The Strongest Beast Tamer

36 Fighting Lions *

Lachlan didn't expect for some random beast to know about their special abilities, but when thinking about it, it did make sense. When his Rocs attacked he never mentioned anything about their ability, they just seemed to know about it instinctively.

He knew it would be dangerous to continue fighting without help.

"Come Calamity, Catastrophe, and Disaster!"

The light dispersed, and the three Rocs were already flying above the ground. Lachlan jumped up and landed on one of their backs. The Rocs shot up into the air a few hundred metres, getting a better view of the situation. Unfortunately, it was still dark, making it hard to see.


The Rocs began to start their own special ability, causing an array of clouds to gather above them. Blue lightning was going off in the clouds, brightening up the area giving Lachlan a better view of the lions.

Each lion stood 15 metres tall and had dark brown fur. Their eyes were still cat eyes, meaning they could easily see them with night vision. Hearing the birds screeching the lions looked up and stared at Lachlan.

Fortunately for Lachlan, the lion's special ability couldn't reach them. However, when he looked around he saw the damage it was causing. The houses were collapsing, and further into the distance, he saw that the school was also partially damaged.

He got annoyed, as the damaged part of the school was near his family, he knew he needed to end this quickly.

"Catastrophe, Calamity, and Disaster, you guys split up and take care of one each, I'll take the one left over," Lachlan commanded.


The Rocs all split up, hovering above their opponent. The lions were still annoyed and staring at everyone with bloodlust. This was the first time Lachlan managed to actually sense it, similar to aura it was invisible, but having a strong enough bloodlust and cause your opponents to fall into a scared state.

Fortunately for Lachlan, although the bloodlust was strong, his mind remained unaffected by it. Most likely thanks to his Willpower.

Lachlan and the Rocs simultaneously attacked, shooting off at their opponents in lightning speed. Lachlan brought out his shotgun, aiming it directly at the beast's eye.


Shooting the shotgun caused the lion to recoil in shock, roaring at Lachlan before attacking with its paws. Lachlan shoved the paws away and grabbed his knife, slashing at the lion's throat, before jumping up and stabbing directly through the other eye.

The lion continued to roar, however, even it knew that its end was now.

Lachlan kept attacking, leaving multiple slash wounds on the neck, letting blood flow out, dripping on the ground, leaving it completely red.

The Rocs had approached the battle differently, grabbing onto the lions before lifting them up, going up hundreds of metres before dropping them. Although the Lions were strong, anything would die from that height.

They crashed into the ground, leaving little craters surrounding their bodies, filled with cracks. One of the lions was still alive, barely though, having broken the left legs.

It tried to stand up but was hopeless towards its injuries. The Roc that was facing it shot down at lightning speed, beak first. Once it reached the lion it was like a guillotine, the lions head flew a few metres, its blood soaking the ground.

The fight only took seconds but was easily one of the most intense fights Lachlan has been in. He felt ecstatic, the adrenaline flowing through his veins, it was a new feeling to him, but it made him feel powerful.

Back at the school, the shaking was still happening, fortunately for the superiors, it didn't affect them directly.

"What's the situation?" One of the asked.

Adam(J) looked towards the drone footage, "It seems Lachlan has summoned his birds".

The rest looked towards the screen and saw what was happening, noticing that Lachlan took a smart approach by flying up. Because the drone was facing downward they didn't notice the array of clouds, but the soldiers near the armoury could see clearly.

"What is that?"

"You think I know that".

The superiors were watching the fight unfold, opening their mouth but not saying anything. Especially when the birds lifted up the Rocs and dropped them from far up.

"This boy keeps surprising me," Adam(J) said.

"Indeed, we have the enlist him into that program," said the old lady.

Lachlan was looking at his spoils of war, pleased him himself. This was the first time he fought against the beast all by himself, he had to take something. He knew everything could be used, although he wasn't completely sure, the claws and teeth were probably incredibly strong, if he makes a weapon it should last him awhile.

There was also the fur, making himself clothes from the lion's hide, although it isn't the best time of year for warm clothes he could keep them stored somewhere.

As for the meat, well, even Lachlan wasn't sure if it tasted good or not. But, he wouldn't mind giving it a try, if it was good then the four lion bodies should last the group here for a while.

What Lachlan couldn't see was a humanoid beast staring at him from the tree. The figure stood there for a few seconds before jumping up, a bird swooped down and caught him before flying off.

Lachlan saw the bird but didn't notice anything wrong with it, he just assumed it was running away, as every other beast near them was.

The Rocs landed next to them, using their high level of perception to find any more dangers.

Lachlan and the Rocs realised that nothing was wrong, Lachlan pulled out the button that the soldier gave them and pressed it.

Back at the armoury, an alarm went off, soldiers were already in position and begun marching towards the area, making sure to keep an eye on their surroundings.

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