Walzer Prison.

A stone building of a gloomy color, tangled with mulberries.

Even though the sky is blue and clear, both the spire and the surrounding forest are all dark and sunk, and it has a sense of being the castle of the Demon King.

(If this is an opera, it's going to be a scene where the horrible background songs are going to play)

Lucas had that feeling.


"... something beautiful from somewhere...?

In reality, the delicate violin tone shook the tympanic membrane, so they looked around.

It was just a steep mountain road. Naturally, they are surrounded only by fierce greenery.

But from the shadows of the trees shaking the leaves. Because of the darkness of the grass that shadows the earth.

Clear tones echo like spills from a green gap.

However, it seemed that natural sounds such as wind and leaf rubbing appeared along the sound level.

"How beautiful... is this a spiritual song...?

Oh, it's beautiful.


Irene flushed her cheeks and sighed gently, as Felix and Telesia admired.

In the meantime, only Lucas, who has excellent motor vision and intuition, stupidly captured the existence behind green.

"Who is it?!"

When someone does something with their hands on the sword on their hips, the forest groans.

It sounded like a natural tone caused by the wind, or a sigh with a smile.

--Cui.... n

A glossy violin sounds as if you were answering a question.

Upon hearing that, Elma, who was looking at the back of the forest beside her, quietly laughed and nodded.

"You raised your arm, Giovanni."


Lucas unwittingly raised his eyebrows and then

- Zah!

I stepped on the grass all at once, and I couldn't help but complain about the presence.


"It's an excessive word, and the greatest joy..."

There was a man with green paint on his face, dressed in clothes that he could not assimilate with the forest.

And there were dozens of men dressed like that.

Its harsh expression and terribly controlled movements seem like a covert force marching into the woods, but it is strange that everyone is holding instruments together.

And if you look at them, they have the same tunic and dress shirt as the royal band wears, although they are camouflaged.

………… Are they...!?

"Oh, they're just musicians."

"Music... clerk...?

With consternation and repetition, the men gently turn the instrument aside on the spot and bow.

Only a man called Giovanni raised one arm to introduce them and told them with a charming voice.

"We are the" Night Forest Orchestra ", a musical group composed of members of Walzer."

"It was a wonderful performance today."

Elma clapped, and the men holding the instrument responded by stepping on the soil and slapping the percussion.

Those were the tricks that the band used to do instead of applauding, but Irene shook her shoulders in a shrill fashion as the result seeped out.

"Nh... nh, nh, nh... what are these people...?!

"Giovanni is a former thief. He is also an amazing key master. Even if he keeps his blindfold, it is the seller who can only rely on the sound of the lock to open it, and it is believed that he has no undamaged safe. My [jealous] brother - no, my sister taught music to make use of his good ears."

"The results of education are too impressive!

"Incidentally, the men who were imprisoned for admiring Giovanni grew up to withstand 24 hours of playing and fighting throughout the night, forged by the father of [Ragnarok]."

"Fighting, not dancing!?

I was briefly introduced to a strange existence, and I still can't stop climbing inside the prison.

"I used to be played indoors, but my mother leaked, 'Music is something that should melt more naturally and be heard as if the wind were cool', so I settled into this style. Since then, this area has been secretly talked about among the woods and adventurers with the singing voice of the wooden spirit."

"Your mother's authority is too great!

When Irene looked up to heaven and screamed, Telesia pulled her chin quietly beside her.

"... an orchestra of a standard that I've never even heard of in the Royal Palace of Luden, or even in the music capital Yaderoud, goes to jail...?

Apparently, she's known for her audacity, but she's been overwhelmed by this outcry from behind.

Felix calmed down.

"If you're so upset, you won't be able to keep it later. Her Majesty the Queen."

and smiled - he called his mother "His Majesty" as he had since the time of the prince - and Lucas panicked at the words.

Well, this is Elma's home.

It's some sort of magic, no matter what happens outside the common sense.

Besides, this time Elma was hanging out.

"I see, Elma. Now, was that what you said earlier about 'hospitality'?"

It's okay. It's okay.

I am more Elma Immune than anyone else on this scene.

When asked if it would be possible to move because of the continuity, Elma tilted her neck.

"Yes, well, that's one of them - do you think it's normal for you to greet me at a home party... without entertainment?"

"... what?

"So here's the main theme of 'Welcome'."

Elma smiled and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the men of the Night Forest band lay down their love instruments and quickly shut their ears.


At the same time, a line of light runs sharply up the universe above them.

--Whoa...... nnh!

Under the blue sky, a large circle of flowers bloomed.


It is also a fireworks that depicts a vast, perfect sphere that has never been seen at a Luden festival.

"Fumu, is this a willow from a silver crown chrysanthemum with a slit and a core? Excellent sound and color."

"I don't know what you're evaluating anymore!?

"It's just a type of name. No, no, Carlos brushed his arms."

"Who is it, Carlos?

Irene screamed, but Lucas, who was looking back at the trajectory of the fireworks, saw the figure at the top of the spire and made his face slightly stronger.

"No way... the man who is waving his hand out of there... is the bomber's 'Carlos of the Blast' who caused a disturbance all over the continent for a while...!?

"Oh, my lord, was it that generation? Yes, my [greedy] brother was intrigued by his high explosive ordnance handling skills."

"Enough, I got it."

It was obvious to everyone that Carlos, the pleasant bomber, "grew up" as a firecracker in prison after "education" like Giovanni.

The fireworks rushed violently through the climax consisting of "Noagara" and "Sutaaman", and ended up symbolizing the letters "Elma LOVE" and "Welcome back".

"... already. I told them to treat their customers well....."

Elma was afraid to stay in her glasses, but they shouted in her belly.

- That's not it.

This technique allows you to manufacture, store, and deploy this amount of explosives in detail.

To be clear, this is also the equivalent of an army.

"... I mean, isn't this fireworks going to look like the whole of Frenzel?

Felix alone slipped in from a different perspective than the three, and Elma gently shook her head.

"Your visit to Varzer is a 'secret visit', so we are gathering clouds and lightning storms all over Frenzel to keep the fireworks out of sight."

Don't worry, she smiles, but where are the reassuring ingredients?

"For fireworks....?


Uh, how?

Together they are perfectly rigid.

However, Elma did not answer the question, rather than the cloth bag she was wearing on her shoulder, she glanced at the booklet peeking from there and nodded.

Then I snapped my shoes and stood in front of the prison, and I thanked him perfectly.

"Welcome aboard today. We have all the hospitality you need, so please make yourself at home and relax."

"First Home Party - 100 Hospitality Ideas"

◆ Creating an atmosphere has already begun before inviting you home.

Bring the atmosphere to life by showcasing the surrounding nature and specialties.

◆ If you have a family that is good at music, ask them to play a welcome song.

However, avoid assertive song selection and thoroughly follow the pleasant background song.

◆ The front door is the face of the house.

Make sure you see gorgeous flowers before walking through the front door.

Boost your customers' mood.

◆ Smile, smile, smile.

To give the impression that a lot of fun happens,

Hosts are expected to greet guests with a warm welcome.

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