The Strongest Beast Tamer

35 Start of the Operation *

Lachlan and the group started settling in, unpacking anything they had on them and settling in the tent. They used this brief moment to relax for a bit, as they'll have a bit of stress to deal with very soon.

After relaxing for a bit they finally felt calm, relaxing their mind. They got up and headed for the STEM area they were at before, once they got there they noticed that the superiors were all there, discussing plans and how to deal with unpredictable situations.

"Welcome, I do hope you calmed your mind, this operation may be a stressful one," Adam(J) said.

Chloe was still not calm; however, she also knew how important this operation was for all the people here. She just hated that her son had to be the one that leads it. Adam and Jack were feeling the same, but rather they hated that they weren't strong enough to lead the operation and could only let their youngest brother do it.

Dylan and Alfredo didn't mind and were calm, they trusted Lachlan's abilities, they were just hoping there won't be any unpredictable dangers or situations.

"Hey, so when are we starting?" Lachlan asked.

"In 20 minutes we'll begin, put on the earpiece and head to the armoury, you'll head off from there," Adam(J) explained.

Lachlan walked up to his family and gave everyone a hug, trying to reassure them that he had the necessary strength. He then walked down the stairs and out into the canteen before passing through it and reaching the armoury.

There he was greeted with a few soldiers, waiting for him. Along with the soldiers were a few military vehicles, no tanks or anything, just cars. Inside were a lot of soldiers, all armed to the teeth.

The soldiers waiting for him walked up and held something out in his hand, it was a controller with a button on it.

"Once you finish of the intelligent beast press this button, we'll clean up the rest and secure the area".

Lachlan nodded before walking past the armoury, getting closer to the gate and closer to the residential area. Lachlan could already sense a few beasts, all of which could easily be dealt with by him.

He continued to wait for the signal to begin, waiting only 10 minutes before he was given the go. Lachlan rushed up the hill and into the residential area, he released the maximum amount of pressure he could currently, frightening any weak beasts within his vicinity.

He continued rushing throughout the residential area, passing a school and then a small paddock, where he was finally stopped by an opponent. A snake stood before him, managing to not run away from his aura.

Lachlan couldn't see the snake clearly, but with his high level of perception, he was able to determine its size. It was 10 metres long, it didn't have two massive teeth but rather had teeth similar to a shark, with a row of teeth that'll shred its prey.



Name: Shredder Snake

Age: Adult

Attribute: Water

Level: 33

STR: 34(+112), AGI: 36(+106), VIT: 25(+140)

INT: 15(+50), PER: 28(+64), WIL: 19(+23)

Weakness: None

Strengths: Fast speeds, and a durable body.

Description: A snake that had adapted so much too constricting that it has lost its poison, along with that were its long fangs. However, after losing its fangs it grew rows of teeth to shred its prey, making it almost impossible to escape once it's inside its mouth.


Lachlan wasn't surprised it managed to resist his aura, as he still didn't exactly have complete control over it. However, this didn't both Lachlan, although it was strong it was nothing compared to him.

Running up Lachlan quickly pounced at the snakes head with lightning speeds, before reaching out and grabbing onto the snake's neck. With his monstrous gripping power, he completely ripped into the snake's throat before pulling back, creating a spray of blood.

The snake died quickly, letting its lifeless body thump onto the ground, creating a sound that awakened the surrounding beasts.


An array of sounds begun surrounding him, Lachlan could feel the beasts due to his perception and knew he could beat them. But he didn't want to waste too much time, he quickly dashed away from the area leaving only a trail of lightning which quickly dispersed.

Lachlan was currently on the roof of a house, checking the surrounding area for any movement, through his tracker he was informed that he was near the intelligent beast, or should be anyway. Lachlan was, however, disappointed with the lack of movements.

He began jumping from roof to roof, trying to increase his search area, but he still got nothing.

"Damnit, where are you beast!" Lachlan shouted.


The earth begun to shake, it got more and more violent as seconds went by. Looking down Lachlan saw the ground beneath him crack, using his perception he realised the cracks extended to the far surrounding ground.


The ground split apart and four massive beasts came out, each of these beasts reaching at least 15 metres in height.



Name: Cave Lions

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth

Level: 41

STR: 20(+234), AGI: 30(+248), VIT: 20(+217)

INT: 15(+73), PER: 25(+61), WIL: 20(+35)

Weakness: None

Strengths: Fast speeds, and strong bite.

Description: These lions evolved from feral cats. The cats were desperate for change and wanted a way to improve their lives and stand on top. Evolving into an enormous lion, with the ability to hide and attack from underground.


Lachlan was quite dumbfounded when he read the description. This was one of the first times he has seen such a large change, but it did make sense.

He prepared himself for the battle, and although he still hasn't found the intelligent beast, defeating these four should either provoke it or terrify it away.

Just as Lachlan was about the launch at the lions they began stomping on the ground, causing it an earthquake to start. Lachlan immediately knew what they were doing and was terrified that they knew how to do it.

At the base, everyone was staring intently at the map, where a bright red light was flashing which indicated Lachlan's location. Unfortunately it didn't tell them whether or not he was dead, fortunately, they have a drone in the area, showing he was alive.

They had the drone footage on another screen, Lachlan's family were staring at that, trying to see if anything unusual appears, and that's when the lions appeared.

"What the hell are those?!" Chloe asked.

"We determined that those four beasts are the intelligent beast's bodyguards," Adam(J) explained.

"If those are the bodyguards how strong is the intelligent beast?" Chloe questioned. This operation seemed more and more impossible every time something unpredictable happens.

"We aren't sure, all we know that those bodyguards are strong," Adam(J) stated.

Chloe was about to say something else but was interrupted when the ground began to shake. Looking at the screen they noticed that the beasts were stomping on the ground, causing it to shake.

However, for Lachlan's group, they knew this was something else, a special ability.

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