The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 756: Rogue

Prior to this discussion, they have never focused their attention onto this detail, because centuries ago it didn't matter so much to them whether the guardian angels were alive or not, as long as they could win the battle.

However now, it was different. They couldn't put their mates into any possible danger again, therefore, Torak and Kace needed to know what had happened to those guardian angels before Jedrek brought them to the battlefield.

Lilac looked at her mate next to her, but Jedrek didn't let any of his emotions surface on his cold façade.

Yet, she didn't think it was her place to speak about it, though she knew what Jedrek had done to her kind that brought them to the extinction.

She was also aware about why Jedrek was very reluctant to speak about it. Because it was related to their parents, thus if he talked about this, it would only led to more number of explanations on his part.

Hence, Lilac kept silent and left it to Jedrek to make his own decision.

"I didn't sap their power," Jedrek answered. It was a half truth, since it was Janus who did that.

"But,what you did killed the both kinds, in the end. The shadow warriors and the guardian angels." Hope pointed out the obvious. "Was that really the moon goddess's order?" she mumbled to herself. She wasn't sure if it was possible for the goddess to give such an order.

Yet, Jedrek changed the topic again and talked about what they had to do with all the people who would come to join forces with them.

The discussion lasted for another hour before Jedrek called it a day and they went back to their own chambers.

A silent agreement was made that they wouldn't have dinner together. Hours of discussion was very tiring and they were not in the mood to see each other for another few hours to share another conversation just yet.

Torak stood up and followed Kace, while Serefina had rushed out of the room once Jedrek said the meeting was enough for today.

"I think we should know each other," Hope said when Kace pulled her toward the door. She looked at him expectantly.

Kace frowned. He didn't like the idea of leaving Hope with Lilac.

"I also think the same," Lilac said cheerfully and walked toward Hope and Raine, dodging Jedrek's hand that was about to pull her back swiftly. "If you think that I will hurt them, that is totally wrong."

"Oh, I don't think you will hurt my mate, but your mate will." Kace stood in front of Hope, blocking her behind his broad back. "What happened to your hands?" he nodded at Lilac's hands, which were wrapped with tight bandages. "He did it to you?"

"Oh, this…" Lilac raised both of her hands in front of Kace as she felt Jedrek walking closer to her and stood right behind her, just in case Kace wanted to do something stupid. "I fought Serefina," she said truthfully.

"You fought Serefina?" Kace was surprised. He never thought that a guardian angel would be able to fight the witch. "What do you mean by you fought with her? By squabbling?"

The smile on Lilac's lips faded when she heard that. "You're looking down on me."

"No," Kace replied. He just didn't get it. "But, what did you fight her with? She is called a witch for a reason."

"Doesn't Hope also have a power?" Lilac looked at Hope and felt Jedrek's hand wrapping around her waist protectively.

"Yes. Seeing ghosts." Kace was rewarded by a slap from Hope because he said it as if he was mocking her. "I don't see it is any useful to fight with Serefina," he said grumpily while rubbing his upper arm, which had been hit by Hope.

However, before their conversation could continue any further, someone knocked on the door and by the sound of it, whoever it was, they were truly urging for the king's attention.

Kace opened the door, annoyed, because he stood closer to it.

"Your majesty," a guard rushed inside the room and nodded to Torak and Kace before he walked past them and knelt in front of the king. "Rogues attacked a nearby town."

"Rogues?" Kace frowned. The last time he was here, he never heard of rogues that could attack a town in this realm. Just how many of them huddled together until they were bold enough to do that?

"Call Eaton and Lyrus to take care of it," Jedrek said, frowning. This guard shouldn't come to him directly for this kind of problem. One of his generals could take care of it.

"They were already fighting them, your grace, but we are outnumbered." The guard seemed anxious when he said it.

"Outnumbered? How many rogues?" Jedrek furrowed his brows.

The guard shook his head. "A thousand, or two…" He raised his head to see his furious king. "The report came through mind-link thirty minutes ago, but when we tried to contact them again, we can't reach them, therefore Beta Lyrus and Lord Eaton went there, but they were still yet to return."

"Lilac, stay here. I mean it!" He said sternly and glared at his mate. Jedrek didn't waste his time any longer as he rushed out while giving an order to the guard.

"Rogues?" Kace looked at Torak, confused.

Torak watched as his brother's back disappeared at the end of the corridor and then turned to Raine. "Look for Calleb and Raphael, and stay with them."

"Where are you going? Will you go to the town?" Raine grabbed Torak's hand tightly. She knew the answer even before Torak's confirmation.

"Find them and don't roam around alone. I will come back soon." Torak kissed her forehead and smacked Kace's shoulder. "Let's go."

"Why should I come along?" Kace grumbled while rubbing his shoulder. It was hurting. However, the younger brother still followed his siblings to go the town. "Stay with them, if I found you roaming around this place alone, I would scold you until daybreak." He threatened Hope before he ran to catch up with Torak and Jedrek.

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