
Li Qingyang, who was exploring the terrain in the mountain, stopped suddenly, because the word "steady" hidden on the back of his hand gradually emerged, shining brightly.

"what happened?"

"call out!"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar memory flooded into the sea of ​​knowledge, leaving him in a stagnation for a short time until it was fully accepted, which made it impossible to say in confidence: "I depend!"

Inside the cafeteria.

Yao Mengying wondered: "Sister Liu, how do you have words!"

Liu Wanshi, who was standing in front of the stovetop, was unmoved, because when cooking, there was also a forceful input of memory, and the stovetop word that appeared appeared more and more brilliant.

A little, she returned to normal, grasping the pan handle with one hand, picking up the shovel with one hand, and started to focus on the food!

Yao Mengying gradually widened her eyes, because sister Liu's whole body was filled with weird breath, and it felt like a sudden change of someone!


The dishes are cooked well and placed on the table.

Liu Wanshi laughed as she undressed her apron, "Sister and sister, how does it taste?"


Yao Mengying picked up the chopsticks, put a bite into the mouth, chewed slowly, and the expression on his face gradually exaggerated. "Sister Liu, your taste is better than before!"

One black and two black came together, ate them separately, and shouted in unison: "It's delicious tens of thousands of times!"

Although the words are flattering, in fact, Liu Wanshi's dishes this time have indeed changed greatly in color and taste, and the soul impact has also been stronger.

Array law hall.

Shangguan Yunyao is seriously explaining the principle of making an array method to his colleagues.

The expression on the face of Zhen Dejun, who was standing outside, was gradually dull.

This girl was a little bit distracted on the podium just now, but when she analyzes the matrix method again, it looks like a different person, just like the possession of a top master of matrix methods.

"Zhen Lao, is the disciple right?"

"... Uh ... Yes!"

Zhen Dejun always blushed, because during the explanation process, the other side did not understand much.

After receiving the approval, Shangguan Yanyao smiled, then looked down at the word "Zhi" that had not disappeared, and secretly said, "Because of your sake, my understanding has greatly increased."


Time returned to Jun Changxiao's journey with flowers roses and black and white Rakshasa in search of basalt veins. He had nothing to start thinking about, which one of the newly upgraded functions of Zongmen?

At present, the functions of the ancestral gates are upgraded to include the medicine hall, foundry hall, charm mansion, and spirit beast. If they are promoted in order, the next turn is Lingyun Pavilion.

The function of Lingyun Pavilion is to bless various attributes of weapons, but because it has just arrived in the upper world and has not yet been applied to disciples' equipment, the dog left is not intended to be upgraded first.

"Gongfa Pavilion?"

Jun Chang laughed and also had the idea of ​​ascension, but thinking that the upper world had already rewarded two for the first time, and got another book in Lingyin Mountain, but had no time to distribute it, he locked his eyes on Lingyan Pavilion.

The first two functions belong to the entire family of Huize. This is beneficial to the core disciples. Previously, Li Qingyang and others have settled in successively. The improvement of strength and qualifications is also particularly obvious.

"It might as well be this."

With a decision in mind, Jun Chang smiled, when Lingyan Pavilion was about to be upgraded to an enhanced version.

At this point, the truth has been revealed, no matter whether Ye Xingchen and Xiao Guiji who are in the Devil's Cave, or Li Qingyang and Liu Wanshi who are in the ancestral gate, all suddenly appear to be open under the remote operation of the lord!


"Su Xiaomo and Li Fei even met the requirements!"

After upgrading Lingyan Pavilion, Jun Chang laughed and found that the value of the two disciples was already full, so they matched them one after the other.

The system whispered, "You just forgot to let the disciples settle in!"

"Am I proud?"



"Pass, pass!"

Su Wanmo and Li Fei were galloping on the martial arts field, and happy football was frequently passed back and forth at the foot.

Sun Mucheng stood in front of the goal as always, with a light smile on his face.

Since becoming accustomed to the culture of Wanzong, he has often made guest appearances as goalkeepers in the gap between cultivation, and his current record is zero goals.

Door god.

Everyone gave him the nickname.

As long as Sun Mucheng makes a stop in front of the goal, the top striker will definitely be desperate.



Su Xiaomo successively passed through the backcourt defenders in a gorgeous manner, and then shoveled the ball into a volley.

"come on!"

Sun Mucheng had already determined the position of the kick, and was about to prepare for the attack. He found that the ball suddenly turned an arc in the air.


The follow-up Li Fei stepped on and sprinted, and the whole person rose in the air. On the screen, the four characters "Little Li Feijiao" were banged, and the ball was kicked to the goal with a standard upside-down hook!


With the special effects of the football player, happy football seems to turn into a roaring tiger!


However, when he was about to drill along the dead end, Sun Mu was directly grasped by a pair of hands like big pliers, and laughed: "I was almost fooled by two brothers."


Su Xiaomo knelt her head on the ground, despair appeared on her face.

In order to break through the door guarded by Sun Mucheng, he and Li Fei studied tactically for several days, but it failed ...

This is not a goalkeeper, this is a wall that completely blocks the goal!


Li Fei fell down, dejected.

The deep frustration filled the hearts of the two, and their emotions became even lower.


Suddenly, Li Fei, with her head down, suddenly noticed that a weird line appeared on the back of her right hand, and gradually drew a word of "Jing", so she hurriedly exclaimed: "Brother Su ..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Because Su Xiaomo, who was standing nearby, also printed a 'Shadow' character on the back of his hand.


For a moment, strange memories rushed into the sea of ​​madness between the two, and the whole body was shrouded by the majestic promotion, and it was easy to step from Bapin Wusheng to peak Wusheng!

"Brother Su and Brother Li broke through!"

"Kicking can also improve the realm!"

The disciples around widened their eyes.


At this moment, the air waves that gathered Su Xiaomo and Li Fei's body seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind. The two returned to normal after a short stagnation, and then looked at each other with smiles.

"Warsong, get up!"


An outsider disciple named Jing Zhizhi turned on the key of the magic speaker. The slam dunk theme song suddenly sounded on the performance martial arts. Under the super-burning atmosphere, the camera gave Su Xiaomo and Li Fei close-ups, and then looked down to capture the whole court.


Sun Mucheng's eyes gradually gazed up.

These two brothers made him feel as if he suddenly changed his person!


Su Xiaomo shook her head, shook her fist, and laughed: "Let's have fun with this little master today."

"That's what I mean." Li Fei stomped his feet, his face full of smiles.


Suddenly, Su Xiaomo stepped up, and the seemingly simple movement seemed to become an afterimage in the moment of crossing, and quickly came to park the ball in the distance, and rushed towards the goal with a fancy footwork.

"I go!"

The disciples stared at each other as they saw the afterglow of the diffused space where they passed.

Sun Mucheng looked dumbfounded. When a gust of wind came from the side, he turned his head stiffly and saw that Su Xiaomo had stopped in the goal and stepped on a happy football.

So fast!

I didn't even see how it went!

"Goal scored! Goal scored!"

Outside the performance martial arts group, there were enthusiastic cheers from the disciples.

However, this is just the beginning, because the next game continues, Su Xiaomo uses the magical incarnation method, like the human being and the ball wantonly shuttle in the stadium, Li Shangtian and others standing in despair.

too fast!

You can't even see the ball!



The ball stopped with Su Xiaomo in the goal again and again, Sun Mucheng kept bending down and his face expression gradually collapsed!




The score keeps expanding!

After scoring ten consecutive goals, Su Xiaomo no longer sang a monologue and passed the ball high to Li Fei, who was successfully offside. Just watching him rise in the air, Xiao Fei's foot subtitles appeared on the screen again. Kick the ball towards the goal.


Little Happy Football carries the power of horror, with the streamer dragging, as if an ancient dragon unblocked from hell.

"I go!"

The disciples who saw this scene opened their mouths one after another.


Sun Mucheng yelled, his hands gathered the defensive power, and he grabbed at the fast-moving happy group. The energy burst seemed to be a steady mountain!

[National Football exits the live broadcast room]


At this moment, a sudden noise came from the goal, and the energy was mixed with dust, which can be described as covering the sky.


The expressions on the faces of the disciples standing outside the Yanwu field turned bright.

This is not kicking, this is doing it!


The rolling dust gradually dissipated, everything on the field was clearly visible, the goalkeeper disappeared, and the goal disappeared.

What about people? What about people?

Everyone hurriedly looked up ~ ~ and found that the distance from the gate, Sun Mucheng was on his knees, holding his happy football that was still spinning at a high speed, his face gradually sullen.

The goal is around, the people are inside!

In other words, although he succeeded in catching the happy football, his strong power still shocked him more than ten feet away, and shocked into the back goal!

"too strong……"

Sun Mucheng's eyes flashed in worship, and he said, "My brothers are too strong!"


The whistle sounded 11-0.

The slam dunk master theme song is still being played throughout. Su Xiaomo and Li Fei pass by and raise their right hands for high fives. The shadows and words are brighter and brighter. The smile on the face is like paying tribute to the youth who passed away in 80s.


ps, today's goal is 2800/10000 words.

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