The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 696: His grouchy brother

The sound of Lydia's voice was ringing inside their tent, and the witch shook the two sleeping guardian angels' body hastily. Hope and Raine were forced to wake up from their sleep. They had no choice but to try to come back to their senses as fast as they could. Something must've happened while they were sleeping.

"What happened?" said Hope while rubbing her eyes. Meanwhile, besides her,Raine was sitting down waggly. 

"You," Lydia said while pointing her finger towards Raine. "Quickly! Get up, and go out there! Before something really bad happens."

"Huh?" said Raine, blinking her eyes rapidly to get her focus. "What happened?"

"Your mate is out there, fighting Kace," Lydia spoke hastily. By the time she finished her words, they could hear vicious growls, and snarls from outside the tent. 

The frightening sound was convincing enough, to make the two guardian angels understand the big picture of the urgent situation. Thus without a second thought, both Raine and Hope stormed out of the tent to appease their mate. 

Once they were out of the tent, they were immediately greeted by a fighting scene in the clearing. There were many spectators, such as humans, centaurs, and even shifters, who gathered around, circling the two white lycans in the middle.

They were moving in a circle motion, staring at each other, as if they were dancing. But the two white lycans weren't there to perform some sort of entertainment. They were there because they were about to fight each other. Kill, if they must. It was shown from the way they were baring their sharp canines, ready to strike anytime.

It seemed like the reunion of the two Donovan could not be considered as the warmest reunion, at all. There wasn't any affection involved in it, definitely. Instead of hugging each other, or if ever there was anything that any normal brothers would do during a family reunion, these particular two chose to claw each other's face. 

[No, stop!] Raine cried through the mind-link to reach Torak. She hoped the lycan could hear her. 

Meanwhile, Hope rushed straight towards one of the beasts that seemed to be Kace. Although the two lycans were both white, they also shared an uncanny almost identical features, and size. But somehow the two guardian angels could distinguish the difference between the two beasts, that at some point, they could tell which one was their mate, and which one was the other's mate.

"No, Kace! Stop it!" Hope blocked the white beast, but then she immediately received a vicious snarl from her mate. His snarl wasn't unreasonable. It was out of instinct. Because to think about it again, where Hope was standing now, it was obviously dangerous. She was standing between two lycans who were about to fight. She was absolutely in a life-threatening spot.

Rather, she was an easy target for her mate's opponent, Torak. If he chose to attack her, he could easily kill her. Therefore, Kace's anger worsened because Hope's reckless moves could actually trigger Torak's attack.

However, at the same time Raine did the same thing. She hugged the beast that seemed to be Torak, holding him tightly, while burying her face in his soft white fur. "It's alright, I'm here now. I'm all right, I'm fine," she said hastily. 

The two angry beasts still snarled at each other, even after their mate held them close. But the heating situation didn't last for long, before the both lycans calmed down, and eventually their rage subsided under their mate's consolation. 

Hope hugged Kace's beast, desperately trying to make him back down. But the beast shook his head, and locked his black eyes on his brother. Meanwhile Torak did the same thing too. None of them seemed to want to back down, nor did they show any will of giving in.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" Serefina's voice echoed in the clearing. The witch who was running, now stopped on her track, panted heavily when she reached them. "Both of you! Shift back will you?! And stop snarling at each other!" Serefina snapped to the two angry beasts.

However, it seemed that her warning only incurred their wrath even further. It was proven by the way the two beasts roared at her now. At least, they were on the same page when it came to the witch.

"Oh, please!" Serefina exasperated. "If you want to kill each other, you can do it later! But now, instead of fighting, we have another important problem to be discussed!"

The two beasts did not appreciate the way Serefina delivered her message, and above all, the tone in her voice was something that would always make people annoyed. They growled menacingly at her again. If it was not because of their mates, who were clinging onto their neck, the beasts would have charged towards Serefina. And if ever that happened, this battle would turn into another different one.

However, Serefina had known the both lycans well enough. She knew better than anyone else not to cross them, especially when they were on the verge of rage while on their beast form. The witch lost her courage immediately upon the beasts' snarls and growls, knowing what was about to happen to her if ever she made a wrong move.

Hence, without fear, she pointed her long finger at Torak, as she spoke sternly. "You! Stop it! You can see it for yourself that Raine is safe and sound. What I'm saying is that there is no reason for you to be this hostile. Not anymore!"

And then Serefina shifted her attention towards Kace. "And you! How dare you!? You ran away from me, and took Hope with you! Shift back now! I have a dozen things to talk to you!"

And just like any other day, no matter how angry Serefina, and stubborn she was, the two lycans were on a different level when it concerned their mates. And they would always act that way, as long as it concerned their mate's life.

"Torak, please... I am fine. They did not do anything to me, I swear! I finally met a guardian angel, just like me! Don't you feel happy for me?" Raine coaxed her mate while running her fingers around his ear, she knew that the beast would love it if she touched him this way.

On the other side, Hope did the same. She kissed Kace's snout and implored to him with her big bright eyes. It took another agitating minute for the two Donovan brothers to finally relent, and shift back to their human form. But, just because they were now no longer in their beast form, it didn't make the situation back to normal. Just the opposite, the tension was still in the air.

Torak immediately checked on Raine. And only when he was sure that she was fine, only then, he gave his brother his attention.

Meanwhile, Kace pushed Hope behind his back protectively. Then he reciprocated Torak's glare.

"Do you think you can come, and wreck some havoc here?!" Kace snapped at his brother. "You have got your mate, now go!"

Torak narrowed his eyes. He didn't appreciate Kace's tone at all.

"Wreck some havoc, huh?" Torak scoffed, he placed his arm around Raine's waist protectively. "How dare you say something like that, when it was you who attacked me first?"

It was true.

Previously, before all these went down, everything was fine until Kace smelled Torak's scent. As soon as he sensed his brother's presence nearby, his beast came to the surface immediately. At that moment, he felt the urgency to drag Torak out of there. He did not want his brother to be there. His action was completely out of instinct, that he let his beast to take control in order to handle the situation.

Therefore, Torak did not have any choice. He was forced to fight him back. From the beginning, it was not Torak's intention to create such a ruckus. But, if ever Kace wished to make things to be rather difficult, he was more than welcome to give him a real-life nightmare.

Amidst the tension, there was a sound of hooves that tapped on the ground. Chiron, the leader of the centaurs stepped forward.

"Alpha Torak," Chiron greeted Torak as he bowed his head respectfully.

Torak looked at the Centaur, the creature that was believed to have been extinct. But, to his surprise, there they were. Alive and well.

"Chiron," Torak mentioned his name curtly.

Although a long time ago, Torak was not there in person when Kace failed to meet Jedrek's expectation. That time when Kace had got no choice but to obliterate those centaurs' mates, and their offspring, himself. Around that time, Torak wasn't there to watch how the bad blood between their kinds started. But he knew well who Chiron was.

"Kace, come here," Torak called to his brother. "We need to talk."

"Do you think you can order me around?" Kace grunted. 

"Of course," Torak answered without hesitation, and when he watched Kace was about to retort, he added. "I am your older brother."

Kace groaned. "But, it doesn't mean that I will abide by your order."

"Oh, you will." Torak crossed his arms while staring at his grouchy brother. 

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