The Third Reich

Chapter 1524: Open mouth

"Go at full speed." Moher shouted loudly. At this time, there was an explosion outside so clear that he had to use his throat to be heard by his men.

This was a submarine battle. It was abruptly fought more fiercely than surface battles. Numerous submarines were constantly seizing positions and firing at the fleet. This scene inspired every submarine soldier.

The German submarine has a long history and rich combat experience. As early as World War I, submarines had begun to shine, but no matter what they did, the submarine was still just a small wave in the entire magnificent war. Too much stunning.

Now it is finally about to change.

On land, the blitzkrieg created by the German army has achieved miracles one after another. With the large-scale expansion of the navy, aircraft carrier formations have gradually begun to show hegemony. Only submarines are still unknown, and now, finally, they will also achieve miracles. , To write a strong stroke for the entire World War II.

Full speed ahead!

In the state of the snorkel, the diesel engine started. Following the snorkel, puffs of blue smoke appeared on the sea. The propeller at the tail of U-124 turned at a high speed and swam forward strenuously.

They want to seize the launch position.

They were originally ambushing on the left side of the opposing formation, and their position was very good. However, when all the cargo ships turned to the right and sailed in the direction of the Kamchatka Peninsula, they suddenly became a tail chase attack. In this case, unless the precious acoustic homing torpedo is used, the hit rate of ordinary torpedoes is too low.

Therefore, they must accelerate.

In high-speed navigation, the precious battery power will be consumed at an alarming rate. The power can be used for a few days at low speed, and it will be gone in an hour at high speed. The Stirling engine will not be able to start at this time because of its low energy. effect.

Therefore, only turning on the engine is king.

Anyway, the sea surface is noisy at this time, and the blue smoke from the diesel engine will quickly dissipate, making it difficult to be found.

Even if they are discovered, they are not afraid. They have killed all the escorted destroyers. Are they still afraid that ordinary merchant ships will fail?

Go ahead, speed up!

The freewheel has only a 2500 horsepower engine, but it has to drive a merchant ship of more than 10,000 tons with a limit speed of only 11 knots, while the high-speed submarine quickly accelerated to 17 knots.

As it accelerated, the blue smoke on the sea began to flutter.

"Submarine, found a submarine!" Kritis shouted loudly. At the same time, his hand quickly shook the steering wheel, and the gun at the tail gradually turned over.


"Boom, boom!" The 100mm single-barreled naval gun fired a shell, spraying it to the place where the blue smoke appeared on the sea, but it was useless. The blue smoke was still advancing.

This single-barreled naval gun was originally not used to deal with submarines, but only used to deal with submarines that surfaced. Now, it can't focus on the target at all.

The antiaircraft artillery used for air defense was also turned over the muzzle and fired toward the sea. As they fired, the barrels of the guns turned, and they quickly turned to their sideboards.

This shows that the opponent has successfully seized the launch position!

Next, the terrible torpedo attacked.

"Boom, boom!" They were still firing fearlessly, and at this moment, the blue smoke on the sea disappeared.

U-124 turned on the engine to accelerate and seize the position. Now that the position has been successfully seized, Moher ordered the engine to stop.

In the periscope, the full-powered freewheel is still shooting blindly. It's a pity that all this is in vain. Now, it's up to your own!

An electric torpedo came out of the launch tube, the propeller at the tail turned and swam towards the freewheel.

"Captain, please fill the left rudder immediately." Kritis shouted loudly.

The smoke on the sea disappeared, and the opponent had already seized the position, indicating that the attack would begin immediately. At this time, one could only avoid it by turning again.

Kritis is intuitive. So far, everyone has understood that the submarine that Kritis saw yesterday was definitely not an illusion. It was a submarine that was actually discovered, but there was only one at that time.

If they had killed this hidden submarine at that time, it would be safe, but unfortunately they had ignored it. As a result, this submarine had summoned so many submarines.

Where did these submarines come from? They have no time to think about this question. It takes skill to survive so many submarines. Kritis is intuitive and must trust him.

The captain heard the call from the gun position and immediately gave the command: "Left full rudder."

The heavy hull began to turn. Its speed was not high. After turning, the speed was reduced to only about 5 knots. Then it slowly accelerated like a snail. At this time, its speed Heading west again, in the previous direction.

"Damn it." In the U-124 submarine, Moher couldn't help but cursed. The other party had foreseen it in advance, and actually turned to avoid it. His precious torpedo unexpectedly emptied another one!

"Prepare to accelerate." He gritted his teeth and gave up the order to start the diesel engine.

Obviously, there was a sharp-eyed guy on the other party's boat. He saw the blue smoke from his submarine and revealed his whereabouts. Now, he finally decided not to turn on the engine anymore.

For submarines, diesel engines are usually used to work, and batteries are used to propel the submarine into an attack state after diving. This is a formal tactic. In just a few operations, Moher just wants to save his precious electricity. Now since If it doesn't work, then of course I gave up. Anyway, there is an AIP system, and underwater low-speed navigation is no problem.

Just when he was about to occupy the position again, the target had been snatched away by another captain.

"It seems that we have caught up." At this time, in the western part of the war zone, a submarine hurriedly arrived.

U-96, Willenbrook, the old man who had greeted Moher, stared at the target in his periscope and couldn't help but say.

At this time, he had just arrived on the battlefield, and there was already a melee here, as if a group of wolves were biting their prey together. If they came late, not to mention the meat, even the soup was gone.

Now, when he arrived, he happened to see a freighter escaping from the mouth of a wolf, just rushing into his own mouth!

"Left full rudder, No. 1 launch tube, loaded with electric torpedoes, set depth 2 meters." Willenbrooke shouted.

Coming early, it's better to come by coincidence, as soon as I came here, prey was delivered to my mouth.

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