The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 929: Zhongpin Artifact

"You guys know that the demons are becoming more and more powerful now. We in the Yunlong Region have lost 30% of the territory in less than a year. If you can't unite anymore, the future of the Yunlong Region is worrying."

It was Yang Qingyue, the suzerain of Luoyue Sect.

She is also the only woman among the nine forces. Of course, although Luoyuezong is dominated by women among the nine major forces, its strength is not weak. In terms of comprehensive strength, it is still above the ancient city of the vast sea, the giant tiger gang, the **** cow gang, and the Qiankun Sect. So speaking still has some weight.

No wonder Yang Qingyue was very anxious. After all, the speed of the Mozu breakthrough was too fast. Although the nine major forces are now in an alliance, they are not truly united, and some forces do nothing. Seeing that the demons were about to hit the territory of Luo Yuezong.

Of course, the nine major forces now have to pay attention. Because the nine major forces are more or less, their territories are at war with the demons. It's just that the losses are different.

Nine Suns Sect is the one that has the least borders with the demons among the nine forces. Except for a giant city and the current overlapping power of the demons, the others are all in the rear. Several other major forces have become a barrier for the Nine Sun Sect to face the demons. It can be said that the Nine Sun Sect is now the most comfortable among the nine forces.

Moreover, Nine Sun Sect is also the most powerful among the nine forces. The strength can even top the sum of two or three of the other nine forces. Therefore, among the nine major forces, he is extremely domineering. But because of the strength of the Nine Sun Sect, the other major forces dared not speak.

"Sect Master Yang, in fact, as long as you are willing to make an alliance with our Nine Sun Sect, at that time, even if the demons come to the door, this Sect Master will support you."

Nine Suns Sect Master Guo Kaiyang said lightly.

"Sect Master Guo, if you still want to put forward the same idea last time, I hope you won't open your mouth."

Yang Qingyue said coldly.

Yang Qingyue was a little angry, these people, facing the demon clan's gaze, not only did not group, but also took advantage of the fire to rob. This Guo Kaiyang, as the sovereign of the Nine Sun Sect, is nothing more than a thing. Actually want her to commit herself to each other. Although Guo Kaiyang, as the master of the Nine Sun Sect, was considered a big man.

But the other party shouldn't look at the appearance of a middle-aged man, but it is already over a thousand years old. Yang Qingyue naturally looked down on each other. Yang Qingyue boasted that if she reached the age of the other party, she could already surpass the early stage of the Divine King Realm and even set foot on the Divine Emperor. Therefore, she still looks down on Guo Kaiyang's strength.

"Huh, this little hoof, sooner or later we will take the opponent."

Guo Kaiyang looked at Yang Qingyue with a faint disdain in his eyes, and he was extremely upset. However, now is not the time to turn a face with each other.

"Yes, we need to unite as one to fight against the demons, otherwise, let the demons cannibalize us inch by inch. In the end, none of our other major forces can be spared."

Talking is the leader of the Shenniu Gang. It wasn't that he was willing to offend the Sect Master of Nine Suns for Yang Qingyue. It's just that he can't stand up and help. It can be said that among the nine forces, the Shenniu Gang and Hanhai Ancient City suffered the most. The two major forces lost ten giant cities. It can be said that the vitality of the two forces was greatly injured.

"I also support Xie Yiwei's gang leader's words, we should unite together. Otherwise, Yunlongyu will completely fall into the hands of the demons."

Gu Jianyi, the lord of Hanhai Ancient City, looked at Guo Kaiyang, the master of Jiuyang Sect.

Gu Jianyi knew very well that among the nine forces, if Guo Kaiyang, the master of the Nine Suns Sect, was willing to advance and retreat together, this time the covenant would be established.

Prior to this, although the nine major forces established an alliance, this alliance was still somewhat loose. Just suspend the attack on each other, unanimously outside. But there is no real offensive and defensive alliance.

"No, the previous alliance is enough. Our Nine Suns Sect alone can resist the demons. If we establish an offensive and defensive alliance, let's not talk about how to unify the scheduling, and our major forces are in different places. It is too difficult to want an offensive and defensive alliance. Big."

Guo Kaiyang refused.

Guo Kaiyang has his own little abacus. Although the strength of the Nine Sun Sect is not as good as that of the Demon Race in the Yunlong Domain, it can completely crush the other nine forces.

But now the region where Nine Sun Sect is located is uniquely endowed by nature. It is not so easy for the demons to attack his territory. It's completely in a solid rear.

In the previous alliance, the most powerful opponent was Nine Sun Sect. This made Nine Sun Sect only pause the pace of annexing other forces. It's just that under the general trend, you have to compromise. Otherwise, it will be resisted by other forces. Now to sign an offensive and defensive alliance, Guo Kaiyang will not agree to it anyway.

"Sect Master Guo, isn't that bad? Are you Nine Suns Sect going to watch the Demon Race swallow our Yunlong Territory?" Gu Jianyi said indifferently.

"Sect Master Guo, we should put the overall situation first."

Wei Changhe, the leader of Qiankun Sect, also followed.

"Fart, is the demon clan brought in by this sect master? No matter what you say, this sect master will never make a covenant anymore."

Guo Kaiyang said firmly.

"Is it?"

A faint voice sounded.

"The Lord of the Temple of Heaven is here."

The emcee in front shouted.

Upon hearing that the Lord of the Temple of Heaven had arrived, everyone present stood up. The main cultivation base of the Temple of Heaven may not be much stronger than the people present, but the identity of the other party makes them worry about it. After all, there is a temple behind them. The status of the opponent is detached. Even Guo Kaiyang, the Sect Master of Nine Suns, did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the Western Yuan.

"Sect Master Guo, you are not preparing for an alliance, do you have any special intentions?"

Vivid asked.

"Uh, this..."

Guo Kaiyang suddenly felt depressed. He knows that the temple likes to put hats on people most this day. The other party's words were extraordinarily intentional, and the implication was that his Nine Sun Sect destroyed the human anti-devil front, which was unpredictable.

"Before this Sect Master was abrupt, now after thinking about it, I feel that the offensive and defensive alliance is indeed necessary. My Nine Sun Sect is willing to join the offensive and defensive alliance."

Guo Kaiyang said.

Although Guo Kaiyang said so, he had already cursed Xi Yuan to death. The other side thrust in a bar, but his plan was broken.

"Well, to deal with the demons, I hope you all work together. Of course, our Heavenly Temple will not sit idly by. We will give you strong support, not only our Heavenly Temple, but the temple behind our Heavenly Temple, now I'm also ready to take action. The Demon Race shouldn't worry about it. But everyone, don't become the cannon fodder of the Demon Race when victory is in sight."

A solemn way.

"Follow the teachings."

The heads of several major forces are very polite.

"Everyone, what else can you say? You can solve them one by one while the Lord is here."

West Yuan Road.

"I come."

Liao Hu, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang at this moment, stood up.

"Leader Liao invites you."

West Yuan Road.

"Have you ever heard of a force called Dahan?"

Liao Hulue asked with a hint of excitement.

"Big guy?"

The leaders of the major forces present looked at each other, looking at a loss, as if they had never heard the name of the big man.

"Yes, this big man appeared under my giant tiger gang. The forces are very powerful. Now it has annexed the big sand gang under my giant tiger gang, and the momentum of development is great. So, I want to know if this big man is Does it have anything to do with you brothers? I, Liao Hu, is worried that the flood water will wash the Dragon King Temple.

As Liao Hu said, his eyes swept across the faces of several heads of power.

"No, this big man's name, this is the first time I have heard of it."

Shi Wen, the leader of the Great West Gang, expressed his stance.

"Our God Bull Gang has never heard of it either."

Xie Yiwei, the leader of the Shenniu Gang said.

Next, Shang Yunzong, Qiankunji, Tiandaomen, Luoyuezong, and Hanhai Ancient City all expressed their views, saying that this big man had nothing to do with them.

"Huh? Since it has nothing to do with you, where did this big guy come from. This big guy is not weak."

Liao Hu, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang, was a little puzzled.

"Will it be cultivated by the demons secretly? Although this demons looks very different from our human race, there are some tribes that look the same as our human race. It is not impossible to cultivate some forces in secret to lurking in our human race region to cause destruction. thing."

Zhuo Tiandao, the sect master of Tiandaomen, said with a serious look.

"This is really possible."

Liao Hu, the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang's eyes lit up.

In the eyes of the leader of the Giant Tiger Gang, Liao Hu, if it can attract the attention of these forces and use their power to stifle this sudden power in the bud, it will naturally be the best thing.

"Fang Master Liao, don't talk nonsense, everything is just guessing now. The most important thing in our Yunlong Domain is the Demon Race, and everything else is insignificant. If we can prove that the opponent is a Human Race, the main hall master can take action personally and destroy the opponent. "

The philosophical way of emphatic words.

The Western Yuan naturally knows who the Dahan is, knowing that the Dahan cannot be a demon. Naturally, Liao Hu will not have the opportunity to use the hands of several other major forces to deal with the big man.


Liao Hu was a little depressed at once, he naturally had no evidence to prove that the man was a demon. All this is just the guess of the master of the Heavenly Blade Sect.

"Master Zhuo, don't just speculate now. This is destroying the unity within our human race. Perhaps the demons would like to see our human race become chaotic first."

Xi Yuan looked at the master Zhuo Tiandao coldly.

"It's... Palace Master Xiyuan."

After being scolded by the Xiyuan Palace Lord, Zhuo Tiandao was a little depressed, but he didn't dare to turn back. Didn't you see that even the Nine Suns Sect Master, the most powerful of the nine major forces, needed to swallow his anger when facing the Heavenly Temple Hall Master Xi Yuan.

"Okay, that's it. The Demon Race has become more and more rampant recently. We must unite and fight against the Demon Race."

West Yuan Road.


Under the leadership of the Western Yuan, the nine major forces reluctantly united to form an offensive and defensive alliance. Although there is a sense of discord between faces and hearts.

At this moment, the Huawu mainland man

It's already ten days

Liu Ce, who was reviewing the memorial in the Imperial Study Room, heard the system prompt

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the cultivation tower was successfully upgraded, and the current level is a middle-grade artifact."

The system prompt sounds.

"Is this a successful promotion?"

Liu Ce stood up, looking very expectant.

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