[ Uchiha Madara: Hehe, Hashirama, even if you don't die, you are still half-crippled. After all, you don't even have a heart now, do you? What are you fighting against me like this?]

In the Pure Land, Uchiha Madara mocks Senju Hashirama.

However, he did not say whether he was alive or not.

On the one hand, it is simply not wanting to tell Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama and others.

On the other hand, he knows that the current Uchiha Obito is still acting in his name.

If he said that he was dead, wouldn't this directly expose U05 Chiha Obito.

Although it is still unclear what the outside world is like, he does not want to expose himself in this form.

Since everyone thinks they are not dead, that's fine.

【 Senju Hashirama: Although I don't have a heart now, my strength is not affected in any way. And because I don't have a heart, I have one less weakness in a certain way. Madara, are you sure you can beat me? Now, you probably haven't obtained the power of your future as announced by the Golden List Video. 】

[ Uchiha Madara: Hehe, are you kidding me, Hashirama. This doesn't look like your behavior, is there someone behind you to guide you? There should be no way for Tobirama, he is still in the Pure Land world, is it Sarutobi Hiruzen?

By the way, is that monkey still alive? Could it have been killed by Uzumaki Kushina, hehe. 】

Thinking of the big drama about Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto staged at Konoha Village when the 'Taiju Ranking' was announced.

Uchiha Madara felt a burst of curiosity.

Not only Uchiha Madara, but others in the Pure Land as well.

Unlike Senju Hashirama, they have no way to know real-world news in time.

【None: I’m also curious, is that Third Hokage okay now?】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Could that guy really join our ranks, haha. 】

【Namikaze Minato: I'm curious too... 】

[Onogi: Ahem, let me tell you. Third Hokage has now abdicated, and I got the news that he was admitted to the hospital by Fourth Hokage, your wife, and he can only hang on nutrient solution for the rest of his life.

Hehe, if it were me, I might as well die like this. After all, or it will only continue to waste food, hahaha. 】

[Senju Hashirama: You Third Tsuchikage, you can't say that. 】

[Onogi: Although I still respect you First Hokage, what your Third Generation has done, even if you get beaten up, you deserve it. 】

【Namikaze Minato: I agree. 】

For 587 Namikaze Minato, it is his wife who does such things.

Judging from any angle, he has to be on the side of Uzumaki Kushina.

Seeing Namikaze Minato's message, Senju Hashirama didn't know what to say.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen did fail the Fourth Hokage family.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart.

[Jiraiya: Ahem, that Minato, let’s persuade Uzumaki Kushina. Look, I'm also Fifth Hokage now, and I hope you persuade her not to send me to the hospital too. 】

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