The Strongest Beast Tamer

44 Second Day Complete *

Just like he promised, Lachlan lead them to the stream. They obviously didn't go to where Lachlan was but found where the stream led.

They got out their water bottles and filled it up, taking a sip. Lachlan also took a sip, just to see if there was anything different.

There was still the freezing effect, but it was much weaker, similar to a chill breeze. Not to mention the warm effect after wasn't as pleasing, rather it felt as if they dunked their bodies in slightly warm water.

Everyone stared at Lachlan with daggers in their eyes, ready to pounce on him if he didn't explain himself.

"This is the same stream, it just might mean that the effect gets weaker the further it is from its source," Lachlan explained.

"And where is the source?" They all asked.

"I don't know, I'm not strong enough to reach it yet," Lachlan stated.

"Alright, we'll let you off this time, but take our spare water bottles and fill it with the water in your area," They said.

Lachlan nodded and held out his hand. They all strapped their water bottles to it, some tied it on while staring at Lachlan.

After that, they all went to their areas and began training. They switched some things up though. Some of them tried out some fighting moves while under the gravity, though it was difficult it felt like they would receive better results.

Lachlan practised boxing, not shadow boxing though, he used the trees as punching bags. He was hoping that through this he could properly strengthen his skin and bones, breaking them down so they come back stronger.

And he didn't know why, but it seemed the water had special properties which made that process much faster. Whenever his skin broke apart, or he felt his bones fracture he drank some water and felt better, stronger.

At mid-day they all gathered onto Faith again, to eat some food peacefully. Lachlan had given them their water bottles once they met up.

There were also some more people though. Some military personnel had come over in a much smaller boat, they had kitchen appliances with them.

They boiled some hot water and prepared them instant noodles, some of them had beef while others had chicken, and just like at dinner they swapped with each other.

There were also powdered drinks, chocolate, coffee, and tea.

Lachlan took to chocolate, put the appropriate amount of powder within a cup and waited at the kettle, waiting for the water to finally boil.

Once it was boiled they all filled their noodles and drinks with the hot water, waited a bit for all the powder to dissolve and finally dig in.

They thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the drinks.

Once they had that they searched through their bags for snacks, finding chocolate bars, candy chocolates, and crackers with a jam spread.

They ate all that quickly before moving on. But just as they were about to jump off, one of the personals stopped them.

"Is there anything you've discovered on the island?" They asked.

Lachlan pulled out the bark from his bag and handed it over, "This is some tree bark, and don't think for a second that the trees on this island are normal".

The personal looked at it and tried bending it, but of course to no avail. They looked at each other and nodded, before placing the bark inside a bag. Then they hopped on their boat, waved at us and sped away.

Everyone didn't take any notice of it, they just thought they wanted to research it quickly.

Now that there was nothing to interrupt them, they could train in peace. They hopped off and walked to their training spots, however, they moved slightly further, increasing the difficulty. But getting better results.

This training went all the way to the afternoon, but when everyone saw the sky darken they headed back.

Back at the base.

"Sir, we have discovered that this tree bark is as strong as steel, but not only that, it is also incredibly flexible," A researcher said, with a clipboard in their arms.

"Good, if just the tree bark is this strong, the rock there much be much stronger," James said.

The researcher nodded and walked out of his room in a hurry. A few seconds pass and someone else enters the room, it was one of the people on the boat.

"Tell them to gather whatever materials they can," James demanded.

"Yes sit," They replied, then ran off, getting the rest of the people to set off again.

"Huh," 'If we can get some stronger materials we can create some stronger equipment, not just weapons either, but drills or pickaxes, would certainly make their life much easier if they had the proper tool' James thought.

Everyone had headed on back, they had their dinner and were about to sleep, but Lachlan decided to do something else.

He picked up all of his stuff and held it above his head.

"Where are you going?" Simon asked.

"To sleep on the beach," Lachlan answered.

"In that sort of gravity?" Simon questioned Lachlan's decision.

"get my body to adapt faster, want to get stronger faster, after all, we're only going to be here for another 5 days," Lachlan stated.

"Hm, you're not wrong," Simon said, he then looked towards everyone else, "Who else is coming".

Georgia stood up, "I will".

"Sure, why not," said Phoebe sheepishly as she was about to fall asleep.

"I certainly won't, I can barely handle the pressure in the water, let alone the beach," Zoe said.

"I'm with Zoe on this, you all go ahead and train to your heart content maniacs," Chloe said.

"Sure," Joe said, standing up and picking up all his stuff.

It was decided, most of them were going to spend the night sleeping under the intense pressure. Even though to most of them it would still feel light, especially Lachlan.

When they reached the beach they walked 15 metres away from the waves, creating a large gap. Then set up camp, well what they could set up anyway.

They tried out the tents, but they snapped under the gravity, but luckily the swags were alright.

Everyone summoned their beasts, one reason is so that they could sleep with them, and the other reason is that should anything unexpected happen they'll be ready.

"Summon Kyle!" Georgia shouted, a tattoo of wings appeared on her back.

"Summon Sandy," Joe said, a tattoo of a dog appeared on his legs.

"Come Storm, Tornado, and Hurricane!" Simon shouted, a tattoo of large wings emitted light from his back. There was a bird's talon tattoo that appeared on his right leg and left hand.

"Joy!" Phoebe shouted and a turtle head appeared on thighs.

"Summon Disaster, Catastrophe, and Calamity!" Lachlan shouted, with three large birds wings tattoos emitting light from his back.

Once the light dispersed all the tamed beast stood before them. There were seven birds, one turtle, and one dog, all of which were massive and gave off an intimidation aura.

Lachlan analysed them.

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