The Strongest Person Is Exposed, the Marine and Four Emperors Can't Sit Still

Chapter 975 Appearance of Uchiha Madara, determination of Hashirama

The relocation of the Uchiha clan to Kirigakure is no longer a secret in the ninja world.

After all, three years have passed, and the ninjas of the Uchiha clan have also completed many difficult tasks on behalf of Kirigakure.

It is difficult for other villages to want to know.

But this news is indeed a rather new and shocking news for Ghost Lantern and others who are deceased.

Although through Jinbang, they know "five eight three" way Uchiha has left Konoha.

But they didn't know they went to Kirigakure.

Thinking that Kirigakure has such a powerful shadow as Terumi Mei, and now has the Uchiha clan to join.

Senju Tobirama and the others felt a rush of anxiety.

【 Senju Tobirama: Uchiha went to Kirigakure?!】

[Namikaze Minato: Kirigakure, it is a good result that the Uchiha family can go to the village led by Li Fan's disciples. 】

Namikaze Minato knew in his heart that his wife and children had also become Li Fan's disciples.

Therefore, to a certain extent, his wife and children are already in the same camp as Kirigakure.

For the Uchiha family to join Kirigakure, it is also something Namikaze Minato would like to see.

【 Senju Tobirama: Brother, you should have returned to Konoha. How is Konoha’s situation now, and what about Uchiha’s side? 】

Senju Tobirama doesn't like the Uchiha clan, thinking they are a cursed clan.

So when he ruled Konoha Village, he restricted Uchiha everywhere.

But this is when the Uchiha clan still belongs to Konoha.

Senju Tobirama felt quite a pity when the Uchiha clan became the power of the village that Konoha Village thought it was.

His state of mind fully explains what is lost is the worst.

[Uchiha Madara: Hehe, three years have passed, maybe that guy Hashirama has been killed and he may return to the Pure Land. After all, his heart was taken away by that little girl Samui. 】

【 Senju Tobirama: Uchiha Madara, you really started to comment. 】

【 Uchiha Madara: Hmph, since I got the opportunity to leave a message on this gold list, of course I can leave a message. 】

[Onogi: Uchiha Madara, finally, after First Hokage, you have also appeared on the Golden List 0... Having said that, are you really still alive in this world, as shown on the Golden List video, you are Survived after fighting First Hokage. 】

【Senju Hashirama: Madara, you actually deceived me, what have you been doing in secret all these years?】

【 Uchiha Madara: Hehe, I blame you for not checking it carefully, Hashirama. And also blame the Tobirama guy for wanting to do some experiments with my corpse, hehe. 】

【 Terumi Mei: Uchiha Madara, it's a character. But what I'm more curious about is, if Uchiha Madara didn't die, why didn't he choose to challenge on the list during the 'Shadow Ninja List' period? Although it's not a shadow, but he with Kage-level strength should have the right to challenge on the list, Are you saying that you don't like the rewards of Gold List 2.2?]

【 Uchiha Madara: This is the secret, Fifth Mizukage of Kirigakure. However, did the Uchiha family actually go to the village you said to manage? This is really interesting. 】

【 Senju Hashirama: Madara, no matter what your purpose is, I will stop you. Don't worry, I'll examine your body carefully this time, and I'm not dead. 】

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