The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1384: Attack and shield, transform yourself!

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei settled in Lingyan Pavilion and got Ying and Jin words, respectively. From the performance of kicking, it can be seen from the performance of the two that one of them is flexible in shape and the other is strong in foot style!

In fact, their meritorious value has met the requirements long ago. Although Jun Changxiao only arranged it now, the rewards before and after the upgrade will not be small, so not only the overall strength soars, but also the realm benefits.

of course.

It wasn't just Su Xiaomo and Li Fei who settled in Lingyan Pavilion, because Jun Changxiao who was on the move found that Lu Yan also met the requirements, so he matched them and said, "My big disciple can reach full value. It's really not easy. "


The image gradually outlines the line. Lu Yi, in white clothes, stands in front of the ancestral gate, and all the nearby buildings are broken. Obviously, it was just when he first worshiped the Iron Skeletons.

Jun Chang smiled at the scene and remembered the hard days that followed when he became the head.

As for the portraits of Su Xiaomo and Li Fei who just got together, one is passing and the other is kicking, which is in line with their characteristics.


Nine days of mystery, ice heavy sky.

Lu Yan sat on the snow-covered iceberg, and the whole person seemed to blend into the surrounding cold environment.

Since rising to the upper world, she has been working hard to cultivate. The realm of ascension is not inferior to Ye Xingchen, but because she rarely shows up in Zongmen, she seems to have no sense of existence.


Suddenly, a streamer emerged from the back of his right hand, gradually drawing the word 'ice'.

The character is cold, and the practice of ice is very suitable for her.


Unfamiliar memories poured into the sea of ​​understanding, and layers of cold mist-like air gathered around the body, making it more clear and holy.

"what happened?"

Lu Yan opened his eyes as clear as water, puzzled to see the text presented to the back of his right hand.

At this time, Ye Xingchen would growl on the spot if he saw it, saying, "Why are their words on the back of the hand, and only I printed it on my head!"

Although he couldn't understand the situation, Lu Zheng realized that he had better understanding of the ice system, and even touched the threshold of Wu Sheng's great success.

At this point, Lingyan Pavilion has three more core disciples, and the characters printed on the above portraits are steady, stove, wisdom, shield, attack, shadow, strength, and ice.

"There are only eight, which is sixteen."

On the road, Jun Chang laughed and clicked on He Wudi's name, and found that the merit value met the requirements, so he did not hesitate to add it.

He Wudi's portrait is standing in front of the gate and closing it, but it also fits the identity of the close disciple.

Jun Changxiao also looked at core disciples such as Tian Qi, Song Xuanzhou, and Long Ziyang one after another, and found that they were almost meaningless, so he retracted the system panel and said, "Wait a while and arrange collectively."

The system murmured: "I am afraid the host will forget it again."


Su Xiaomo and Li Fei could not take Sun Mucheng before they settled in Lingyan Pavilion. After becoming 24 heroes, they directly scored crazy goals with great strength, which shows that the improvement of strength is very significant.

Here comes the problem.

What about night stars and Xiao Sin in adversity?



At the outermost part of the Devil's Cave, the violent power burst frantically, and a wave of air swept across.

The prostrate expression of He Wutian gradually stagnated, and collapsed in his heart, "What's going on!"

Directly in front of him, Xiao Sin was holding a shield like a bulldozer, directly knocking out dozens of beasts that had struck and flying out, then raised his right hand, and the shield printed on it shone brightly, covering his whole body instantly.


"Kaka Kaka!"

The right hand holding the shield gradually gathered a complex pattern of lines, which became materialized and ironized quickly.

The body and legs have also undergone dramatic changes. When the light gradually dissipates, the whole person looks like a mech warrior!


Xiao Guiji double-pointed in the eyebrow, his head was instantly shrouded in a mechanical war helmet, various responsible data appeared in his field of vision, and then he gently raised his hand, and a large sniper rifle with a high-tech sense of the future appeared out of thin air.

"I go!"

He Wudi was startled, "What a ghost!"

The reader at the scene was surprised: "Gundam! Iron Man!"


Xiao Guiji had hidden Yun Zhouxia in front of him, with a sniper rifle rack on it. The screen inside the helmet suddenly appeared dense data, and differentiated into a number of crosshairs, locking up a monster of beasts in the tunnel.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

As a Gundam fighter, he successively pulled the trigger, and the bullets were quickly ejected from the Barrett-like muzzle, and then the target was fully headshot with the penetrating force of the vibration space!


Disgusting blood and **** sputtered in the tunnel.

Throughout the shooting process, as each bullet flew out, Xiao Sin, who was standing in place, remained motionless, but ... the ripples visible to the naked eye were rippling wildly under his feet!

He Wuji looked completely dumbfounded.

This kind of picture of a steel warrior against zombies is completely beyond his understanding and cognition.



More Moonkins came out from the depths.

It can be seen that the main crotch of Zitang is very broken, and it cannot be completely blocked inside.


With a single-handed wave, Xiao Guiji hid the high-tech sniper rifle behind him, raised Yun Zhouxiayin, and sprayed blue special effects on the mechanized feet to rush over!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The head of the beast was hit and flew out. Because the impact force was too strong, many were broken into flesh and internal organs.

"This is by no means the strength of the peak Wu Sheng!" He Wudi shocked, "I'm afraid ..."

He stopped thinking, because he couldn't see how powerful Xiao Xinji was shrouded in science and technology.

"Flash away."

Suddenly, a cold and proud voice came.

I saw Ye Xingchen step by step, and the word "attack" on his face became brighter.


He Wudi collapsed: "I'm not in the back!"


At this moment, Ye Xingchen stopped, raised his hand and waved lightly behind him, a heavy war halberd appeared in front of him, and the handle was engraved with six characters, God changed, Fangtian painted the halberd.

Fortunately, Jun Chang laughed away from the scene, otherwise he must have opened his eyes wide and said, "How can he change the equipment!"


Suddenly, Ye Xingchen shouted his head, and the word "attack" printed on the heart of his eyebrow released the light instantly, covering him all over his body, and quickly drawing complex lines around him.

Seeing this, He Wudi collapsed and said, "Are he transformed!"


At this moment, Ye Xingchen wore a three-pronged purple gold crown and came out wearing a red brocade and a hundred flower robes. The sweeping force of the army broke out instantly.

I've seen He Wudi, who was transformed into Xiao Gui, not only not surprised, but ‘hehe’ laughed, then looked at you off the camera, and said, “What have I seen!”


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As if the incarnation of the Wushen **** will hold Ye Xingchen on Fang Tianhua's halberd, arrogantly: "Trash, all must die!"


Go away with halberds and be aggressive!


Xiao Xie bumped dozens of scorpion beasts, then staggered his body subconsciously to make room for the night teacher and brother, and then saw the latter stride forward, and Fang Tianhua Ji swept past him!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Wherever I go ~ ~ Flesh and blood flew!


He invincible muscle jerks violently.

He is also unable to judge how strong his strength is from the powerful breath erupting around Ye Xingchen.

The strength is not important. What is important is that the two are an incarnation of a steel warrior and an incarnation of a godless warrior. The combat power is strong enough to crush the monsters that are constantly rushing out!




Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin had a main attack and a main defender and staged a shocking slaughter in the tunnel where the space was fairly acceptable.

When the Purple King Demon King stopped all the deepest beasts and rushed to the battle area, he saw a piercing armor and a piercing armor standing under his feet, all of which were corpses of monsters killed by bombardment. Who is this sand sculpture? "

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