The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 931: Nebula Array

"It seems that everything still needs to be on your own."

Liao Hu gritted his teeth.

"Knife, you go to the Heaven Temple for help. Now only the Heaven Temple has the strength to help us."

Liao Hu said.

Before that, Liao Hu didn't ask for help from the Temple of Heaven for the first time. This was also because. The main hall of the Temple of Heaven is still some distance away from the jurisdiction of the Giant Tiger Gang. But now Liao Hu has no choice.

"this is only…"

The confidant knife hesitated to speak but stopped.


Liao Hu was impatient.

"Previously, the small knife that had been self-assertive when he asked for help from several major forces also asked for help from the Heavenly Temple. But so far there has been no reply."


"What. Damn, why on earth is the temple like this?"

Liao Hu's heart is cold. It can be said that the Heavenly Temple is the only life-saving straw for the Giant Tiger Gang at this moment, but now the Heavenly Temple is also turning a deaf ear to the Giant Tiger Gang, which makes Liao Hu feel a bit weird.

Because the Giant Tiger Gang did not make offerings to the Temple of Heaven every year, but now the other party has abandoned him.

"Send a message again and say, if the Temple of Heaven is willing to make a move, our Giant Tiger Gang will increase the offering by 50% every year."

Liao Hu gritted his teeth and said with blood red eyes.

This time, in order to save his life, Liao Hu was already preparing to bleed heavily. It needs to be known that every year the giant tiger gang alone makes a huge offering to the Temple of Heaven. Adding an achievement is already a great price, not to mention that Liao Hu has increased by 50%. That is totally astronomical.

Liao Hu, the lord of the Tiansheng Temple, is very clear about the disposition of Xi Yuan, not to mention insatiable, but he pays such a big price, the other party will definitely be moved.


The confidant knife turned and left.

Just an hour later

The knife came back and told Liao Hu that there was still no reply from the Tiansheng Temple. The news is like sinking into the ocean.

"What, how could this be?"

Liao Hu was shocked.

In Liao Hu's view, the giant tiger gang paid such a big price, the other party should be able to take action.

Liao Hu carefully thought about the details of this alliance, and found that the Lord of the Temple of Heaven, Xi Yuan, seemed to be partial to the big man in his words and deeds.

"Is this big man a puppet force supported by the Heavenly Temple?"

The more Liao Hu thought about it, the more he realized that this possibility was very high. Otherwise, how to explain, after he paid such a huge price for Liao Hu, Tiansheng Temple is still unwilling to make a move. This is obviously unreasonable.

"Damn it, it turns out that the big man was supported by you in the Tiansheng Temple, **** it, I, Liao Hu, must spread the news so that all the forces in the Yunlong Region know the true face of the big man."

Liao Hu gritted his teeth and looked a little sullen.

"It's not good. Helper, the big thing is not good."

Two guards stumbled in from the outside.

"If you have something to say."

At this moment, Liao Hu was mentally prepared. His complexion was calm.

"Tianfeng City, Qiusha City fell one hour ago. At this moment dozens of flying boats are coming to our Black Tiger City."

Liao Hu's guards looked at him and said.

"Helper, the airspace leading to other forces in our Black Tiger City is blocked by the big man's flying boat. We can't escape."

Another guard said.

"Well, this big man really wants to annex my giant tiger gang. Even if I die, I will fight the big man to the end."

Liao Hu roared.

Liao Hu returned to his room after explaining the next defense of Black Tiger City to a few of his cronies. In a secret part of this room, a secret compartment was opened.

Inside this hidden compartment is an exquisite little box.

Liao Hu trembling hands, opened the small box.

Inside the box is a black pill.

This is the pill that Liao Hu obtained in a secret territory a hundred years ago. The introduction at that time, swallowing this pill can stimulate the potential of the whole body. Let your own realm, improve three small realms.

Effective below the Emperor Realm. Exceeding the Emperor Realm is invalid. The strongest increase in strength does not exceed the Divine Emperor Realm.

Three small realms, that is, Liao Hu can take this pill. Let your strength increase from the early stage of the Divine King Realm to the peak of the Divine King Realm.

Of course, this comes at a price. Although he can increase his strength to the peak of the Divine Emperor Realm. But the price is that he will lose his life by two thousand years.

The warrior of the **** king realm has a life span of tens of thousands of years. But this does not represent the infinite life span of the warriors of the **** king realm. It has been a lot for two thousand years.

For warriors, Shouyuan is very important. More lifespan means that this warrior has more opportunities to break through to the next great realm. Every time you break through a great realm, your life will be doubled.

It was extremely rare for Liao Hu to get this pill. But this pill is not used routinely. It can only be used as a background and used to desperately. Therefore, this pill, Liao Hu, has always been treasured and has not been used. But now, Liao Hu had to work hard. The big man is about to approach the city. If you don't work hard, there will be no chance.

"Big man, don't force me, if you force me again. I will use it to let you know what fear is."

Liao Hu murmured.

The voice was filled with endless madness.

One day later

Dozens of flying boats flew over Black Tiger City


Liu Ce floated on the flying boat and watched the countless restrictions flying above Black Tiger City, densely packed.

As soon as the flying boat approached, countless white lights came. Force the big man's flying boat back.

"There are even restrictions?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

This restriction was arranged by Liao Hu many years ago with the famous Daoist and Rune Master of the Yunlong Region, and it is infinitely powerful. After all, this huge black tiger city is the headquarters of the black tiger gang. Liao Hu also worked hard to manage this place.

"Your Excellency is the Han Emperor of the Great Han?"

Liao Hu is floating in the void, facing Liu Ce at a distance. The endless murderous intent was locked on Liu Ce's body.

"It's me."

Liu Ce was expressionless.

"You are so rampant that you dared to invade my Black Tiger City. Give you a chance to lead your people and let me go. Otherwise, I can't blame my gang leader for being merciless."

Liao Hu looked at Liu Ce.


Liu Ce smiled, as if he had heard the most funny joke in the world.

"Dare to be tough when you die."

Liu Ce looked disdainful.

"Emperor Han, you are very strong, you can occupy several giant cities under our giant tiger gang in a short period of time, but today, you are destined to come home."

Liao Hu said confidently.

Liao Hu naturally has a lot of confidence, because this Black Tiger City is the existence of the Nebula Giant Array. This Nebula Array is a restriction of the combination of formation and runes.

Not only is it strong in defense, but it can also absorb the enemy's attack power and turn it into the energy of the formation, and finally burst out. Inflict a huge attack on the enemy.

This is the formation that Liao Hu spent a hundred years ago to invite people to lay out. This nebula array has been used for so many years, although it has only been used twice. But it was these two times that allowed the Black Tiger Gang to avoid the end of destruction. Therefore, Liao Hu still has great confidence in the Nebula Array. He believes that this time is still enough to let the enemy go down. In this way, he has the opportunity to regroup.

"Is it?"

Liu Ce smiled contemptuously.

"Isn't it just a nebula formation? I don't know what it is like a great god-level formation."

Liu Ce shook his head, his expression extremely disdainful.

With that said, Liu Ce made a series of marks against the formation.

"this is?"

Liao Hu suddenly felt a little puzzled that this Emperor of Han was actually still a master of formation. But immediately he looked disdainful.

"Emperor Han, you still don't waste your efforts. This is not something you can break. Do you think any formation master can break this formation of our Black Tiger City?"

Liao Hu smiled disdainfully.

No wonder Liao Hu thought so. This is also normal, after all, there are not many Array Daoists in the Yunlong Region. That's just the case with Grand Master Zhendao. What's more, Liao Hu's prohibition is a combination of formation and runes. Even if Liu Ce is a Xuanjie Formation Taoist, but this must also cooperate with Rune Master to break his nebula formation. But Master Zhen Dao is hard to see. What's more, there must be a Master Fu Dao to cooperate, which is even more impossible. This is why Liao Hu believes that as long as there are nebula formations, Black Tiger City is as solid as gold soup.

Moreover, although Liao Hu could see that Liu Ce seemed to be a master of the formation, the general masters of the formation were very old. But Liu Ce looked just a few years old, in Liao Hu's eyes, it was definitely the kind of lanugo without legs. Even if it is an array of Taoists, how many Taoisms can there be. Therefore, this is also the reason for Liao Hu's disdain.

But then, Liao Hu gradually couldn't laugh.

I saw Liu Ce cast a series of formation marks that fell from the void and landed on the enchantment of the Nebula Formation. A series of patterns and runes appeared on the barrier.

"How is it possible, how could this Emperor of Han be not only a formation master, but also a rune master?"

Liao Hu looked like he was alive.

This is not to blame Liao Hu, because the Emperor of Han is indeed too contrary to common sense. It would be fine if the Emperor of Han was only the master of the Array Dao. Some evildoers can indeed come from behind at a young age. But this Han emperor was not only an array master, but also a rune master, which was a bit shocking.

The array patterns and runes are lit one by one.

"Damn it, absolutely can't let him break the formation."

Liao Hu had no luck at this moment. He knew that if Liu Ce was allowed to continue this way, the opponent would really be able to destroy the formation. Therefore, Liao Hu shouted to several warriors around him: "Go on, come on, stop him."

Dozens of warriors from the early stage of the Divine Realm all rushed towards Liu Ce's place.

Liu Ce didn't move, he was still imprinting the formation seal, and the light of the seal tactics fell from Liu Ce's hand toward the nebula formation. Every time, there will be a trace of ripples on it. Then a series of runes and formation patterns appeared on the barrier.

Hundreds of rune patterns, thousands of rune patterns... appeared densely on the barrier. Exudes a mysterious atmosphere.


Seeing those dozens of warriors from the Divine Master Realm rushed forward.

Fei Peng snorted coldly. The terrifying coercion radiated from him.

The void between heaven and earth trembles. The fifty-eight divine master realm warriors suddenly felt that the void around them was imprisoned, and an invisible mountain was pressed down from the void towards them.

"Do not…"

These warriors of the Divine Master Realm were terrified, and they wanted to struggle. But under that terrible power, their struggle is like a worm shaking a tree, and it has no effect at all.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

One by one, the warriors of the Divine Master Realm made a screaming scream, and the whole person exploded into blood mist and dissipated into the void.

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