With a feeling of tension, Telesia rested her hand with an embroidered needle.

Grab a completely chilled cup of tea and gently stroke your big, curled stomach with your other hand.

"What's up, kid? Are you in a good mood?

The whispering voice belongs to a good woman, but the tone is very masculine.

Telesia was formerly a daughter of the award-winning Marquis of Lorbach, known for her masculine swordsmanship.

Telegia spoke to her as much as she could to soften her voice, which had been described as a voice for intimidating the surroundings.

"Maybe you're afraid of lightning? It's okay. Mother will protect you. The most precious boy in the world."

Outside the window, even though it was clear just now, dark clouds are approaching.

In the middle of the black clouds, Telesia began to clean up the embroidery after seeing the lightning glitter.

I don't feel like I can do needle work in a dark room that I'm not good at originally.

"Hmm, embroidery and so on, that's Krista's jurisdiction. I'm not used to it, so there's thunder and I'm hungry."

Telesia poisons her eyes as she narrows towards less than good sewing marks.

There was pale blood on the fingertips that had been poked with the needle many times.

From a young age, she was interested in swordsmanship, horseback riding, and history politics.

It's just a hobby that's not very feminine.

Speaking of two years apart, his sister, Crystal, had a pathetic appearance, a gentle personality, and, as a member of the Marquis of Lorbach, retained a great deal of sanctity.

If it had been the right generation, I would have studied in Aurelia, France, and become a Trinitate candidate.

In reality, because of the intriguing nature of the idea, Christa chose a way to conduct an apprenticeship with her sister who went up to the royal palace as queen, without taking into account the possibility of studying abroad.

However, due to Telesia's pregnancy and various circumstances, the behavioral apprenticeship was even cut off in about six months.

"... well, she can only be happy if she's surrounded by a house."

Telegia murmured with her eyes on the door.

A door to get around the neighboring sister's room without facing the hallway.

It was made with Telesia's life that even a pregnant woman who was difficult to move could call for help immediately if she even raised her voice.

"... after all, what if Krista does the embroidery?"

Telegia looks back at the embroidery at hand and sighs.

Her stomach twitched again at the applause, and she frowned.

"What, are you angry? Forgive me, Mother herself stabbed the initials."

I rub my stomach and excuse myself.

The F lettering was already embroidered in the dress prepared for the newborn baby.

"Felix, it may have been too long. I should have used Fel or Finn. But... it's the name of the king who ruled the land of Rouden. I still have to be honorable."

Felix was the name of one of the three masters who, along with his ancestors, created the land of Luden.

A wise man, with a strong will, who guided the world in a good direction.

You can say that the name contains all of Telegia's wishes.

Thinking of the dull appearance of the father of the belly child, Telesia sarcastically pulled up the edge of her mouth.

"That's right. And from every foolish father shall be born a good son. You and I will prove it. Say..."

But unexpectedly, the abdominal pain intensified, causing Telesia to choke.

Thrust your knees on the floor aggressively to avoid fainting and get over the pain.

But no matter how many I counted, the pain was getting worse rather than farther.

"... labor pain? Already?"

Ask yourself while you're sweating.

But Telesia immediately shook her head.

It's not even the lunar month yet.

Besides, the labor pain I heard is a very different symptom.

My breath rises.

I feel dizzy.

You have tinnitus and nausea - yes, strange soreness in your throat.

In an instant, a terrible possibility came to mind and Telesia faded.

And whosoever hath become a princess, and she hath a king's son, shall be afraid.

What Telegia was trying to avoid from the early stages of pregnancy until she returned home and paid the bill thoroughly.

- Poison.

"Gu... uu"

Suddenly, your stomach aches more.

Telegia couldn't tell if it really came from the symptoms or whether it was caused by the work of the mind, which was reminiscent of poison.

You've been paying a lot of attention to poison.

If so, there may be a problem with the course of the pregnancy itself.

Either way, it's a bad thing.

"... Chris, Ta"

Telesia nodded and called her sister's name.

"Krista! Come on...!

But there was no reply from the other side of the door.

Maybe my sister is sleeping for a long day too - no, it can't be.

She was several times more delicate than Telesia, and if such dark clouds were to enter the sky, she would have quickly shuffled into Telesia's room.

"Crystal!... Crystal!


The thunderbolt began to roar like a voice.

A low sound like the roar of a monster aroused anxiety asexually.


Telegia stares at the door and eventually pulls her mouth shut.

Then he crawled towards the door with his cold sweat on his face.

The room where the lights were not turned on because of the day is now almost covered in darkness.

Beyond the windows, which had not even closed the curtains, it finally began to rain in large grains.

A flash of light peeks into the gap between the dark clouds.

One beat late and a loud thunder echoes.

Turning the knob with a trembling hand, Telesia slammed open the door of the connection.

Giggle, there's a murmuring noise.

--It's shiny....!

Just then, Telesia opened her eyes to the extreme when the lightning illuminated the dark room and understood the sight spreading there.


A sharp thunderbolt like the roar of the beast pierced Telesia's ear.

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