The Strongest Beast Tamer

37 End of the Operation *

After finishing Lachlan jumped onto one of the Rocs and flew up, observing the armies advancements. Although he could just clear the way for them he didn't want to take away all the valuable experience they'll get from this.

So instead he went towards the school, hoping to check on his family.

Without the soldiers crowding the oval anymore, it left him a lot of space to land, which he did. He quickly got off and ran towards the STEM area, when he got there he felt relief.

Everyone was fine, and the area that was damaged had no one there. He went up to his family and gave everyone a big hug, especially his mother who he knows was worried sick for him. His brothers, however, trusted his strength.

Dylan, Alfredo, and Adam(J) felt the same, especially after his display of power during the fight.

"I didn't know you could do that," Adam(J) said.

"I learnt from the best," said Lachlan, nodding towards Alfredo.

Alfredo felt happy, it was the first time someone acknowledges him in such a way. He knew what he was talking about as well, how the lion's eyes were still incredibly weak, especially against a shotgun bullet at point blank range.

"After this, I need to send a report to my superiors, which will include your battle. I'm hoping you can join the army, not as one of the soldiers, but as an ally of equal strength," Adam(J) explained.

"Sure, as long as I can keep the current freedom I have," Lachlan said.

"Haha, you will don't worry. However, there is something I want to talk to you about," Adam(J) mysteriously said.

The old women near them knew exactly what he was talking about but decided not the intervene just yet. If Adam(J) could convince the boy it'll be completely fine.

Lachlan couldn't help but perk up, this might be something interesting.

Seeing that he had Lachlan's attention Adam(J) begun explaining, "Due to all the recent event the government is beginning to start some secret operations. These are not missions but rather something similar to a special task force. You will be sent to a high-quality facility where you will be trained in combat, there will be others like you, and depending on how well you do, you have the chance to lead incredibly high paying jobs".

"Higher pay means more dangerous now," Chloe interrupted.

"Indeed, however, high pay also means high recognition. Completing these missions will not only grant the individual money but also political power," Adam(J) explained.

"Where is the facility?" Lachlan asked.

"Well the Australian navy hasn't been completely useless during these times, they've managed to find a new island near Sydney. It's the size of Adelaide but has something special about it, the gravity there is 10x stronger, the soldiers almost died when they stepped on the shores," Adam(J) said.

"Then what about Lachlan?" Chloe asked.

"With the strength he just displayed I would be shocked if the gravity hurt him, for him this gravity will be a form of training. Listen, Mrs Wilson, this is an island that'll help Lachlan become much stronger, giving a high chance of surviving, you want that don't you?" Adam(J) asked.

"Of course I do, but what about the rest of them?" Chloe asked.

"Unfortunately only Lachlan has the current strength to last on the island, even for my own strength I'll probably struggle to live there," Adam(J) explained.

"So when will I need to go?" Lachlan asked.

"You can go now if you want. If you ride your birds it should only take you a few hours," Adam(J) said.

The group was confused, as it still took them half an hour to get from Adelaide to Mount Barker. They looked towards Lachlan for an explanation.

"Well you guys wouldn't have been able to handle the Rocs going full speed, I didn't want any accidents to happen, so I got them to slow down," Lachlan explained.

This shocked the group a bit, although they knew they might get in his way they didn't think that they were such a burden. However, they also felt gratitude to Lachlan, for looking out for them, especially Chloe and Sarah.

For this reason, Chloe decided to let Lachlan go and spread his wings early, although it was saddening, should he be able to get stronger earlier it'll only be beneficial to him.

"You should go," Choe said to Lachlan.

This gave Lachlan a bit of a shock, it was the first time his mother gave him so much freedom, considering he was only nine years old.

Lachlan nodded, he gave everyone one a hug.

"They have all the necessities there, right?" Lachlan asked Adam(J).

"Yes," Adam(J) responded.

Lachlan began walking off, his family were getting teary but knew it was bound to happen. Adam and Jack felt even worse, they were older but so much weaker. This brought upon a new-found motivation to get stronger.

Adam(J) quickly called the headquarters at Sydney, telling them he was sending someone over.

Outside Lachlan had already summoned the Rocs and gotten on, although he tried holding back he started tearing up. He was still young and didn't want to leave his family behind he needed to. Although he wasn't sure, but the intelligent beast that he was supposed to fight might have been of equal strength to him, possibly stronger, he doesn't want to take any risk in the future.

Adam(J) let him keep the guns and knife he chose, as a sign of thanks.

Lachlan obviously accepted it, although he wasn't sure why, but they gave him a sense of comfort.

Lachlan gave the school one last look before getting the Roc to shoot up into the sky. It then began flying towards Sydney, breaking the sound barrier and flying off, only leaving behind a trail of light which dispersed seconds later.

Every now and then Lachlan would get the Rocs to slow down, not because he was tired, but rather he just wanted to enjoy the scenery quickly. Although most of the scenery had beast carcasses littered across it.

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