The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 272: What now!?

"I know." Of course Torak knew, Calleb and Raphael wouldn't be daring enough to disobey his direct order, even though it was against their consent.

"I was also the one who had given Raine the key to the underground base's door." Serefina blurted out.

Serefina might be rude and show bad temper at times, but she wouldn't lie except to her enemies and she didn't consider Torak as one.

The witch thought the Lycan would at least roar or try to strangle her to death because of what she did, but to her surprise, Torak only glared at her before he resumed staring worriedly at his mate.

At least, if he intended to go berserk at her, Serefina would help him to let out some steam. She preferred the angry Torak rather than this brooding Torak, who always stared blankly and lifelessly at his mate, as if his spirits had evaporated into thin air.

Torak didn't know how to respond to that information, and he remained silent as though he heard nothing.

"Don't you want to punch me or something?" Serefina asked carelessly, trying to incite some kind of emotion from the Lycan except this devastated feeling.

"It will disturb her." Torak replied. "Moreover, it is pointless to punch you. It will not wake her up anyway." He didn't want to waste his energy.

"She will not wake up even if we lit a full round of fireworks inside this room." Serefina mumbled. "I need more time to gather information about her condition."

"Please do, whatever you need to do." Torak said. "Ask Calleb if you need something."

Serefina was astounded at the way Torak talked to her, it was a rare occasion for someone like Torak to say the word 'please', moreover that word was directed at her, she doubted whether Torak knew the meaning of 'please' or not.

But, to provoke him when he was being nice like this, wasn't a wise move, so Serefina simply swallowed her sarcastic comment and nodded her head while thinking where she should start finding this kind of information.

"We need some more blood bags for Luna, Alpha." Sapphire informed him after she finished changing the bandage on Raine's neck.

The smell of blood assaulted Torak's nose and it irritated him because this was Raine's blood, which reminded him again and again that she could die from blood loss anytime.

"You can ask Calleb to retrieve some from the nearby hospital." Torak murmured as he walked toward the bed and sat in his previous position.

"Yes, Alpha." Sapphire said solemnly before she went out of the room to find Calleb.

Serefina just stood there, watching how a great Alpha succumbed to his feelings for his mate. The love in his eyes was enough to tell the whole world that he would be more than willing to give up everything, even his life, just to see his mate's smiling face again.

Centuries ago, she was also deeply in love with a certain someone once and would cross a river of fire willingly just to see a small smile on his face.

No, Serefina had done that. But, instead of crossing a river of fire, she had crawled her way back from hell, just to make sure he was living his life decently and most importantly; to see him one more time, to feel the love of him that she cherished the most, before she had to leave him again, cruelly.

The price that she needed to pay for that extra short time for being with him.

After a long pause of silence, Serefina left the bedroom as she couldn't find anything to do in there.


The next day when Raphael had just landed in the Fulbright city, he received a call from Jack, the person in charge at times when Raphael and Calleb were away.

"I am on my way to the company." Raphael said the moment he picked up the phone.

However, Jack didn't allow him to come to the office. "No, let's meet in the main house."

Upon hearing Jack's answer, Raphael's brows creased. The main house that Jack mentioned was the house where Torak and Raine usually reside.

"What happened?" Raphael asked curiously. Before he boarded the plane he had called Jack to ask about the updates in the company, and found that nothing was suspicious and everything was still under control, but why would now Jack call him in such a secretive manner?

"I will explain to you later. Meet you there, Beta Raphael." Jack then cut off the line and left Raphael to burn with curiosity. He truly hated a half- conversation like this.

After the short conversation ended, Raphael got into the car and told the driver to ride back home instead of Donovan's building.

It didn't take very long before Raphael arrived at the main house and found Jack who had been sitting inside Torak's study room, waiting for him.

"What is it?" Raphael asked even before he plopped his tired body on the sofa across from Jack. He poured a glass of cold water to moisten his throat while waiting for Jack's explanation about the current situation. "Something is wrong with the company?"

"No. Not only with the company." Jack shook his head. "Do you remember the task that the Alpha had given me before he found our Luna?" He talked very fast as his eyes narrowed, waiting for Raphael's answer whether he remembered it or not.

But, Raphael just rolled his eyes, shaking his head at Jack's dramatic question. "The Alpha gave you far too many tasks, how could you expect me to remember them all? I have my own plate full, you know." Raphael had known Jack for decades and had gotten used to his antics. "Just tell me what is it?"

Jack scoffed when Raphael didn't even budge or became a little bit more curious when he posed his question that way, yet this information was very important, so Jack's expression turned serious. "Do you remember the information about the spell-casters' meeting from northern coven with the vampires near our territory?"

"Yes, what's wrong with that?" Raphael leaned closer as his curiosity was piqued, he remembered they were investigating this matter before they found Raine.

Jack almost got his hand in this matter for more information before the spell-casters and the vampires disappeared all of a sudden, without leaving any traces.

But, what now?

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