The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 697: Too much to complain

Not long after Torak said that, suddenly the rest of the lycanthropes and werewolves who came with him, arrived in the clearing too all at once. 

Previously, it seemed that the Alpha had outran them to get to the clearing in his haste. Meanwhile Serefina simply teleported herself from time to time to keep up with them, as it was impossible for the witch to run alongside the shifters in their beast's form. 

"Chiron, I think we need some space to talk." Serefina stepped forward to stop both of the brothers from glaring at each other. "We need to talk with you too."

Looking at the situation that was still far from being under control, Chiron nodded at Serefina, completely understood with what she meant. "Sure, we can use one of our tents for more privacy." The centaur held out his hand to lead the way. 

However, Torak had another idea. "I need to talk to you first." He stared at Kace. "Come with me."

"No," Kace said curtly, he crossed his arms in front of his chest defiantly. But, of course Torak wouldn't give in to him. 

"Come. With. Me." Torak enunciated every word while staring intensely at his younger brother. 

"No." Kace stood his ground. "If you just want to talk, you don't need to bring your people with you." He threw a nasty look towards the people behind Torak. 

It was all just like what the witch worried about. At the beginning of their journey, Serefina was completely against the idea of bringing that many people with him for this journey. She nagged, and even fought with him because of it. But of course, Torak didn't listen.

At first, the intention of bringing his people along, was because Torak wouldn't gamble upon their safety. He thought that if anything bad should happen during the journey, he'd be prepared for whatever it'd be. Just in case things wouldn't go according to their plan, he had his people to help him.

After all, they would meet the centaurs, and Torak knew better than anyone else what the Donovans had done to their kind. What Jedrek had done to them was despicable. A possible clash between them could happen anytime, because of the bad blood between them from the past. Just because they had accepted Kace, Torak refused to rely on it. Especially when Raine came along with him. 

"Back off," Torak said to Alpha Romulus on his left side. Immediately they took three steps back directly. He turned towards Raine and caressed her hair tenderly. "Stay with Calleb, and Jack, okay?" 

"Okay," Raine answered immediately. 

Soon afterward, Torak walked towards Kace without hesitation. He knew his brother. He was the one who taught him how to fight centuries ago. More than anyone else, he even noticed just how much this big part of him had changed since that day. Because of that, one thing Torak knew for sure, Kace wouldn't resolve anything with violence. 

Just like what their father said; Kace was a kindhearted Donovan. Strong reminded them of their mother.

"Walk with me," Torak said, as he gestured for Kace to follow him into the dense woods. 

"You sound like Jedrek," Kace spoke grumpily. 

"And you sound just like Mother." Torak didn't stop walking, because he knew Kace would eventually follow him. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" he frowned. 

"You have too much to complain," Torak replied. 

With groans and grunt, Kace finally followed his older brother. But before he went away, he didn't forget to warn Hope grumpily. "Stay here."

After the two Donovan disappeared behind the dense trees, Serefina walked towards Chiron. "Can you show me the tent? I think I need to catch up my breath." said the witch to the centaurs' leader. She had been using her power constantly all night. On top of that, she had to deal with Torak, and now Kace, all at the same time. It exhausted her mentally, and physically. She was beyond tired.

"Serefina!" Hope pounced onto the witch that she was close to losing her balance. "I miss you!"

Serefina scoffed, but she patted Hope's head. "You miss me, yet I have to take this annoying trip just to find you."

Hope raised her head, and grinned. "I have told Kace many times to go back to Mystic River Village, but he simply wouldn't listen to me," she complained. 

Serefina was the most annoying person that Hope ever met. It was an undeniable fact even for one to dismiss. But Hope had grown up under her care, and she wouldn't be this strong if it was not for Serefina's way to teach her. 

"Where is Lana? Didn't she come with you?" Hope looked at the massive people behind Serefina's back, but couldn't find her. 

"No, she will meet us in the Mystic River Village," said Serefina while pushing Hope away from her. Although it was not the first time for the witch to ever receive a hug from Hope. In fact, Hope had done this occasionally ever since she was a toddler. But the witch could not dismiss the strange feeling of it. She could never get used to how Hope had hugged her.

Meanwhile, looking at the exchange of interaction between Hope and Serefina, Raine couldn't help the unusual feeling that she felt. She was left in puzzlement, with how strange the scene that she just saw. She didn't know that Serefina could actually be less hostile towards a guardian angel. And on top of that, showing a tiny bit of affection towards Hope. Something that the witch had never shown it to her. 

But then, Raine understood it all almost immediately. She realized that there was this undeniable fact between the witch, and Hope. It was that Serefina was the one who raised Hope. Thus, it suddenly all made perfect sense, that it was only natural for the witch to treat Hope a little warmer than she would usually do to other people.

"Okay, I am tired now. I want to rest." said Serefina, who finally managed to free herself from Hope's arms. Then the witch walked away, trying to make her way out of the situation to retire herself after another difficult day she just went through. 

"Don't you miss me?" Hope asked sullenly. After all, it was their first encounter after almost a year not seeing each other. Even after that long period of time, this was all the treatment that she got from the witch?

"No, I don't." Serefina answered shortly.

However, her short, honest answer could only make Hope laugh. As expected, the witch was never changed. She couldn't expect anything from her. 

With that, off Serefina went, walking away to where she meant to head, with Chiron beside her. And then, Hope waltzed towards Raine. She almost forgot that she had a lot of things to talk to her. She felt that their last night conversation was not enough. 

But, before she could reach Raine, Calleb and Jack were there, blocking her way. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Jack asked. "Go back to your pack, where you belong."

Hope frowned. "But, I want to talk to Raine."

"No, you can't. Didn't you hear what your mate said? You have to stay there," Calleb chimed in. 

The guardian angel turned her gaze towards Calleb. She was sure that she had met him somewhere. However, she just couldn't recall where or when it was…

"Why are you treating her like that?" Raine walked towards them. The two lycans couldn't stop her to stand beside Hope. 

"Luna, you can't go with her…" said Jack. But before he could finish what he was about to say, Raine cut his sentence. 

"Yes, I am indeed your Luna. So start to treat me like one," Raine retorted. 

"Raine, Torak said that you must stay with us," said Calleb, trying to reason with her.

"Sure. You can follow me then," said Raine, thinking that it was the only clever, yet reasonable idea to get the two lycans into having it her way. She grabbed Hope's hand. "Let's go."

And the both guardian angels walked away towards the direction where Torak, and Kace had gone before, while chatting happily. Calleb, and Jack groaned, but Raphael patted their shoulder. "Go, follow them. We'll never know if they would start to hurt each other," he said with a hint of witty sarcasm.

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