I thought I heard it wrong, but there was no correction or explanation.

Apparently, among them who understood that this was true, Lucas had a terrible, sword-eating look.

"Hey, what did I just say!?

"So she got pregnant. The course is good....."

"I haven't heard what's going on! Who are you dealing with!?

Elma raised her eyebrows confused as she grabbed her shoulders.

Then, I felt so depressed that I could see through my glasses.

"I don't know...."

"Don't know!?

Lucas took a breath and then lowered his voice to the sword.

"... you mean you didn't mean it? Tell me who you're dealing with."

"No, I don't think so."

"Don't be ridiculous, say it. I'm not going to kill you.... who is it?

At last, when asked not even to kill, Elma asked why she was reluctant.

"Who do you think it is?

"I don't know!

Beyond that, he turned to Lucas, who barked, and Elma lay down her face.

"Personally, I don't think I have any other choice but to be your father... but because I am that mother, it is possible for anyone, it is impossible to go around, and it is still possible to go around half a circle... Ah, why didn't you write down the important things when you came to onee-sama...? No matter how busy the prison is with festive mood....."

With their fingers on their lips, Lucas and the others finally realized something was wrong.

"... 'Mother'?


"Does that mean that you're a former whore...?

"Yes, I got a letter from my family saying my mother was pregnant. --is it possible that someone I knew in my previous career...?

Elma answers and sinks into the sea of thoughts again.

Apparently, I've been thinking about anguish and my mother's pregnancy since I received the letter in the morning.

When they saw Elma roaring... and the festive objects... and how to name them... they all felt weak.

--Tell me the subject.

As well as being relieved, no, no, if you think about it, this (...) Elma can't possibly end up in such a situation, and his cool thinking power returns.

Lucas finally remembered what he should have said first when he heard about someone else's pregnancy.

"Well, congratulations, right? Or is it normal to think of the other person as a person in the prison because they are talking in the Walzer prison, which is isolated from the outside world?

"Hey, you've got a lot to figure out when you get a letter from a prison with no outside contact, right?

When I heard Felix whispering beside me, I felt relieved.

Speaking of which, to sum up Elma's story up to now, Elma's "family" were relaxed people who went swimming and picnicking outside of prison.

"... well, it's a big celebration to put the other party aside. Why don't you reply quickly and celebrate?"

Hearing the words, Elma raised her face.

"- Yes, Your Majesty, and Your Highness."


Felix, whose bowl suddenly came around, blinked his eyes.

Elma stared at the male team and asked seriously.

"According to the letter, my mother kept her pregnancy hidden for as long as she could to avoid excessive reactions from her surroundings and asked other family members not to tell me. This is how my numb sister sent me a letter - it's already on the moon."

"Oh, well. It's been a long time."

"Yes, you will hear that pregnancy and childbirth are a continuum of emergencies that you do not always know what will happen. To be honest, even at this moment, I didn't feel like my belly would pop out in the morning. In this situation, you may not be able to do your job and may cause trouble to your people. So..."

So Elma put her hands together, and thrust her knees on the spot.

"I wonder, would you allow me to go home from now on until my mother gives birth... if I could just calm down after childbirth?

Lucas opened his eyes.

This is an unexpected development, but, well, it's my best wish.

"Well, that's true. There won't be enough women in jail..."



Lucas frowned as Felix dropped it in a prolonged tone.

"- What now?

"Not right now. You said you wanted Stalk corrupted. Yes, once you've completely depended on Stalk's economy, religion and culture, and planted it in Lalando and Montaigne, you can take a break."

Lucas' blue eyes opened.

It would take more than a year to throw a top-notch operative or a lot of troops.

"Brother-in-law. Your tyranny has finally gone too far..."

"You're wasting your time."

Felix waved annoyed.

Then he leaned back deeply on the sofa again.

"My time, my king, is more precious than anyone else's in this country. It makes sense whether it is normal for a maid's personal affairs or the official duties of a king of a country to take precedence.

Expressing that it was a force responsible for the fate of the country, he said that it was just a maid.

Lucas and Irene distorted their faces because of their selfishness.

A brilliant Felix wearing a fool's mask.

Indeed, he is a capable king, and since his reign, Rouden has continued to grow steadily - not much.


Elma is completely silent about the shock.

"Brother-in-law, your words..."

It was then that Lucas and the others opened their mouths with a sword-swallowing expression, heartbroken by a pathetic Elma who could not contest such merciless eyes.

- Bam.

As the door of the king's private room suddenly opened, they glanced back.

A young man dressed in a fine tunic stood at the door that was supposed to be guarded by the guards in an awkward pose.

"... good evening"

The person scratches the luxurious blonde hair that is habitual and smiles hard.

Then, without waiting for Felix's permission, he snapped his shoes and entered the room.

"Were you in a meeting? But I'm sorry for the rudeness of the emergency.

The young man smiles and crosses the room with refreshment.


Irene wondered how to thank someone she had never seen before.

(Something really...)

Sleek long body.

He took a few people who appeared to be high-ranking nobles behind him, but he was quite cowardly and majestic.

Your nose stands out, and your bright blonde and green eyes are gorgeous.

(--I don't know, Uzai)

Especially, Irene thought that the thick and long lower eyelashes were irritating just by looking at them.

Then I thought of the identity of the youth in front of me as a clue to my feelings.

Blonde hair with habits, green eyes.

A few years ago, the Third Prince was driven out of the country by Stalk to be the son of a concubine from the Count of Luden.

"Prince Elvin...."

Felix and Lucas opened their eyes to the appearance of former Prince Elvin von Rudendorf.

"Oh, well, it's been a long time. What's the matter with you? I thought Clement told me not to come back for my coronation. I wonder if you can't remember the nutrients flowing from your brain miso to your lower eyelashes?

The melancholy tone seeps like a hidden thorn.

But Elvin didn't move and smiled, showing his white teeth - which was the worst trick.

"I remember. But... no, that's why I'm here."

Looking around and behind him in his playful work, he signaled to several people who had refrained from doing so, "Give me an example."

An old man dressed in a slightly different dress from that of Rouden respectfully presents Elvin with a small box.

Among the pierced crystals was a clear liquid.

"Is that...?

When Lucas raised his eyebrows, Elvin nodded at me.

Then he threw the box at Felix and the others.

"This is' Water of Truth ', made by collecting the finest parts of my Stalk sanctity production technology. Let's take a closer look at the benefits."

Elvin is the trespasser, but he is strangely majestic.

Although he was essentially expelled from the country, in his capacity as King's brother, he asked his brother-in-law what his subordinates could say about him.

Lucas was alert and Irene watched Elvin's unilateral actions for a moment, including confusion.

"Let's start by pouring someone's blood into this water. If it's not blood, saliva is fine. Hair or pieces of flesh must be part of that person. This time, I used my hair."

Following Elvin's point, there was only one thin black hair on the bottom of the water.

Elvin stepped closer to Felix, lifting a small box with some disturbing signs in his left hand and holding his chest in his right hand.

"Then add another person to this box who wants to appraise it. Again, as long as it forms part of the human body, it doesn't have to be hair. Blood or saliva."

So I picked up Felix's wine glass on the table and wiped it with a handkerchief that I took out of my pocket.

"For example, a tiny amount of saliva on a glass."


Elvin pushed the handkerchief into a small box in front of Felix, who chilled his eyes.



The water, which was supposed to be clear, clouds red and black from the touch of the handkerchief.

Looking at it, Elvin laughed proudly.

"Look! Look, you fake king! Hahaha, faithful servants of Stalk, now I will reward you. This man is the world's biggest villain. On the other hand, it is justice that I, and Stalk, the proud nation of technology, discover the truth and tell it!

The old man behind his words is clapping his hands as if he were impressed.

Elvin turned his shoulders overwhelmingly to Lucas, who was completely left in the situation.

"Greetings are late, Brother-in-law Lucas. Don't you know what's going on here? You're drowning in a woman and a sword. Let me explain to you how my half-brother feels."

He smiled at his dark appearance.

"This is a sacred instrument made to evaluate kinship - whether it is a true parent-child. If a human body other than the parent and child touches it simultaneously, the water immediately becomes cloudy and is made like that.... Oops, if you suspect it, I'll use other parts to verify it many times."

Elvin pointed to the crystal box as pleasant and irresistible.

"The saliva you just added belonged to Felix's brother-in-law, right? And you see, this black hair belongs to our father, our ancestor, Verner. Let's prove it again and again."

Understanding what he was trying to say, Lucas and the others stretched their faces.

And the body of King Werner, and the saliva of Felix, rebelled against the holy water.

I mean...

Elvin pointed his finger at Felix as he stared at him.

"I mean. Felix's brother-in-law - this man is not the king's son. A wrongdoer who does not inherit the true lineage of Luden... a false king."

Lucas feels gloomy in his lofty declarations.

As I tried to exhale my stupid breath, I noticed that my half-brother didn't say anything.

"... brother-in-law?

Felix looked intrigued and just kept quiet.

Always seeing him without saying anything, Lucas gradually forced his face to stretch.

"... is that true?

At that point, he still believed in Felix more than Elvin.

Elvin often made ridiculous remarks about his mother's influence and how playful she was, and I don't think Felix could easily be chased down by him like that.

Well, I thought you might be thinking of such a painful objection.

"Hmm... well"

He poked his cheek cane and was stunned by what Felix murmured.

That's right.

He nodded unconsciously in a tone that he didn't want to say anything.

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