The Strongest Beast Tamer

43 First Day Done *

Lachlan continued the training for the rest of the day, constantly exhausting his body and replenishing it.

But when he noticed the sky darken he decided to head back and tell the others about his findings, if they haven't noticed it yet.

When he got back to the shore he noticed that Faith had been summoned and the others were on its shell. He walked through the water and jumped onto the shell, then walked over to the group.

Getting closer he noticed they had some of the MREs out and eating, he could small a variety of food, he supposes everyone has their favourite foods.

"Lachlan you're late," Simon said in a condescending manner.

"How long have you all been here?" Lachlan asked.

"Hours, and once we feel replenished we go back and train. Don't tell me this entire time you've been training," Zoe said.

"Yeah I was, I didn't think everyone was supposed to meet back here, and I have some useful information," Lachlan said.

"And what sort of information do you have that'll be useful right now," Zoe said.

Lachlan took out his water bottle and threw it at Zoe, she caught it and slightly rolled back, "What was that for?"

Lachlan shrugged his shoulders, "Drink some".

"Some, I'm going to drink it all," Zoe said. She opened it and brought it to her mouth and started taking large mouthfuls.

"Oh well," Lachlan said, shrugging his shoulders and putting his hands up.

Everyone looked at Zoe and saw her horrified expression, it was like she was frozen in place, seconds later her expression morphed into one that's in bliss.

"What's wrong with her?" Joe asked.

Lachlan walked up to her and took the bottle from her, he then passed it over to Joe who looked at him in confusion.

"Drink," Lachlan said.

Just like his sister, Joe took large mouthfuls then froze. After a few seconds, his body fell backwards, and his expression changed, he opened his started mumbling, "Of that feels good, ahh, that's nice," like he was off his mind.

Simon who was sitting next to him yanked it out his hands and drank, then Phoebe took it, then Georgia, then last but not least Chloe took a big swig.

They all laid down with relaxed expressions, of course after their horrified ones.

After five minutes they all sat up and stared at Lachlan, "Where did you get that water from?" They all asked in unison.

"There was a water stream near my training spot and not too far away from where Simon stopped. That water completely gets rid of fatigue, with the obvious side effects," Lachlan explained.

"Is it good for you?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know, it feels good though. That's how I've been constantly training," Lachlan said.

"Damn, so unfair, I could train forever with this water," Chloe said.

"I'll show you where to get it tomorrow morning, for now though, we rest and sleep," Lachlan explained.

"Alright, check your MRE bag, you might have something I want," Simon said.

Lachlan sat down and began rummaging through his bag, looking through them to find something he likes. It didn't take long before he took out a Spaghetti Bolognese, he looked around and no one asked him for it.

Simon asked if he had something though, "What about Chicken and Vegetables, you have some of them. I can give you all my Spaghetti Bolognese MREs".

Lachlan went through his bag and found two, he placed them down in front of Simon. Simon took out 3 Spaghetti Bolognese and swapped them.

This time it was Zoe who came over, "Do you have any Vegetable Curries?"

Lachlan took out 3, Zoe's eyes lit up and she placed down 2 Spaghetti Bolognese. Lachlan didn't mind, he just got a better deal from Simon, so he had one MRE to spare.

He read the back and followed the instructions, after all, he wanted his Spaghetti hot.

Once he followed the instructions he left it sitting for 10 minutes, letting it really heat up properly. Then, once those minutes were done Lachlan ripped it open and began eating.

Once he started he didn't stop, just eating and eating.

After he was done he let out a burp, he looked up to the sky and saw it was all clear. Going through the bag he took out a swag, placing it down near him. He then took out the blankets and laid down, and as the ocean waves drifted past him, he smoothly went to sleep.

Seeing Lachlan's actions, everyone followed, and after a few minutes, everyone was asleep.

Back at the base inside the room, all the superiors were discussing important matters.

"As you all know, a large amount of beast have been gathering within the forest, and if we don't do something soon they could easily overwhelm us," an old man said.

"Yes, but right now we don't have the necessary fighting power to defeat so many beasts. Not to mention the fact that there are very likely some intelligent beasts leading them," James explained.

"How long do you think we have?" the old man said.

"Roughly 6 – 7 days," James gave an estimate.

"By then the operation should have been completed and they'll all be back, hopefully with some useful information of materials," James explained.

"You better hope they have something useful, or you'll have screwed everyone here!" the man shouted.

Back on the turtle, everyone slept soundly, for hours. At the break of first light, they slowly started to get up, it was difficult to sleep with the sun blasting them.

They all got out their fruit bars and cereal bars and began eating. To them, this breakfast was slightly miserable. The fruit bars and cereal bars weren't very tasty, not to mention dry. But they couldn't really complain since this was all they had.

Once they finished they packed everything up and hopped off Faith, then walked towards the beach.

When they finally reached there, "So where's the stream?" They all asked.

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