Standing on the sand felt different to Lachlan, he felt slightly heavier. Fortunately, he had an insane amount of strength, so it didn't affect him as much.

However, the same couldn't be said about the others, mainly Zoe who had the lowest strength stat.

"Whoa, it feels as if I was normal again," Zoe said.

Lachlan thought about it, he tried using his strength and quickly realised he was being restricted. He determined that required strength to normally walk on this shore was about 100, that was well over what any regular soldier had but something they did.

Lachlan continued to walk towards the beach, the rest following along.

Looking back he noticed Zoe was beginning to slow down.

"What's wrong?" Lachlan asked.

"It feels as though the gravity increases the closer we are to the island," Zoe explained.

Lachlan thought about and realised what she was saying is true. Although the difference isn't noticeable to him, to the people with lower stats it made a big difference.

Once they finally reached the shore Zoe was panting, some of the others showed visible signs of fatigue.

Lachlan tested his strength and quickly noticed that walking where they were needed at least 200 stats in strength.

"Zoe, if you find it too much you should head back into the water, the gravity is less there," Lachlan said.

"I'm alright, I came here to train, after all, if I couldn't handle this much then I certainly won't be any use to the team," Zoe said.

"Then at least stay here and try to get used to the current gravity, it should be safe here," Lachlan said.

Zoe nodded and sat down, she began doing some basic ab exercises. Chloe joined her, the current gravity was still slightly too much for her. The rest of the group headed to the forest to explore.

They only walked another 15 metres, but the gravity increased again, and it became too much for Joe to handle, and just like Zoe and Chloe he stopped and done some exercise.

Walking another 7 metres and Phoebe dropped off, then after another 40 metres Simon and Georgia dropped off. Simon was furious he wasn't able to continue and quickly got into exercising, running around.

Lachlan kept walking. Everyone that could see him was slightly frustrated, as it meant the young boy was much stronger than them. Again Simon got more annoyed, Georgia was already exhausted, but Simon pushed himself.

Lachlan continued to make his way through the forest, he saw many different plants, fruits and what looks to be vegetables. He also continued to make an observation of the gravity, as from the beach to where he was it increased by 2 every metre.

He perked his head up, he heard something, something essential for a human's very survival.

Jogging through the thick vegetation he jogged into an open area, filled with rocks and a small water stream.

Walking up he scanned to water constantly analysing it, if there was anything there something should have come up. But nothing did, he walked up to the stream and bent over with his hands out to collect the water.

Filling his hands with water he brought it up to his mouth and began drinking.

He instantly felt a cold chill throughout his entire body, but right after came a gentle warmth. It only took a few seconds but once the effect was gone Lachlan noticed any fatigue he had was gone.

Looking at the water, Lachlan quickly realised that this island was much more useful then he could have ever imagined. Not only did it have the increase of gravity which helped them train, but it also had this water which replenished their energy.

With it they could train forever, well to be more exact, for however long the water lasted. They've only been here for 5 minutes, it's too quick to assume that this water will last forever.

He got out the water bottle from his bag and emptied it and filled it with the stream's water instead. Looking down at it he realised the water had a slight blue tint, there was also specs of red floating around it.

He began following the path upstream, hoping to find the source, but after he walked another 35 metres he realised the gravity changed again. Every metre increased the gravity by 4 now, which wasn't much to Lachlan but after a while, it quickly became a problem.

After walking 20+ metres he felt like it his body was in the same condition it was before he levels up so much. It felt foreign to him, as his body had adapted to the increased strength rapidly.

He continued to walk another 10 metres before his body couldn't handle it, and just like the others, he began doing some basic training, squats, push-ups and normal jogging.

However, the gravity was too much for his body and it only took minutes for Lachlan to be exhausted.

He brought out his water bottle and hoped it worked.


Drinking two large mouthfuls of water and he really felt the chill this time, but the warmth after it was much nicer. He sat there for a while in peace before standing up and resuming the training.

He wanted to practice a bit of boxing, so he walked up to a tree and punched it with everything he had.


"Ahh!" Lachlan screamed while holding his fist. His knuckles were red with a bit of skin slightly peeling.

Looking up Lachlan inspected the tree. Where he punched there was a large dent, which certainly surprised him. With his strength, any normal tree would be annihilated. He looked at these surroundings and remembered that this tree certainly isn't normal.

He took out his knife and put all his strength into peeling a bit of tree bark off. It worked, although the strip was only 30cm long and the knife was now blunt, it still worked.

He put the bark inside his bag, so it could be inspected later at the military base. The main thing he wanted to know of this bark could still be classified as bark, or if it had more metallic qualities.

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