The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 757: Rogue (2)

A lightning struck the sky and illuminated the gruesome scene for a few seconds, giving out the details of the bloody battle, which ended just a few minutes ago.

Blood dripped from the three Donovan's hands as their wounds started to close in and the scratches began to disappear.

They had never seen these many rogues at the same place, and attacking a town at the same time.

Dead bodies piled up in one spot, some of them were still in their beast form while most were lying lifeless in their human skin.

"How it is possible for a lot of rogues to come to this town at the same time?" Torak wiped his bloody hands on the shirt of the last rogue he killed.

Rogues, would usually attack small villages, not a populated place like this town. Moreover, as far as Torak could remember, he never got to see these many rogues gathering to strike an attack like now. They could create their own pack with this number.

"This is the first time," Jedrek replied. He crouched down and pulled a dead body by its collar and looked closely, it was a young werewolf in his adolescent age. "Find out more about this," Jedrek talked to Lyrus, who was standing next to him.

"Yes, your majesty." Lyrus then walked away from Jedrek's side while giving an order to the other guards.

"They are not from this realm." Kace sniffed his bloody hands. "I think their scent is familiar… I have smelled it somewhere before…" he contemplated for a while.

"What do you mean they are not from this realm?" Jedrek asked, as he shifted his attention toward Torak.

If those shifters were not from this realm, the other possibility was that they were coming from the other realm, which was under Torak rule.

"There were a few cases of rogues, but they never accounted these many numbers." Torak narrowed his eyes at the sudden light from the lightning in the sky. It seemed rain would pour down in this area, the fire from the torches created a long shadow that outlined how many rogues along with their own people had been killed during an hour long battle.

This was not a common event.

"They are not from Torak's territory as well." Kace was trying to remember where he had ever smelled this scent.

"Northern coven realm?" Someone chimed in and when Kace and Torak turned around they found their father's Beta, Eaton, while Jedrek was aware that he was here since a few moments ago. He had been listening to them.

"Eaton? How can you be here?" Kace frowned. Rumor said that Beta Eaton suddenly disappeared when his mate died because of a rogue attack not long after Jedrek ascended the throne and was crowned as the king for all the lycanthropes, replacing their father.

When they heard the guard mentioning someone named Eaton, Kace and Torak didn't think he was the same Eaton, the man whom they had known from their childhood.

"Hai, Torak." Eaton flashed Torak a smile and messed up Kace's hair like he used to do many decades ago. "So, is it northern coven realm? I heard the witches and vampires have joined forces there."

Kace was surprised to see this man, but then he focused on the matter at hand. "No, it was not northern coven realm. This place is not Torak's territory."

"There are only a few places that are not his territory." Eaton nodded at Torak. He missed seeing the two boys who had grown up to be someone respectable just like their father, when Janus was still in his right mind.

"Rieka." Kace frowned. "I think I had smelled this scent in Rieka country."

"Rieka?" Jedrek also knitted his brows. "It was the area where the first war took place."

Torak also knew that place, not long ago, he took Raine there to see the stone that could tell you everything, where Raine was so frightened by what she learned from that stone.

Rieka was not in Torak's territory, but it didn't come under any other creatures' territory as well. Hence, that place could be said as a free land.

"What were you doing there?" Torak asked Kace. That place was far from where he found Kace or where he used to live with his mate, Serefina and Lana.

"I was avoiding his people," Kace grunted at Jedrek with distaste in every word that he spoke. "Thanks to him, I got to visit many places that you could never even imagine."

Though the sarcasm in the way Kace spoke to him was very thick, Jedrek only responded to it coldly. "No need to thank me."

"Alright!" Eaton clapped his hands to cut off Kace's angry words and eased the unpleasant atmosphere between the two of them. "So, how come you are so sure that they are the same people that you met in Rieka?"

"I experienced an event that left a deep impression." Kace watched as the dead body in front of him was being lifted by Jedrek's guards. "I met two rogues eight years ago in Rieka. But, they looked strange to me."

"What do you mean?" Torak tried to mind-link Raphael or Calleb, but he couldn't reach them, while Raine had always blocked her mind ever since she knew how to do it.

"They didn't talk, they didn't respond to anything that I asked them, and didn't seem to be aware of their surroundings." Kace remembered that clearly. "They only said; 'the darkness will spread in this place', and kept repeating those few words again and again."

"The devils," Torak concluded. He stared at the wall, behind which the castle was located. "We need to go back to the castle. I can't mind link my Beta and Gamma from here."

"I think they put some magic here, so we can't mind-link the other shifters," Eaton said.

"I will ask Serefina to take care of it." Kace walked ahead, he didn't like it one bit to realize that he also couldn't hear Hope's thoughts from here. "I will go back to the castle."

Eaton looked at Jedrek who scrunched his brows. "Go. I will take care of this."

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