The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1382: My night star is not really Emperor Xiang, not funny

Devil's Cave, the outermost.

Because the Purple King Demon King could not completely block the way, a large number of monsters either got out of the crotch or passed around other intersections, which caused Ye Xingchen, Xiao Guiji, and He Wudi to be in adversity.

In particular, Xiao sinner, facing the fierce impact of dozens of martial arts monsters that are comparable to Wu Sheng's great success, although he protected two younger brothers, he was also damaged by the meridians and was seriously injured.

Fortunately, it is a group of beasts that only know how to use brute force. This has to be replaced by real warriors. The strength gathered together, I am afraid that if you die, you have to lose half your life.

It can be said that the current situation of the three is far more dangerous than the life and death secret **** mode. After all, it only faces one holy beast. Here it is going to hundreds of heads, and it is even increasing gradually.

The Purple King Demon King regrets very much that he shouldn't take the liberty to go into the waves, but at this moment can only continue to be blocked in the area where the monsters are most dense, and can not let them rush through more.

Even the calmest He Wudi was aware of the crisis and was ready to let go in his heart. As a result, Ye Xingchen suddenly looked like a demon, and his eyes were intensely murderous.

This look is so scary!

Because Brother Xiao was severely injured, did he run away completely?

It seems that these two people have extremely strong feelings of fellowship.

He Wudi hurriedly throws away the wild thoughts in his happiness, which will drag Ye Xingchen to escape, but listen to the latter and say, "Take him away, I will break."

The short six characters imply command.

Aniu is no longer the Yedi of the past, but the dignity and arrogance of Yedi are still deeply buried in the soul. When he encountered a crisis today and encountered extreme conditions, he was completely released.


Night stars.

Not the Emperor of Truth, not a funny one!

At this time, if iron powder is present, it will definitely scream loudly and excite the slogan belonging to Aniu.


He Wudi is not an indecisive person. He made the most correct choice in the fastest time, quickly rushed to Xiao Guiji to carry him, and did not forget to pick up his exclusive soldiers before leaving.



More and more wild beasts gathered in the tunnel, with at least a thousand heads. They didn't rush past the first time, because the humans standing in front of them looked a little fierce.


Ye Xingchen, who turned her back to the camera, opened the stopper, raised her exclusive soldier in the form of a wine gourd, and groaned as she raised her head.


Inside the cave, no wind rises, disturbing Aniu's black hair, revealing a lonely face who can understand.

It's a pity that Li Shangtian is not present, otherwise the night star will stand alone in front of a thousand heads of beasts, and the scene of drinking with pride will be photographed.


"When you understand the meaning of the four words, you will really understand."

The lord's words resounded in the ears, maybe it was triggered by alcohol, maybe it was sentimentally, and he unknowingly hummed: "only, you, who can accompany me to take the west longitude, only, you, can kill the demon and remove the demon ! "

He hummed and laughed.


The meaning of these four words, iron bone, I understand today!



At this moment, hundreds of beasts rushed over.

The irritability of the monster instantly permeated the tunnel, filled with creepy killings!


Ye Xingchen took a horse step, his hands were staggered up and down, the exclusive soldiers hung in the middle, and then quickly expanded, finally resisting the shoulder injury, and yelled, "Leave the sacrifice, sacrificing heaven!"


A strong suction is quickly generated in the gourd mouth, and all the evil spirits that are overwhelmed will be included in it, and then spit out again after brewing!



The first few beasts rushing forward were immediately knocked out.

Aniu's exclusive soldiers showed a super strong attack power at this moment, but they were too many in the face of monsters, they quickly filled the vacancies, stretched out sharp minions and severely tore them.




For a moment, more than a dozen fierce beasts rushed in front of them were flung out fiercely.

Ye Xingchen was dumbfounded.

Because Xiao Xiao was standing in front of him, Yun Zhouxia was hiding in front of him, and He Wudi also came. His palms were placed on the back of the former, and it seemed to be conveying energy for him. I ca n’t stop it. "


He is obviously seriously injured, and it is not easy for you to hold him away!

Ye Xingchen knew that the two must have negotiated and returned to share the danger for themselves, so he said coldly, "Are you an idiot?"


Xiao Guiji grinned hard: "Who will join the Normal, who will be with you."

These words left Ye Xingchen speechless.


He smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Go ahead and face it together. No one else is dead, all that guy!"

Ye Xingchen, smiled.

"Flash away!"

At this moment, He Wudi gave a loud sigh, and his hands quickly struck out a strange knot, saying, "I'm going to move my card!"


As soon as the words fell, a majestic energy quickly emerged from the whole body. The special effects were stronger than Yu Jian Xuan Zong and Ling Dao Xuan Zong!

Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin felt the irritability immediately, so they opened up space and were shocked in their hearts: "This is by no means a martial art!"


This is not the ancient martial arts martial arts. This is the martial arts that He Wudi once practiced. Because the attributes of the Nether are too weak, even the ultimate understanding cannot be performed.

To put it plainly, in the low plane, he couldn't perform martial arts in the high plane, because the version was wrong.

There are stronger heaven and earth attributes and higher heaven and earth rules in the upper realm. Even if the realm is a bit low now, it can still be barely displayed!

"Night flash stars burst!"

He Wudi yelled, his palms pushed forward.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, a stream of light quickly sprayed out of the void, and then blasted into the roaring pack of beasts, as if the stars flashing suddenly in the night.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Under the deafening serial explosion, Ye Xingchen's expression was a little exciting, because the name of this martial art was a bit fucking!


When everything calmed down, nearly a thousand head of beasts were all fried into meat!

"I go!"

Xiao Guiji and Ye Xingchen almost stared out.

Performing martial arts, instantly killing thousands of monsters, Jun Chang laughs, if he sees it, he will surely compare on the spot.


However, after showing the hole cards, He Wudi took a few steps back, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, his face turned to the extreme, as if his body had been completely emptied, and said to himself: "Sure enough, the attributes and laws of heaven and earth here are not good."

"Don't be dazed!"

He put up with weakness: "Hurry up and leave Devil's Cave!"


Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin acted immediately, one person holding one arm of He Invincible ~ ~ Ma Liu ran out of the cave, still thinking about the shocking martial arts just now!

"Roar! Roar!"

At the entrances of the major tunnels, another batch of black beasts rushed over, and judging from the demon radiance, it was obviously stronger than the previous batch!

"It's over!"

He Wudi collapsed and said, "We can't get out!"

"Step! Step!"

At this moment, Ye Xingchen and He Wudi stopped suddenly, which made him growl: "You can't give up!"

and many more!

Why do these two people have the word 'attack' on their forehead and the word 'shield' on the back of their right hand?

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi stood in place, their expressions were slightly dull, and the words became brighter and brighter. A lot of memories poured into the sea of ​​knowledge until they were completely digested. He was innocently thrown to the ground, shaking his head, rubbing his fists and turning, and the corners of his mouth were at the same time. Raise an evil smile.

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