The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1381: You all have to die!

The Confucian man is the lord of the Qiang ancestor, named Pei Li.

This buddy has a hobby, that is, he likes to watch lively, and is not too big.

After learning that Jun Chang laughed, I remembered that the other party had grudges with Yu Jian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong, so they started playing routines.


After being challenged by Pei Li, he watched a good show, but the end was remembered by Jun Chang with a smile.

The dogs that have always loved routines can't bear being tricked by others. First they block the other side and cruelly abuse them, then they say a small goal.

"You heard me right."

Jun Chang smiled and rubbed the soles of Pei Li's face a few times, and said, "If you want him to live, pay 100 million Xuanshi!"

This is really a lion's mouth!

"Jun ... Sovereign monarch ..." An elder cried without tears: "Even if we stab Ganzong to sell iron, we won't be able to get so many black stones!"

Not to mention the entrance to the Liuzong Gate, even if the Xuanzi-level Zongmen took out a hundred million, it would definitely hurt the bones and cause heavy losses.

"This is your problem, not this one. If you can't make a hundred million, he must die today!" Jun Chang smiled coldly.


If it wasn't for the lord who lay on the ground and cast a painful look, the senior officials of the ancestor would probably say, then choose to let him die.

"Jun ... Sovereign Monarch ..." Pei Li took out a map in difficulty, and said weakly, "I have ... have treasure ..."


Jun Chang waved it with a smile and found that it was just a very ordinary upper-bound map, so Lengsen said, "Are you a fool?"

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Elder Zongmen hurriedly said: "Although this map is ordinary, the place is marked with a red circle on it, and there is a natural basalt vein!"

Only he and Pei Li knew this. It was strictly confidential. Now the suzerain took it out for his life, and that was only frank.


"It's true!"

Jun Chang smiled for a moment, took his feet away from Pei Sili's face, and said lightly, "Take out all the valuable things on your body, and read that everyone is in the Zongmen circle, and spare your suzerain. . "

It is really unrealistic to ask for 100 million yuan, only as much as necessary.

Moreover, the locations marked on this map belong to the dark forests, so maybe there are undiscovered veins?

"OK! OK!"

Elder Zongmen threw the space ring over.

Jun Changxiao took off Pei Li's space ring, and after taking inventory, he obtained more than one million pieces of black stone and various common medicinal materials, so he said silently: "You are really poor."


Raised his foot and kicked Pei Sili, saying, "The next time I dare to provoke this seat, I will let you die!"

"Remember ... remember ..."

"Get out of here."

Pei Li was supported by several elders, and then disappeared as quickly as possible.

Jun Chang laughed without stopping, and embarked on the road to the ancient fairy mountain. After about ten minutes of traveling, the statute of limitations of the Vajrayana ended and the person returned to normalization.


"No side effects!"

The system said: "Come out to get 700,000 contribution value, three experience tokens, a book of martial arts, do you earn it?"


Jun Chang laughed and said, taking out the map, and secretly said: "If there is a black vein on the mark, then I really have to hurry and look at it, so as not to be rushed by the opponent first."

"It feels a bit unreliable."

Systemically said: "Maybe the place marked is Longtan Tiger Cave."

Jun Chang, who was also a little worried, laughed and heard that the system was working again, so his confidence increased: "That's it!"


The area marked on the map is northwest of Wanxian Mountain, so Jun Changxiao first returned to Zongmen in order, and then went to the investigation with black and white double brakes.

A flower rose followed.

The reason is that after learning about Lingfeng Mountain, he was worried that the husband would be bullied again.

Yu Jian Xuan Zong and Ling Dao Xuan Sovereign, who have entered the injury mode, will growl if they know: "It's this bullying that bullies us, not that we bully this bullying!"


On the road, He Luosha said diligently, "No one has been involved in the area marked by the map for many years. We must be careful when we enter, so as not to alarm the powerful monster."

The beasts of the starfall continent are distinguished by fierce beasts, spirit beasts, and sacred beasts, and the upper world is collectively referred to as monsters. For example, the demon characters of the Purple King Demon King come from the monsters in the monsters.

Mentioning this guy who got undressed in a fight, he had to say that he and Ye Xingchen and others had gone on a trip.

Devil's Cave.

One of the famous forbidden areas in the upper world.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen, Xiao Guiji, and He Wudi are in a complicated cave inside, rushing with their tongues out, and there are hundreds of extremely ugly monsters behind their buttocks.

This is a beast.

It's impossible to know what kind of breed, but its appearance makes people nauseous.

Every time the world mentions the Devil's Cave, they subconsciously think of the beasts, because they live here all year round, and they like to live in groups. According to the speculation of the relevant departments, there are at least tens of thousands of people in the cave. Once they focus on the prey, they will all be dispatched .

The so-called deep cave is the most dangerous area of ​​the Devil's Cave.

In other words, the three fleeing Night Stars didn't experience outside the original plan and broke into the most veritable forbidden area?

Do not!

They are still on the periphery, even the outermost.

When he first arrived, brother-in-law and the monster with a difference in strength were not too disparate, and the actual combat experience had been greatly improved.

In this case, how could it lead to the herd of beasts living in the depths of the cave?

This matter should start from a few days ago.

The prince demon king who was responsible for protecting them felt bored, so he went to the depths alone, and ran out just after entering. There were dense biting beasts behind the buttocks.

At first, Xingchen and He Wudi did not take the matter seriously, and they also began to expand and expand the chest until they saw more and more monsters, and then realized the seriousness of the problem, so there was a picture of rushing with their tongues now .

If it is only a beast whose strength is comparable to that of Wusheng Grand, it ’s not a problem to cooperate with brother-in-law ~ ~ but the number is hundreds or thousands, who can bear it!


The Purple Church Lord you are looking for is not protecting us, it is increasing the difficulty for us. Now, at least, it must be in Super Hell mode!

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In the deep fringe of the cave, the Purple King Demon King wears pink gloves and only wears red underwear. It looks like a professional boxer with a left uppercut and a right uppercut. Here, do n’t want to hurt my elders! ”

Li Qingyang and other disciples, who have changed to unknown truth, will definitely call crazy for such a move by the owner of the Purple Church, but the three night stars who fled in the distant tunnel almost spit out blood!

Your uncle!

The trouble was obviously caused by him, and his face is here to play chicken!



Suddenly, dozens of wild beasts like crazy dogs rushed out of another tunnel entrance.

"Be careful!"

In the end, Xiao Sin had cultivated an outbreak, pushed Ye Xingchen and He Wudi out, and shouted: "Shield Mountain!"


The exclusive magic soldier Yun Zhouxia hidden appeared under the sound of Digimon evolution bgm, and then quickly gathered a shield-shaped defense enchantment in front of the owner.



Xiao Sin had suffered violent shocks from dozens of beasts at once, and the whole person directly hit a nearby stone wall, and then he spit out blood, and his face became extremely pale. Qiqi's novel launches online

"Brother Xiao!"

He Invincible shouted.

However, the next second, I was completely stunned, because the night star standing next to me bent down, bowed my head, and gradually gathered under the right palm away from the sacrifice heaven, as if the **** of death came, the voice was somber: ! "

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