Rouden Castle's specialties include prestigious palaces, vast gardens, and a library that boasts a vast collection of books.

It is not a work of art unless it is a building.

When it comes to just one person - the identity of that person is a girl who has never been an adult.

First name, Elma.

Once she turns toward the garden, the garden tree is cut without a gap, and once she flashes her wrist, any document written in any confusing language is translated instantly.

If she plays with the dirt, she searches for fossils, if she walks, she hits the veins, if she looks at the other person's face, she sees the truth about the affair hidden there, and some miracle always happens to her wherever she walks.

By witnessing her work, the people working at the Royal Palace updated their "stunned record" every day, sometimes reaching beyond enlightenment.

"... that? What is this...?

On that day, the men who saw Elma's work bowed their heads together.

"There he is! Elma!"

Irene, who had been running around the Imperial Palace since the morning, relieved herself when she finally searched the hallway for the person she was looking for.

For about an hour now, Elma, a colleague I've been looking for, is working on repairing a painting hanging on one of the walls.

Simply slipping a pencil, she regains the vibrancy of the faded painting - a landscape painting that depicted the seaside at night.

(What, it's not Elma as usual at all)

With the same incredible ability, Irene approached as she stroked her chest down, but when Elma glanced at the repaired shoreline, she opened her eyes a bit.

The sandy beach, which was supposed to be just a wave, was somehow painted with tortoises that shed tears like pearls.

"What are you drawing, Elma?

"... it's a sea turtle spawning..."

"No, no, no! Why are sea turtles that didn't originally appear with a huge presence!?


When she shook her shoulders tightly, Elma finally stared at the painting as if she had returned to me.

Rather, before the painting, which was more beautiful and mysteriously finished than before the repair, she made her face stretch as if it were "gone".

"I'm sorry. If I noticed, my arms were moving on their own. I will repair it....."

Her dull expression and tone tell her that she was unconscious of the truth.

Irene raised her eyebrows.

"... hey"

and carefully cut out.

"You're acting weird today."


"I don't have the decency, and my glasses are only cloudy. I mean, you're blurry... you're kind of looking in a weird direction."

Irene said she was in a strange direction because she had witnessed Elma's work before she came here.

The garden tree, which should only be contoured, somehow appeared in the form of an artistic statue of the Virgin and Child, and the foreign book, which should only be translated into Ruden, was somehow translated into difficult ancient letters, and the eggs, which should only be carried to the cooking room, were all hatched somehow - and then divided into males and females.

To quote, sea turtles.

"The more amazing you are, the more amazing it is... none of this is the same as the work you were ordered to do. Even though the library clerk who read the translation said that he was fluent in language, he didn't even know how many languages, so he was half crying."

"Ah... I'm sorry. The poetry about my mother was so brilliant that I think it was expressed in ancient Dazu... I will fix it immediately..."

"I have no idea what the causal relationship is!?

As Irene quickly entered, Elma lowered her head deeply, "I'm sorry..."

Still, Irene lowered her eyebrows as if she wasn't here.

"Everyone says, 'It's amazing, so it's okay now'... Elma, what's wrong with you?

"... 'When did you have a fetal movement?'

"No, so what is it!?

That's funny.

After all, Elma is absolutely strange today.

Irene grabbed her friend's arm for a moment and forced her to take her to the infirmary.

"Didn't you catch a cold again? We should get some rest before more damage spreads. Eight hours of sleep, anyway! Even if there is a call from His Majesty all of a sudden, you can keep him waiting for half a day. I forgive you!


However, Elma, who had been dragged down the hallway as she slipped, raised her voice softly there.

"... speaking of which, yesterday night, I entrusted my life to His Majesty by saying, 'I can come to my room the next day.'"

Irene looked back silently.

Behind Elma, in the back of the hallway, is a columnar clock that also works of art.

It's now 8: 05.

Half a day had passed since the call.


Irene grabs Elma's arm again.


Then, instead of going to the infirmary, he started dashing his friends while dragging them to the king's room.

"I'm sorry..."

"Please reconsider, brother-in-law."

When Irene lowered her head and dragged her fearful Elma into the room, Lucas was eating Felix with a sharp expression.

Since one incident in Aurelia, clashes have become common.

Seeing the usual carefree Lucas wearing a terrifying force, Irene shrunk and said, "I've come to a bad place."

Lucas noticed the appearance of Elma and slowed his expression slightly, but he persisted in protesting against his brother-in-law.

"Why are you telling us to conquer Stalk now? There's no rumor of rebellion like Frenzel used to be, nor has it come from the other side, like Aurelia."

Apparently, Elmas - and possibly herself - is about to be caught in the conquest of a neighboring country.

From morning to morning, Irene grabbed Elma's arm in horror.

Speaking of which, Elma was not afraid of the men's sharp rewards and looked at the room blurrily.

"Because Stalk has the technology to produce quality sacred objects. As a growing ruden that wants to continue to grow all the time, it's a very interesting treat. Trying to swallow your neighbors is like a national instinct, isn't it?

"Stalk is a friendly country where our half-brother Elvin lives. It's not Luden's food, it's comrade. Would you please tell us the reason for the taboo 'cannibalism'?"

As Felix pointed out, Lucas immediately responded.

Felix, who was playing with a wine glass on a fine leather sofa, leaned his neck there.

"Because that third prince (Elvin) is so incompetent. Instead of working in good health to the benefit of Rouden, I let the top aristocracy of the other country join my son-in-law with the intention of spying on him, stealing this technology instantly and spreading it to Stark. You're giving a speech like," I'm already blending into the soil of Stark. "

Irene noticed the existence of a newspaper thrown next to Felix's couch.

Written in characters very similar to Ruden, it probably belongs to neighboring Stalk.

The third prince, who once left Luden, is now about to become the flag for raising anti-Luden forces in a new heavenly place - just picking up the words that even Luden can read will give you that much information.

The article depicted a young man with a sweet look speaking to the lower people of Stalk and to those who thought he was.

"I don't really like this guy or his mother either. Especially if you look at that noticeable dark face under your eyelashes, it won't cum.

"I agree, but don't bring up such personal feelings."

"Ahahah, but I don't agree..."

Felix laughed loosely, then stared at Lucas with his eyes closed.

"In that regard, I appreciate you, Lucas. Because 'tell me why' means we accept the Stalk conquest as a possibility."

The king's words are absolute. Growth in the country is justice.

Lucas understands that even if it is not humane, it should be so for those who hold the throne.

If you put Stalk in your hands, it's certainly delicious as a Rouden.

Felix put the glass on the table with a dreadful hand and smiled deeply at her half-brother.

"Its fidelity and its hidden greed in its belly. Oh, it's really preferable.... admit, what you really want to contest is that you're putting Elma in the neighborhood, not the act itself?

Elma's name came up unexpectedly and Irene was small and breathtaking.

Lucas kept quiet in a mood of frustration and Elma herself stood still vague.

Felix leaned forward with his elbows on his knees.

"Neither will the soldiers of Rouden move, nor will the people of Stalk be hurt. If you throw Elma into the royal palace alone, you can immediately open the bloodless castle of Stalk - the royal family has the ideal fighting power here, and you just try to stop it by saying that it looks like a lovely girl."

"... I have told you many times that the 'result of battle' she has achieved so far is only a miracle of chance. Her power is unknown and unstable. It's not entirely right to let the fate of the country rest on the shoulders of just one girl."

"Isn't it decent? Just sending in one person may not cause the royal family of the other country to fall, and if it fails, only Elma will bear the responsibility. Is there any other reasonable and serious way to be this risk-free?

Felix no longer conceals that he sees Elma as a token of kingdom expansion.

As for the treatment, Irene frowned and sneaked up on her friend.

But Elma is not particularly angry or sad, and now looks blurrily around the ceiling.

"... hey. Hey, Elma? I think His Majesty and His Highness are arguing about you right now....."

While whispering, Lucas and the others noticed something was wrong with Elma.

"That's what those who stand on top of people say when they bend over - Elma? Hey, what's up?

"That's what I'm saying because I'm at the top of the country." What's the matter, Elma?

Asked by the three of them, he waved his hand in front of his eyes and finally corrected his posture as if he had returned to me.

"Oh, excuse me. What was the egg cut?

"What's with the eggs?!

At last, Irene stuck her head in both hands to Elma, and the male team leaned suspiciously.

"What the hell...?

"Whatever happens, this has been going on since this morning. Don't be here."

Irene lowered her eyebrows and peered into Elma's face.

"Hey, I want to hear it too. What the hell happened?"

Elma pulled her chin and shut up as she turned her gaze at the three of them.

Then, after a long hesitation, he answered with a small voice.

"I'm pregnant."


Together, silence.

Then I put about three breaths and screamed in unison.


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