Inside the Konoha Village, Hokage building.

Fifth Hokage Jiraiya looked at the gold list in the sky with some helplessness.

Then he looked helplessly at Senju Hashirama who was beside him.

'Hey, it's a tough job.

Jiraiya sighed deeply in her heart.

Originally, he didn't want to take over any Fifth Hokage.

After all, after serving as Hokage, he could not blatantly go to various bathhouses to sketch.

However, the current Hokage village.

Senju Hashirama was not able to return as Hokage.

Because his heart was taken by Samui of Cloud Shinobi Village.

If he were to return to the role of Hokage, the land of fire would naturally be lower than the land of thunder.

This is not what the Fire Nation daimyo would like to see.

As for Guy, although he has strength, he is destined to not be Hokage in terms of character.

As for Tsunade...

"Hey, I don't know Tsunade he's like this now."

Jiraiya said with a sigh.

"Yeah, didn't know that little Tsunade was like this now" 55


"Mingming had already told her not to go to Li Fan, but to ask him to ask Samui to take back my heart.

"Obviously I'm fine now.

Senju Hashirama touched his empty chest with a look of indifference.

"No way, Tsunade's character is like that.

"Since she has decided to do something for you, Lord First Hokage, she must go back and do it.

"However, if we in Konoha Village can also find Li Fan's disciple token.

"Maybe there is a way to get your heart back."

"In the village of Noda, there must be someone who can get into Li Fan's eyes. 99

Jiraiya held her chin with one hand and said.

Li Fan is not interested in Third Hokage, this is something that the whole ninja world knows.

If Third Hokage gets the disciple token, Li Fan will never accept him as a disciple.

But with some people, Jiraiya thinks it's still possible.

Just like the two women of the Inuzuka family.

Jiraiya remembers when they were rewarded by Haki from the Gold List.

Li Fan also explained to them about the power of Haki.

At the same time, on the gold list.

【Namikaze Minato: What, Jiraiya-sensei, you became Fifth Hokage?】

[Onogi: I can prove this. It's funny to say that Fourth Hokage is obviously a disciple of Jiraiya, but Jiraiya has become Fifth Hokage, and he has been a disciple of his own, haha. gram】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Good guy, Konoha is really calculating. Let the teachers of Fourth Hokage become Fifth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina and the others will not care about Jiraiya's face in the future. 】

[ Uchiha Madara: Hmph, Konoha Village, still so boring. 】

【 Senju Tobirama: Make Jiraiya Fifth Hokage, it is indeed a good plan. 】

Although Senju Tobirama also (Li Qian Zhao) hopes that Tsunade can become the fifth Hokage.

But this time around, he felt more credible to make Jiraiya Fifth Hokage.

After all, he might be able to accurately resist the troubles from Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto.

[ Uzumaki Kushina: Hmph, Konoha Village, it depends on my mood whether to trouble you or not. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll definitely come to the door when I hear some of you cursing my son. 】

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