for" keeping "presumed innocent nobles, so I wonder if there is an international excuse."

Elma's valve runs like water on a standing plate.

At the same time, it was still a cage of heat.

"The only problem, however, is that if we maintain our physical appearance, we must secure the person to accompany them as the accused. Not many people like to follow them, who are being branded as sinners in the middle of the day. ― ― But…

She stops at Elvin again and makes a soft, sweet voice.

"But, Elvin..."

Hey, Lucas thought.

I don't think I've ever said that before.

"I... thank you for volunteering to accompany me."

(Elma, you....)

Lucas held his fist.

--I thought you were going to decide to go home.

Yes, it is.

It was easy for Lucas to understand that Elma was not so eager to go home dynamically, but that she was going to make Felix a criminal this time, rather than herself.

"Nh... why do you want that!?

Elvin, who fell to Elma in seconds, was sniffing roughly at her shoulders.

Elma looked up at him with her wet eyes, even laying her hands on her naked hands.

"I wanted to fulfill my wish."

It sounds like a statement to the effect that Elma fell in love with the former prince (Elvin) at first sight and wanted to fulfill his wishes.

There's a problem.

(It's just your (...) wish, but ahhhhh!

Lucas, who had been able to grasp his intentions accurately, had to be pushed into it.

And I understood at the same time.

Felix prevented her from returning home, and Elma remained silent.

It wasn't shocked - it was pretty angry.

(... I can't solve it)

Finishing his reflection, Lucas raised his eyebrows.

Certainly, at that time, I doubted Elma's behavior and thought I was going into it - I wonder why this member is walking on the mountain path to jail.

(No, I remember when Elma and Irene were chosen after securing "minimally dressed attendants" and "trusted supervisors", and I was chosen to belong to the Knights...?

The more you think about it, the stronger it is and the more it has holes in it.

And yet, until now, when I walked down the mountain road for a while, nobody thought it strange.

When Elma turned to her dawn eyes and asked, "What about His Highness?" and "What about Irene?" Rather, they even felt as if they had offered to accompany her to prison.

--Brain wash.

The words caught my mind, and Lucas twitched his face.

It's too likely, it's not funny.

"Now, you're starting to see it. Fufu, this is the first time I've invited anyone home. I'll do it all the time."

Speaking of Elma going forward, I'm in a great mood for getting home.

Among her, it seems that this is organized as "inviting people home" rather than "escorting them to prison". I've been serving as a guide for a long time now, without the heavy air.

(... it is the theory that if he hangs out, nothing bad will happen.)

As she glanced at Lucas, Elma nodded forcefully.

"In fact, this time, I borrowed a book from the maid in charge entitled" First Home Party - Hospitality Ideas 100 ~ "to study what hospitality is like, so as not to be rude. Now I'm no longer a home party professional. Enjoy a moment in Vartzer with a big boat."


There are various things to do, but aside from that, I have only an ominous feeling.

Felix and Telesia only leaned their heads suspiciously, but Irene, a qualified Elma Hazard Predictor, looked back at Lucas frightened.

Lucas was aggressively distracted, but remembered his boss's responsibility and nodded one thing.

It's okay, at least as long as we hear the title of the borrower and the book, it won't be that bad this time.

"Welcome aboard."

Taking advantage of the sound of a floating voice, Lucas looked up like a soldier on the battlefield and looked up at the dormant prison building.

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