The Third Reich

Chapter 1522: Proximity fuze

Dazzled, I must be dazzled. At this time, Kritis felt a flustered inexplicably.

He couldn't give out the alarm, and couldn't let his side work in vain like yesterday. He felt that he must be wrong, and he actually had hallucinations.

So he shifted his angle again and re-observed the sea surface. After he adjusted it clearly, the sea surface was exactly the same.

"Oh, damn, I still can't work, I have a problem with my eyes." He yelled helplessly, and almost just after he yelled, suddenly, a sharp alarm sounded on the sea.

"Submarine, found the German submarine!"

On other cargo ships, there were also watchmen who discovered the anomaly on the sea, but unfortunately, it was too late.

It is very difficult to find periscopes on the sea by eyes. Kritis was able to find several, indeed because of his luck, and also because there are too many submarines nearby.

There were eight submarines rushed here, and now they are on the starboard side of the fleet, and they are already in an attacking position.

The U-124 submarine.

Last night, they arrived at the predetermined sea area and found the sailing fleet, but Moher did not order an attack.

The effect of attacking the fleet at night is not good. In fact, this is similar to other tank battles. In the case of generally equipped with direct torpedoes, it completely relies on the experience of the captain to obtain the results, estimate the speed of both sides, and predict Evaluate the other's turn, and so on. But in the dark, it is risky to observe closely, and to get inaccurate when far away.

Therefore, they could only wait until daylight, and now, U-124 entered its attack position just after dawn, and his target was the first destroyer.

Yes, as long as the escorting warships are eliminated first, it will be easier for them to attack those merchant ships. When there are more and more submarines underwater, they no longer fear the ships on the surface.

After all, they have an advantage in numbers, and at the same time, the anti-submarine capabilities of those surface ships are not high, there are no advanced sonars, only deep bombs and torpedoes, they are not afraid.

Eliminate them in the first wave!

"Launch tube No. 1, G7U torpedo, fixed depth of two meters, maximum speed." Moher shouted loudly.

This is the first time he has launched the most advanced hydrogen peroxide torpedo since he was a captain. This precious torpedo has always been used against the most important target.

Must hit!

"Let it go!" With his order, there was a bang, and there was a sound of water from the submarine. With the help of high-pressure air, the torpedo had left the torpedo tube, like an arrow from the string, and quickly reached 46 knots. Speed, heading for the enemy warship 1 nautical mile away.

At this moment, the Soviet alarm had just sounded.


"A heat-powered torpedo was found, coming from our port side!"

The heat-powered torpedo must discharge gas, which will form a series of terrible bubbles on the surface of the water. This is why it is easy to be seen. In contrast, the electric torpedo hunts silently.

"Three forwards, full rudder left!" Boris shouted loudly.

As the captain and at the same time as the leader of the **** formation, Boris has a heavy responsibility. He only sleeps for a few hours every day, and he appears on the bridge just after the dawn.

When he heard the alarm, he thought it was a false alarm just like yesterday. As a result, the torpedo came straight away!

Without even thinking about it, he immediately ordered Zuo Man Ruo.

As an old Maozi, you must have the courage to dash up and fight with the bayonet.

The torpedo was hit from the left, so he rushed to the left. On the one hand, the left full rudder can reduce the bombed area, so as to avoid being attacked, and at the same time, it can quickly kill the target.

"Prepare to release a deep bomb!" While holding the handle on the side, his body was bearing the inertia of Zuo Man Rudder, he gave the order again.

Rush up and blow up you!

The main defense against direct torpedoes is to find out in advance. As long as the torpedo launched by the other party can be spotted in advance, it will be easy to dodge.

However, if the torpedo is extremely fast, it will be different, and it will give the other party no reaction time at all, such as now.

With a body of more than two thousand tons of Vigilance, steering is not laborious, and its engine power is still quite large. When it is turning, its speed hardly decreases.

At this time, the lookout post was tightly holding the handrail on the side and keeping his body well, he was also nervously watching the bubbles on the sea.

The speed of the bubbles is too fast! It was almost instantaneous.

They could see that the bubble formed a line, coming quickly toward their side, and when their side turned, the line was already pointing straight behind their side.

If there was no turning, it happened to be cut off by the waist. Now, it should be hiding, right?

"Boom!" There was a huge noise from underwater column of water a few meters high came out of the water.

With the explosion, the hull behind the destroyer seemed to be lifted from the water. Everyone turned pale at this moment. It seemed that the destroyer would break the hull in the next moment.

Proximity fuze, not impact fuze!

Ordinary torpedoes are all impact fuzes. They will explode only after an impact. However, some of them use proximity fuzes, which are simpler than the proximity fuses of artillery shells. They can reach their targets using magnetic detection.

This kind of hydrogen peroxide torpedo is too expensive. In order to improve its hit rate, German technicians first adopted a composite fuze of collision and proximity bomb on it.

It can be triggered within five meters.

Now, even though the swiftly turning Vigilance evaded this terrible torpedo, it exploded due to the proximity fuse, and the stirred sea water violently impacted the hull, sending out a terrible creak. The squeaking sound seemed to be about to break in the next moment!

When the ship's hull was balanced again, everyone was lucky. Boris was still very determined and wanted to continue pursuing, but found that the mechanical sound of the engine room disappeared.

"Engine room, damage report." Boris shouted loudly.

"Water in the engine room, water in the engine room, and the boiler submerged." The voice inside was very anxious.

The **** of luck did not look after them again. A few seconds later, a loud bang came from the tail of the ship, and the steam pressure in the boiler was too high and it exploded!

The Vigilance will lose all power and they can no longer sail.

"Naval gun, fire on me, fire on the sea." Boris continued to shout, as long as it does not sink, the battle will not stop.

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