Liu Ce immediately began to check the attributes of the current cultivation tower.

Props: Training Tower

Level: Inferior artifact

Evolution degree: 30%

Function: In the training tower, the training speed increases 500 times. Unlock the fourth floor training room. The quota of training rooms at each level has been increased tenfold. Possess the power of calming souls (the training of martial artists reduces the chance of getting into troubles to less than 10%)

Liu Ce looked happy. Only then did he clearly know the specific functions of the cultivation tower. The entire cultivation tower has nine floors, which is a nine-level cultivation tower. After upgrading to a middle-grade artifact, the original primary training room can enter 1,000 people at a time, but now it has become 10,000 people. The intermediate training room has become a thousand people, and the high-level training room has become a hundred people. The top training room on the fourth floor is now open. This fourth floor training room can only enter ten people at a time. But it is the power that can speed up the martial artist's understanding of the rules.

Rules are not rules. The law is just a kind of natural way between heaven and earth evolving to the extreme power. But the rules are above the world. It is the essence of everything. Compared with the law, one is in the sky and the other is underground. It is incomparable.

The rule represents a kind of order, like the key to the way of nature.

The Divine Emperor Realm, and even the realm above the Divine Emperor Realm, is a prying into the rules.

However, only the person who enters knows how much the cultivation room on the fourth floor has accelerated the way of nature.

A smile appeared on Liu Ce's face. he knows. Tuxing Sun, Cao Sheng, Cao Bao and others were stuck in the Divine Emperor Realm for a half-step. Now that they have this top-level training room, they may now have the opportunity to enter the Divine Emperor Realm.

Of course, Liu Ce also knew that the top training room was only accelerating their entry into the Divine Emperor Realm, but it was impossible to enter in the short term.

And when Liu Ce saw the spar that the top training room needed once, it was extremely painful. This top-level training room takes three days at a time, and it only needs 100 million high-grade spars.

This made Liu Ce extremely distressed. Even though he had just waited for the treasure of the Emperor of God, he felt that it was very painful. After all, this is a 100 million high-grade spar, not a 100 million low-grade spar or middle-grade spar.

This top-level training room also has restrictions on the entry of warriors, and like the high-level training room, warriors can only enter once within three months.

Liu Ce didn't know why, the training tower had restrictions on the time for the martial artist to enter. He also inquired about the system, but the system only told him that this is a protection mechanism for the martial artist. In terms of the system, everything has a law of growth, and relying too much on foreign objects will consume a lot of the potential of the warrior. Instead, the gains outweigh the losses.

Although Liu Ce doesn't know what this means, he also knows that the system will not deceive himself in this regard. If you listen to the system, you are right.

"Wang Chun."

Liu Ce shouted.

"The servant is here."

Wang Chun stood on the side.

"Go, announce that from now on, the training tower will reopen."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Wang Chun left immediately.

"In three months at most, my big man will be rosy for the first time. Has the Giant Tiger Gang been waiting?"

Liu Ce muttered.

Three months later

All the troops of Dahan have practiced in the training tower one after another. The original three-month period was still a little hasty, but Liu Ce upgraded the cultivation tower to the middle grade.

The primary training room can accommodate ten thousand people at the same time, which greatly improves the efficiency of military training. This allowed all of Dahan's army to rotate successfully.

It can be said that the strength of the Han army has increased too quickly. Especially after the cultivation tower was upgraded to a middle-grade artifact, the vitality of the world in this cultivation tower was 500 times that of the outside world. That is, the speed of cultivation has increased five hundred times. It also reduces the probability of getting into trouble.

Originally, the soldiers who entered the training tower behind looked envied and envied by the colleagues who entered before them, but each of them found out that after they entered behind, the speed of cultivation was much faster than the first entrants described. Happy one by one.

Every few days, you can see soldiers and warriors with strong breath coming out of the training tower.

Dahan Han Palace Qinzheng Hall

In front of Liu Ce, Yuhuatian stood respectfully.

"Yuhuatian, you said, how many agents of the Giant Tiger Gang have been captured during this period?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian and asked.

"Your Majesty, during this period of time, no less than twenty giant tiger-like flying boats were intercepted near Skeleton Star."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Cedao.

"Okay, now I have roughly mastered the strength of the twelve main cities|are you deployed?"

Liu Ce asked Yuhuatian.

"Your Majesty, I have roughly mastered it."

Talking about the information that Yuhuatian had captured some of the middle and high-level members of the Giant Tiger Gang, which he had inquired about. Handed it to Liu Ce.

Liu Ce was looking at the intelligence in front of him, his eyes condensed and said: "Okay...the whole army will call..."

Giant Tiger Gang at the same time

"Hmph, no matter what the attitude of the other forces is, this time the gang leader can be sure that this big man has nothing to do with other forces. This time, the gang leader can safely annihilate this big man."

Liao Hu's face showed a hideous look.

Suddenly, a warrior of the Giant Tiger Gang outside the house stumbled in.

"If it's not good, helper, if it's bad, helper."

The warrior's expression was extremely panic, as if something incredible had happened.

But Liao Hu himself has experienced numerous gale disasters. Although he knew what had happened, his expression at the moment was rather calm.

"What is it like to be in a panic, the sky can't fall. Say, what happened?"

Liao Hu said.

"It's not good to help the lord, our twelve main cities were attacked by big guys, and they are now in danger."

The martial artist of the giant tiger gang.


The look of Liao Hu, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang, changed suddenly, with a somewhat unbelievable appearance.

"Damn it, summon all the horses right away. I want to let this unaware man know what pain is."

Liao Hu roared.

At this moment, Liu Ce led the army of the big man and went straight to Tianque City, the main city of the Giant Tiger Gang.

This Tianque city is in the giant tiger gang, an absolute giant city. Because the defense of this giant city is still very strong, among the twelve main cities of the giant tiger gang, it can be regarded as second to none.

In Liu Ce's view, as long as this city was captured, the cities of the other giant tiger gangs would be safe to defend.

This time, the Han's army, with the exception of Liu Ce, who led the army and practiced Tianque City, all the other Han's troops went to attack the other giant cities of the Giant Tiger Gang. In Liu Ce's view, as long as he conquered Tianque City, the other giant cities of the Giant Tiger Gang would have no big problems.

Tianque City is also located in the middle of an earth star.

When the big man's flying boat had just reached the periphery of Tianque Star. Dozens of warriors appeared, and these warriors hovered in the void, looking at Liu Ce warily.

"Who are you? This is the site of the Giant Tiger Gang. It would be a misunderstanding. Please come back."

One of the warriors headed by them appeared from the void, watching Liu Ce and the others with serious warnings.

This warrior is the city lord Sute of Tianque City.

"Fei Peng, heavy building, kill without mercy."

Liu Ce said blankly.


Scabious and heavy building flashed out immediately.

"You dare, do you know that we are members of the Giant Tiger Gang."

"Damn it, it's crazy, kill them."

The leader of Tianque City City Lord Su Te roared, and dozens of warriors from the Divine Master Realm behind him all rushed towards the direction of Dahan and others.

"You don't need to take action in the Chonglou, these choppy pieces are not enough for me."

Fei Peng said with a grin.

Chonglou froze for a moment, and it made sense. These people are indeed not qualified enough for them to shoot together.

Fei Peng didn't even use the Demon Sword, but only released his domain.

Invisible domains are formed all around. I can't see it, I can't touch it, but it does exist.

"What kind of power is this?"

The warriors around him suddenly felt the endless pressure. These forces are like copper walls and iron walls. They desperately wanted to break through the obstacles, but it was still impossible.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

These warriors exploded into blood mist.

"Every one can fight."

Scaboo was a little helpless.

Liu Ce was not surprised. This time the big man attacked the giant tiger gang, just to forcefully announce the existence of the big man to the strength of the Yunlong Region. The annexation of the Giant Tiger Gang is only the first step. Attacking the giant tiger gang with the power of a big man feels a bit of a dimensionality reduction attack.

After all, the nine most powerful forces in the entire Yunlong Region are only in the early stage of the Divine King Realm, and at most they are in the mid-Divine King Realm. But the strongest man is half-step God Emperor Realm.

Of course, Liu Ce did not underestimate the forces of Yunlongyu. After all, these forces have existed for so many years, and there may still be some kind of background.

In just one day, the twelve main cities of the Giant Tiger Gang fell to eight.

Suddenly, Liao Hu was extremely panicked.

The headquarters of the Giant Tiger Gang is in Black Tiger City

"Damn it, where did this big guy pop out, and why is it so powerful. Did you ask for help from the ancient city lord who is close to our giant tiger gang, what did they say?"

Liao Hu, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang, looked at his confidant and asked.

"The gang leader, the ancient city lord of the ancient city of the vast sea, the master Wei of the Qiankun Sect, and the Xie gang leader of the Shenniu Gang did not express their opinions. On the contrary, the master Guo of the Nine Sun Sect has made a clear statement and will come to support. We must insist on it."

Liao Hu's confidant said.

"What, these people, don't you know what is called lip and tooth cold? The strength of this big man is so powerful, if our giant tiger gang falls, it will not be their turn next."

Liao Hu, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang, said angrily.

Leisurely, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang, Liao Hu, was a little puzzled: "Guo Kaiyang is a typical master who won't suffer. How come he is so kind this time that he will agree to come and support?"

After calming down, Liao Hu thought more and more wrong. If several other major forces came to support, he could still believe it. But it was the suzerain of the Nine Suns Sect who agreed, which made Liao Hu feel unreliable.

But Liao Hu is also a clever person, and after a little thought, he realized the key to the matter.

"This **** guy, at this time, he still wants to take advantage of the fire."

Liao Hu quickly reacted. Guo Kaiyang will definitely send someone to come to support, but at that time, it must be the time when the big man and the giant tiger will help you die and die, and both will suffer. This guy wants to take the opportunity to annex the giant tiger gang, and the fisherman will profit.

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