The Third Reich

Chapter 1523: Too many submarines

The proximity fuze can effectively increase the lethality. The collision fuze can only explode when it comes in contact. The proximity fuze can explode as long as it gets close. In the air, it kills by the shrapnel. In the sea, incompressible seawater is the explosive force. The main way of delivery.

The Vigilant was hit, billowing black smoke came out of its rear engine room, it had lost its power system, and at this time, it was still fighting.

At the bow of the ship, in the front of the two single-barreled 130mm B-132C naval guns, the gunners were operating on the sloping deck.

"Boom!" A blast of gunpowder at the muzzle, a 130 mm shell, flew out of the muzzle and shot towards the position of the submarine far away.

The effective weapons against submarines are torpedoes and anti-submarine deep shells, while ordinary naval artillery shells are not very lethal to submarines.

With a sharp whistling, this 130-mm artillery shell penetrated into the water. Miraculously, no ricochet occurred. The naval gun fired at the surface of the water, and a considerable part of it would ricochet.

When it entered the water, the hot warhead was instantly cooled by the sea water, and a layer of bubbles appeared around it, as if putting a red soldering iron into the water, but soon, it was cooled down.

The seawater blocked in front of it, and the resistance increased instantly. The rotating warhead did not give it any advantage. The surrounding seawater was driven by it, increasing its resistance. So, after traveling more than ten meters in the sea, it churned. Get up and roll around without any control.

There are still tens of meters away from the submarine, which is destined to be in vain.

One, after another, the advantage of the 130mm gun is that it has a fast rate of fire, and the projectile falls into the water, and a line with bubbles is drawn under the water. Soon this line has no regularity. Sliding randomly.

"Full speed, full rudder right."

"Left full rudder, stop."

"Attention, the No. 2 launch tube, electric torpedo, set a depth of 2 meters, let it go!" Moher continued to shout.

In his eyes, those flying cannonballs were just a struggle before death.

If you are hit, you can only say that you have bad luck, and the opponent just blindly launches into this sea area of ​​your own. There is no accuracy at all. If there is a threat, it must be at least the 281 caliber of the battleship. When naval guns fire high-explosive shells, when they enter the sea, they are equivalent to terrible depth charges and may cause some damage to themselves.

Now, like a tickling, my periscope is 15 meters deep. After the projectile falls into the water, a distance of 15 meters is enough to attenuate its energy, not to mention that it is still depth. The shells are tilted so that the distance is farther.

Because the opponent turned around, causing his own launch position to lose the advantage, he had to move the submarine and circle to the opponent's side again. At this time, a clear target appeared in his field of vision, so wonderful.

The second electric torpedo came out of the water, and it pounced on the target quietly. This time it was a fixed target. The loss of power made the Vigilance impossible. In the periscope, the target warship could be seen perfectly. Suddenly an even more violent explosion occurred from the middle!

The fire spread from the bottom. The sailors on the Vigil were still working hard at the last moment. They put out the fire. They wanted to save the warship. At the same time, their guns were still shooting.

"Fire, kill that **** submarine!"

The gunners were extremely angry. They watched the other side turn to their side, and watched the other side re-occupy the firing position. Their turrets also rotated and kept aiming at each other, but it was in vain.

"Captain, our warship is sinking." Boris listened to Isakov's words, his eyes fired: "We will never give up our mission, we will live and die with the warship!"

His eyes were looking at the sea behind. At this time, all the cargo ships were also firing violently.

If the crew were still Americans, they would have surrendered a long time ago. According to the unwritten practice before, the German submarine would allow them to lay down their lifeboats and allow them to leave by boat, and then the German submarine would float up again and use deck guns to kill the cargo ships.

This is good for both parties. The crew will go back alive, and the submarine will reduce the consumption of torpedoes, but the winner will still be the German submarine, because the cargo ship sank.

Now they are Soviet sailors. For them, life is secondary, and the cargo on the ship is the main thing. This is related to whether the Soviets can persist. They are defending Soviet property.

So now, the Soviet sailors will not give up fighting.

Generally speaking, cargo ships cannot be armed, but during the war, in order to protect themselves, the newly built Liberty ship has been equipped with 4-inch deck guns at the stern to deal with floating submarines and various anti-aircraft guns. To deal with the possible dive bombers.

This has become an armed cargo Kritis's heart is extremely nervous.

There are not many people on the cargo ship. Everyone is a generalist. When there is no battle, they are watchmen. When the battle arrives, they immediately become gunners.

Kritis has reached the position of the tail gun. At this time, the cargo ship he is on is also at full power. The coal-fired boiler emits black plumes of smoke, rushing into the sky, and the three-stage steam engine is rumbling. There was a noise, and the bearded captain had ordered the ship to fill the rudder to the right and accelerate towards the Kamchatka Peninsula.

At the same time, the anti-submarine aircraft deployed on the Kamchatka Peninsula came quickly after receiving the news. It only takes ten minutes to get here and expel the submarine.

No matter how brave the German submarine is, or even be able to encircle the **** ship, it is still powerless against the aircraft. As long as the anti-submarine aircraft arrives and throws depth charges, it will definitely be able to kill, at least it will be able to expel these damned submarines.

They must last until the anti-submarine aircraft arrives.

Kritis has no confidence, he has a foreboding the end.

The Germans had too many submarines. What he saw was only part of them. In this sea area, at least ten submarines were besieging them.

The targets of the first wave of submarine strikes were those escorting ships. The escorted ships were originally anti-submarine, but now they have been beaten horribly because there are too many submarines.

When the **** warship is killed, no one can escape these cargo ships!

Kritis’s eyes were fixed on the sea, most afraid of the bubbling torpedo that appeared suddenly, and at the same time, the corner of his eyes swept the sinking vigilance.

The sea has flooded the deck, but the gunners are still firing, but no submarine is interested in it anymore.

After the **** ship is killed, it is the feast of the captains, eat the cargo ship!

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