The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 932: Drug abuse

"What? Divine King Realm?"

Liao Hu's expression pursed, he keenly felt that the person who shot was definitely not just as simple as the early stage of the Divine King Realm. But he couldn't just watch the Nebula Array being broken like this. If the Nebula Array was broken, then Black Tiger City would really be over. It can be said that this Nebula Array is the last barrier of this Black Tiger City. You can't just lose it like that.

"Brothers follow me. He must not let him break the nebula formation like this. If you sacrifice, your family will treat you kindly."

Liao Hu said.

When the warriors beside Liao Hu heard Liao Hu's words, they all turned pale. When they heard what Liao Hu said, they knew what the other party meant. For these people, which family is not connected with the Giant Tiger Gang, there is no way out at this moment in any case.

"Helper, remember what you said."

Those warriors knew that they had to work hard.


Liao Hu led people to kill Feipeng.

"court death…"

Fei Peng snorted coldly. Formed a huge field. Suppress these warriors who rushed towards him.



Those warriors in the Divine Master Realm felt the oppressive power on their bodies, and they all knew that this time was a time for desperation. Decisively chose to blew up.

The martial artist of the Divine Master Realm, the power of self-detonation is huge. Especially dozens of warriors.

Fei Peng's domain is formed by his strength. Therefore, these warriors chose to explode in his domain, and his domain suddenly oscillated.

A warrior in the Divine Realm blew himself up and would exert a hundred times more power than himself. This is also such a choice for those who are desperate. Under normal circumstances, wherever there is a glimmer of hope, such a choice will not be made. But once such a choice is made, the power of this revenge is enormous.

Scaboo was caught off guard and was also greatly impacted.

"go to hell!"

Liao Hu was looking for this opportunity a long time ago. He knew that Feipeng was most likely a warrior in the middle stage of the Divine King Realm. It is also the most powerful one among the big guys. Just kill him, or hit him badly. Black Tiger City will be able to turn the crisis into peace.

The heavy building in the distance did not make a move, nor did the other big Han gods and demons. Although the scaboo at the moment suffered a little loss because of inattention, it does not mean that the scaboo can't cope with it.


I don't know when a red spear appeared in Liao Hu's hand. Exuding absolutely terrifying murderous aura. The bright red spear seemed to be made of condensed blood.


Liao Hu shot Feipeng with a spear.

The terrifying air wave shook the entire void. The void is all under this spear, as if it is about to crack.


Fei Peng's eyes condensed. Although Liao Hu did seize the opportunity, the self-detonation of those giant tiger gang fighters did cause some trouble for Fei Peng. But it's just a trace. In less than a few breaths, Scaboo had already adjusted.


Fei Peng banged out with a punch.

The entire void shook under Fei Peng's punch. There was a ripple in the void.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

Feipeng's punch hit Liao Hu's blood spear accurately.

Suddenly, Liao Hu felt that his hand holding the spear trembled and was thrown away. With a frightening punch, the force of destruction was crushed toward him like a tsunami.


Feipeng's punch directly hit Liao Hu's chest.


Liao Hu snorted and flew back.

"Huh, not dead?"

Scaboo was a little surprised.

Seeing that Liao Hu quickly flew into the defensive formation, Feipeng was a little puzzled. His punch, although he didn't use his full strength because of his haste, it was not something that a mere Divine King Realm could resist in the early stage.

"Is there any body armor?"

Fei Peng thought thoughtfully.

Fei Peng did not expect that what he was thinking was indeed completely close to the truth. This Liao Hu had previously obtained an armor in a secret realm. This armor is of the highest level. The defense is extremely strong. Liao Hu wore it completely personally. After so many years, it can be regarded as saving Liao Hu several times. It can be said that if he had this armor, he would have died long ago. It's impossible to live till now. At this moment, this armor saved Liao Hu's life again.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

In Black Tiger City, Liao Hu spit out a few bites of blood. His complexion was extremely wilting. Although the Demon Sky armor blocked about 80% of his strength, he still abruptly absorbed 20% of his strength. Liao Hu suffered serious injuries.

But at this moment, Liu Ce had already revealed all the runes and formations. He stretched out his hand and wiped the void.

Immediately, all runes and formation patterns were not erased. The original defensive formation suddenly collapsed.


The defensive barrier quickly cracked like a spider web.

"Hahahaha. Liao Hu, the defensive formation that you are proud of in Black Tiger City is gone. Now it's up to you how to resist our big guy's army."

Fei Peng laughed.

"What about the helper?"

"Let's surrender..."

At this moment, the people of the Giant Tiger Gang were all frightened, but at this moment. The people of these giant tiger gangs have completely lost their fighting spirit, after all, the enemy is too strong. Their giant tiger gang is not an opponent at all.

"Whoever of you dares to surrender, I will take off his head, Liao Hu."

Liao Hu roared.

On weekdays, Liao Hu has a strong reputation in the Giant Tiger Gang. Although the Giant Tiger Gang was facing the Jedi at this moment, Liao Hu, who was in a rage, still made all the senior members of the Giant Tiger Gang feel jealous.

Liao Hu knew that even if he temporarily frightened the high-levels of these giant tiger gangs, it was only temporary. When the situation is unstable, sooner or later they will have to reverse it. The only way is to use a victory to open the situation.

Originally, Liao Hu was still hesitating to take the medicine, but at this moment, he had no other choice.

"Big man, you forced me."

Liao Hu quietly took the pill.

Suddenly, a boiling force, like a volcanic eruption, erupted from his body.

"Liao Hu, surrender, maybe, you still have a way to survive."

Fei Peng flew down from the void and blasted Liao Hu's body with a punch.


At this moment, Liao Hu raised his head. A punch blasted towards where Fei Peng was.

This punch was shocking. Void shocks. The moment Liao Hu blasted this punch, the void seemed to freeze.

"What? This breath?"

Scaboo was caught off guard.

"Boom!" A sound.

Fei Peng flew out all over, and fell to the ground severely, vomiting blood, his expression was extremely wilting.

This is the peak of the Divine King Realm.

Enough to strengthen the two small realms of Fei Peng. Therefore, just like this, Scaboo suffered serious injuries.


Fei Peng took out the Town Demon Sword. Although he didn't know how the opponent suddenly became the pinnacle of the Divine King Realm, he knew that the opponent at the moment was qualified to let himself make a full shot.

"Heaven Tribulation Nine Swords!"

Scaboo shot with all his strength.

"It's useless, all of you have to die at this moment."

Liao Hu smiled wantonly.

The cultivation base of the peak of the **** king realm made Liao Hu feel full of power. The opponent who had originally made him extremely jealous, in his current vision, that was just the case.

"The sky spear kills."

Liao Hu rushed towards the Fei Peng, the person was in the air, and a terrifying spear slew towards where Fei Peng was. The terrifying spear couldn't rise from the one that Liao Hu used earlier, the difference between heaven and earth.

The terrifying spear intent seemed to freeze the void.

The scaboo was suppressed in an instant. Every blow of the opponent made Fei Peng feel the power of Tarzan.

Although Liao Hu only used the pill to improve his power, there would be a huge gap between him and the true peak of the Divine King Realm. But there is already a great sense of oppression for the scabious.

At the Divine King Realm, a small realm gap cannot be made up by ordinary power.

"I'll help you..."

The enthusiasm for watching the heavy building was also boiling. This kind of powerful pressure is a source of breakthrough for the martial artist, which can stimulate the potential of the whole body in battle. At some point, this effect is even better than the cultivation tower.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ce didn't let Young Master Void take action. Although there are three big brothers Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng, and Tuxing Sun, Liu Ce only plans to let the empty son go. Sometimes the hidden hole cards still need to be hidden. Although the dimensionality reduction blow is cool, it is easy to expose the strength.


Liu Ce shouted expressionlessly.

"Humble job."

A look of emptiness pursed.

"Pay attention to the two, when it's about time, it's time for you to end."

Liu Ce said to the empty son.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, a strength that is raised by a pill is not in the eyes of the humble position."

The empty son said proudly.


Liu Ce nodded slightly, knowing that the other party was telling the truth.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Liu Ce.

"Your Majesty, there is a situation."

A warrior dressed in Xichang factory guards came to Liu Ce.


Liu Ce took the secret letter and opened it.

"Nine Sun Sect?"

Liu Ce knew from Xichang Factory Wei's intelligence that after thousands of miles behind him and others, the army of the Nine Sun Sect was lurking quietly.

"What is the other party's intention?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

But Liu Ce was also a wise man, and soon knew the plans of the Nine Sun Sect.

In fact, after Liu Ce entered the interstellar. The heads of the nine major forces in the Yunlong Region have all known about them. Knowing that the sovereign of the Nine Sun Sect is ambitious. Have the sole ambition to annex the Yunlong Domain family. Before the invasion of the demons, the Nine Suns Sect went to war with several other major forces.

Only after the demons invaded, all the plans were disrupted by the demons, and they were stranded. Unexpectedly, this time, taking advantage of the battle between the big man and the giant tiger gang, the Nine Sun Sect wanted to take advantage of the fire.

"Hehe, if you want to go down the mountain to pick peaches, it depends on whether I am willing."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"Your Majesty, over the Nine Sun Sect, are we..."

Yue Fei, who was standing beside Liu Ce, asked.

"No, with our strength, the mere Nine Sun Sect is not enough to see."

Liu Ce said confidently.

Now the army of the big man has come out of this training tower, completely reborn. Liu Ce did have such confidence to say such things.


Feipeng and Chonglou were knocked out by the giant tiger gang leader Liao Hu with a spear. The defense on his body was torn every inch. The faces of the two were as pale as purple, and it was obvious that Liao Hu's blow caused them serious injuries.

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