The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 698: Bad influence

Lilac followed Jedrek to the city. The two were walking side by side. Behind them, there were Theo, Warlock, and a few more lycan warriors following. Their small group attracted too much attention from the passersby around them. How unusual it was for Lilac liking, because they were all bowing their heads so humbly. All just to pay the highest obeisance that they could offer to their King. 

"Why are you taking me to the city?" Lilac asked while looking at her surroundings.

"So that you will get to familiarize yourself with this realm. This city might be a good start for that," Jedrek said.

"And, why do you think that I should familiarize myself with all of these?" Frustrated, and fed up with all that was already at hands, Lilac felt like it was an even harder thing to do if she had to understand the lycan beside her. Because he changed his mood, and the way he treated her every time they met was unpredictably different. 

For a few days Jedrek was gone missing. He didn't even say a word about leaving. And it made Lilac feel as if she was being abandoned. On top of that, he went away for a few days right after the kiss the other night. To her, it almost felt like receiving a clear statement that he didn't want to have anything to do with her.

Now you came back, and wanted me to familiarize myself with this realm, as if I am about to live here forever!?—she thought.

There was no forever for these guardian angels. As a matter of fact, they were resurrected for a mission, not to stay for long…

Jedrek didn't reply to her immediately. But when he decided to answer, his words took her absolutely by surprise. "The thing is, you are my mate. It means you will be their queen too."

Astonished with what she just heard, Lilac raised her eyebrows at Jedrek. Meanwhile, immediately a lot of sarcastic words roamed around her head, as a response to his ridiculous statement. But she was just having a hard time choosing which one she should use. In the end, it was only a simple question that passed her lips. "So, you relent now?"

"I think it is too late for us to go against it." Jedrek looked back at Lilac, who was staring at him since he said those words. "You are right. The war is getting closer, and that is the important thing now."

Lilac shook her head, she couldn't believe what she just heard. "Alright, let's just focus on the war. There would be no need for me to know about your realm." 

So, when the King finally understood the truth in all that she had been trying to tell him, it automatically affected their relationship. They were once behaving like enemies, trying to hurt each other. Now it all changed. Their relationship turned into something else. As odd as it might seem, but they were now two people with the same interest, and goal.

Ignoring Lilac's blunt rejection, Jedrek then said, "There are a lot of customs that you need to know." 

Lilac scoffed, knowing her words would be ignored by the lycan king as in any other days. "I don't think I will, or want to learn that."

"You will. It will need some time. But you will learn. Sometimes, it's better to be thrown into the water when learning how to swim." Once again Jedrek didn't heed to Lilac's objection. 

"And sometimes, it could get one drowned," Lilac quipped. 

"As the future queen, no one will let you drown." Jedrek intertwined their hands together as they walked down the street, gaining curious gazes from his people. 


"What do you think they were talking about?" asked Raine to Hope. They sat down on the grass, while staring at their mates. The two brothers were talking to each other. It was hard to tell what they were talking about, because of their faces that were devoid of any emotion. Thus, the two guardian angels could only stare at their lycan mates from afar.

"I don't know, it is hard to guess whether they are in the middle of an argument, or whether they have had a truce? I'm not sure. Their facial expressions have been consistently the same since two hours ago," Hope replied. 

Raine chuckled, she liked Hope with her witty remark. She looked so bright, and brave. "I am glad that at the very least, they don't claw each other's face."

"Yeah, me too." Hope laughed with her. Whenever they talked about their mate, and everything, it seemed like they would never run out of topics to keep the conversation going. 

Meanwhile, Calleb and Jack were standing not too far from them. They were guarding the two girls, who didn't seem to really care about them, or their existence there, as they chatted away. 

"I have never seen Raine this happy." Jack was the first guard, who was assigned by the supreme Alpha Torak himself to protect Raine a long while ago, when Serefina took her out of their territory. At that time, Raine was barely talking. As a matter of fact, she was too shy to even look someone in the eyes. 

Of course, never had Jack really imagined that the scene before him now, was something that could actually happen in a year. It seemed the witch had indeed put an extra measure in her time with Raine. But, looking at the result now, it was a solid proof that all Serefina did was what Raine needed. Especially in their current circumstances, when the devils, and their minions lurked in the dark now.

"I think she finds another soulmate," Calleb spoke sullenly. 

"What is wrong with you?" Jack tilted his head, as he threw the Gamma a questioning look. 

They were standing under a tree that kept on raining them with dry leaves. 

"What? What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with me?!" Calleb frowned.

"Your tone."

"What's wrong with my tone?" 

Jack narrowed his eyes, assessing his fellow lycan. "Don't tell me you're jealous because Luna found another friend."

Calleb rolled his eyes dramatically, but that was not completely wrong. Just like a child who got ignored by his dear friend, he indeed felt a little bit annoyed, because Raine didn't play with him anymore. 

Calleb used to stand by Raine's side most of the time. He got used to seeing her annoying him, or clinging to him all the time. Thus, seeing how she didn't seem to care about him anymore, he felt abandoned. He felt like a replaced best friend.

Finally, after two hours long, Torak and Kace ended their conversation. They went back to their mates, who had been waiting for them. 

Previously, Torak and Kace told their mates to stay where they had left the two. But, when the two lycan brothers saw Hope and Raine followed after them, they just glanced towards their direction before continuing whatever topic they were discussing. 

"Didn't I tell you to stay with Calleb, and Jack?" Torak asked Raine when he reached her. 

"Don't worry, they're over there." Raine pointed her finger towards Calleb, and Jack. "See, I stay with them," she said cheekily, and Torak couldn't counter that. 

"And you," Kace knocked Hope's head lightly. "Didn't I tell you to stay there?" 

Hope crossed her arms, showing her disobedience. "Stay where? You should've given me a specific area. Besides, I'm not wandering far from the tent." 

Kace groaned, as he threw Torak a look. "Your mate brings an absolute bad influence to my mate," he accused Raine. "Let's go eat something, I am hungry. Talking to him drains my energy." Kace grabbed Hope's hand and took her away toward the tent. 

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