The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 755: The discussion (2)

Maximus was Jedrek's first Beta, but because of the treachery that his family had committed which later led to their whole family's execution, Maximus was demoted to be the first general, but Jedrek continued to trust him and listened to him more than his new Beta, Lyrus.

"He challenged you for the Alpha position?" Kace asked for confirmation, he was surprised that Maximus would be so reckless to think that he could make Jedrek kneel before him when he wasn't even capable to beat Kace.

Yes, Maximus did hurt Kace which forced the younger Donovan to travel to the northern coven realm to heal himself. However, he didn't fail in giving Maximus back a tough competition where he almost killed him.

"Yes," Jedrek answered.

"After everything that he had done for you, he finally failed to hide his true colors from you. You should have executed him together with the rest of his family," Kace scoffed.

"How about the dragon people?" Jedrek asked Toraka different thing, because he didn't want to linger on that topic any longer. "I heard the earth dragons leader is looking for their last female."

Torak wasn't even surprised to hear that Jedrek knew about the issues of the dragon people in his territory. "The devils kidnapped their last female."

"I don't trust them," Kace voiced out his opinion. "They betrayed us even without having their last female being kidnapped, so why would they be on our side now, when their last hope to keep their existence is in the hands of the devil?"

Kace got a point. The dragon people could be barely trusted or reliable enough to be a part of their strategy.

"The vow will prevent them to do such a thing again." Serefina reminded them about the vow that the dragon people had agreed upon.

To avoid facing the consequences of their treachery, all the dragons people had tobow down to a condition that forbade them to shift into their beasts, except for two occasions.

"That is not enough." Torak shook his head.

"Keeping aside the matter regarding earth dragons, there are still water dragons, air dragons and fire dragons. And, three of the four kinds are in your territory. Have you ever visited them?" Kace asked Jedrek.

"No," Jedrek said. "They live at the far end regions of my territory. As long as nothing significant happens, I don't need to meet them."

"I think this is the right time for you to pay them a visit," Kace suggested.

The more they talked and shared their thoughts about the most important issue at hand, the more the enmity between them seemed forgotten, as they trained their focus elsewhere.

This was a good start and the discussion was not as worse as they had feared it would be. They just needed some more time to adjust to each other again, after all, they had won the first battle together and they would do it again together.

"What about the guardian angel's role in the war?" Hope, who kept quiet just like Lilac and Raine, finally opened her mouth and voiced out her question. "You sought guardian angels assistance to win the battle during the first war, so what exactly did you do to them to win the war?"

The discussion died down when they heard Hope's question.

Raine raised her head and looked at the three Donovans and Serefina with interest. She had been asking Torak this question from a long time, but he always said it was not the right time for Raine to know about that, thus she had to wait.

"What?" Hope stared at everyone in the room intensely. She was always curious about everything, more so when Kace refused to answer the very same question.

"I think this is time for them to know, don't you think so too?" Serefina leaned forward to see the Donovans' hard faces.

"No, they will know about this later." Jedrek didn't agree with Serefina.

However, it was Lilac, who answered Hope's question without asking permission. She agreed with Serefina. It was time for Raine and Hope to know about this. Just like what she had expected, their mates didn't let them know the details of the reason why the guardian angels were extinct.

"They sapped the guardian angel's power and drew their blood in order to win the battle," Lilac said and Hope widened her eyes in surprise, yet when she looked at Raine, her expression didn't change, as if she had known this. "You know about this?" Lilac asked her.

"Yes," Raine replied softly. "I went to the past when they destroyed the village of angels."

And now all the eyes were on Raine and this left her feeling slightly uncomfortable. Torak could feel her predicament and squeezed her hand in reassurance, to let her know he was with her and there was nothing to be afraid of.

"The shadow warriors used to use guardian angel's blood when they fought their enemies. They would coat their weapon with it." Raine finished it dejectedly as she relived the memory of Aeon. She still blamed herself for not being strong enough to protect the one who cared for her.

Torak looked at Lilac disapprovingly for mentioning that, but she simply ignored him completely and shifted her focus onto Raine.

"The shadow guard's way to use the guardian angels for their own benefit and how they forced them to mate with them, was one thing that the moon goddess couldn't approve." Jedrek replied to Raine, but she frowned at him.

"But, the shadow warriors protected them." Raine didn't agree with Jedrek. It was right that the shadow warriors took benefit from the guardian angels, but they gave them protection in return.

"That was not how it should be." Serefina chimed in. "That was the reason why Selene gave an order to the lycanthropes to take the guardian angels away from the shadow warriors."

"But, even if you drew the guardian angel's blood like what the shadow warrior did, it wouldn't kill them, right?" Raine looked at Lilac for approval.

"I don't remember that we sapped the guardian angel's power. But, when they came into the battlefield, they looked barely alive," Torak narrowed his eyes at Jedrek suspiciously. "What happened?"

"Right," Kace seemed to have just remembered it too. "You didn't sap their power, did you?"

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