The Third Reich

Chapter 1525: Wolves bite

The main way to deal with submarines is to find out in advance.

The submarine needs to attack from the side to be effective. Therefore, as long as you find the opponent and turn ninety degrees, you can make the opponent's submarine circle in a big circle. When the opponent re-occupies the launch position, then you will turn around.

This premise is to know that the submarine is there, in later generations, there are advanced sonar equipment, and in this era, it depends on human intuition.

Kritis's instinct once again saved the cargo ship, turned twice and avoided two torpedoes, which was enough for Moher to beat his chest, but their good luck stopped there.

"Hidden." At the position of the tail gun, Kritis did not fire. His eyes were so sharp that he actually saw the track of the torpedo that was passing under the water.

The movement of an electric torpedo is very small, but its navigation still relies on a propeller. When the propeller stirs the sea, it will always bring some changes.

Hid it!

If he didn’t turn, he would definitely be hit by this torpedo. Kritis felt his back soaked, and when he turned his eyes to the nearby sea, he erected each one again. Hairs.

"Damn, our port side, there are submarines, captain, fast, full rudder left, oh no, full rudder right, oh no, speed up!"

He has no idea what to do.

If it is a warship, you can rush to the direction of the submarine with the rudder left full, but they are cargo ships, why are they rushing up? How do you fight bayonet with others?

Can't the left rudder be full, then the right rudder? This is also not possible. If the rudder is full right, the submarine just now will give him a good chance to launch the torpedo, so after hesitating twice, he finally said to accelerate.

This is useless, because just now the cargo ship was accelerating after turning, and now the acceleration does not change the sailing state at all, and the deceleration is not possible. There is no brake on the slow cargo ship, and the deceleration is only the propeller reversed. In this critical moment, inverting the propeller will not save them.

"Boom!" An electric torpedo easily made intimate contact with its sideboard, and then a huge explosion tore open the watertight compartment below, and sea water poured in turbulently.

German torpedoes can kill 10,000-ton-class warships with just one piece. Although merchant ships are also 10,000-ton-class ships, their construction standards are low and they cannot resist attack at all.

As the sea rushed in, everyone knew that the ship was about to sink.

They quickly dropped the lifebuoy, then jumped into the sea.

The same is true for Kritis. When he struggled to catch the swimming ring, Kritis panted and looked at everything around him.

Cargo ships were being besieged. Under the attack of German submarines, they had no room to fight back.

This was simply a unilateral slaughter. After the escorted ships were killed, the remaining cargo ships were slaughtered.

As the U-107 submarine that first discovered the fleet, of course it did my part.

"Launch!" Heisler shouted loudly. The torpedo came out of the water and headed towards the cargo ship that was speeding up to escape. Then, a violent explosion occurred at the bottom of the cargo ship and stopped.

The crew kept jumping from above, and the scene was in chaos, but unfortunately, their luck was very bad.

"Boom!" A few seconds later, this cargo ship suddenly had a more terrifying explosion. During the explosion, the entire cargo ship was suddenly exploded from the middle and turned into pieces.

"Hurry up, lower the periscope!" Heisler shouted. As soon as his periscope was lowered, there were fragments flying over the sea, and at the same time, the underwater vibrated violently.

What is this cargo ship transporting? This explosion is too elaborate, right?

With this exploded cargo ship as the center, the sea water radiates outward in a wave-like ring, spreading out in circles, and the waves are actually five or six meters high!

The two nearby cargo ships were unfortunately hit by the flying debris and hit the hull. Then, as the waves moved, the hull was lifted.

This is simply an explosion at the ammunition depot level!

In the submarine underwater, the submarine soldiers also covered their ears. The sound was terrible.

When the explosion subsided, Heisler raised his periscope again, rolled up his sleeves and continued to work, looking for the next target murderously. The sea was their prey.

Kamchatka Peninsula.

This is a long peninsula located in the Soviet Far East. It borders the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the west, and the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea to the east. It is the second largest peninsula in the Soviet Union.

The crust is unstable, volcanoes are active, earthquakes are frequent, and there are many hot springs and geysers. There are more than 160 volcanoes.

The climate is cold in winter and cool in summer. There are modern glaciers in the mountains. The central and southern part is a peninsula forest area, with conifers, birches, and poplars dominated by larch. The north is forest tundra and tundra. There are various mineral deposits in where forests occupy the area of ​​the peninsula.

Therefore, it is not suitable for human habitation at all. It has always been sparsely populated and most areas are in an undeveloped state.

At present, in the southern part of the peninsula, Petropavlovsk is the largest city here, the capital is located, and the population is only tens of thousands. The fishing industry and fish processing industry are usually the mainstay, but in the suburbs, newly built The naval aviation unit of the Far Eastern Military District.

After receiving the news, they were extremely nervous. A SB-2 bomber, carrying an anti-submarine deep bomb, hurriedly left from the airport runway.

"Our cargo ship is being attacked by German submarines and we must rescue them." On the bomber's lead plane, Major Evgeny said, his heart was extremely anxious.

Although in the Far East, they also remembered the battle on the Western Front. The situation was quite unfavorable for the Soviets. If the Soviets did not have American blood transfusions, they would probably not be able to hold on.

From a geographical point of view, the United States and the Soviet Union are separated by the Bering Strait, and it seems that it is possible to go by land. Just take a ferry from the Bering Strait, but in fact, this simply does not work.

Because the vast Far East of the Soviet Union is desolate, there are no railways, the weather is cold, the forest is dense, and there are no roads at all. Shipping is the lowest cost and most efficient mode of transportation.

They are tasked with protecting sea passages.

The SB-2 bomber flew quickly to the southern coast, but when they arrived, only a mess on the sea was left.

The entire fleet, under the bite of the German wolves, was in tatters, without leaving a complete cargo ship. On the sea, a man's head was floating, seeming to be telling something.

Why don't you come here earlier, the Germans have already run away. Damn it, there are probably twenty German submarines.

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