The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 273: Promise...?

"They made a move again, but this time our people got some information that they were in this city now." Jack folded his arms as he contemplated. "For some reason, I feel like the whole debacle with the reporters happened back then had something to do with this."

Raphael narrowed his eyes. "The spell-casters?" If this had something to do with the spell-casters, he could ask Serefina about this, yet it would be a little bit tricky, since she didn't belong to any coven.

"Mm." Jack murmured and nodded. "Dark magic I guess, but I am not sure… those reporters became more aggressive even after the police came and arrested them. That doesn't make any sense. Normally, humans will tend to follow the rules and fear the law." He contemplated.

Silence ensued, as the two of them drifted deep into their own thoughts. The sunlight streaming in from the artificial window glass, illuminated the whole study room and gave a serene vibe, yet it wasn't enough to lessen their uneasiness.

"How about the vampires?" Raphael asked after a long pause of silence.

"Ah, about that." Jack slapped his forehead as he forgot about the most important part of his report. "We caught four vampires, trespassing our territory. They're behaving bolder because they knew the Alpha has been missing for a week now."

"How did they know about that?" Raphael's gaze turned sharp. He had made sure that the fact about Torak's disappearance was replaced with some other story like Torak had an urgent matter in one of his subsidiary companies which he had to attend to asap. Only a handful of people knew Torak's exact whereabouts.

Jack sighed and then shook his head. "Somehow, the news about the Alpha had been went missing for a week, leaked to the outsiders. It triggered quite an uproar among the Alphas two days ago, but we managed to calm them down, though they were still demanding to see Alpha Torak. And as for the shareholders…" Jack paused and thought about what he was going to say. "I think Belphegor has made his move now, but I am still investigating about it."

"Keep your eyes close on him. With him being de Medici's representative, the devil must have had some plan." Raphael said seriously.

"I got it…" Jack nodded and then added. "He is the sloth, why should he bother himself with all of these schemes…? I thought he is less harmless among the seven sins…"

"He is the sloth for a reason. He doesn't actively attack us like Lucifer does, he is too lazy for that, but it doesn't mean Belphegor will not create trouble and plan scheme after scheme against us, after all scheming is his nature as the devil." Raphael stated before he drank another glass full of water as he could feel his head throbbing painfully.

The matter with Torak had not been settled yet and now that Raine was injured, he didn't think that Torak would be interested to hear all of this new turn of events, he vividly remembered Torak's dull eyes as if the life in his eyes slipped away.

"I will inform this to the Alpha." Raphael kneaded his forehead as he picked up his phone from his jacket, he would call Calleb, so he could extend the information to Torak when the time was right.

"Beta Raphael…" Jack asked, for some reason he became cautious to say his next words.

"Yes?" Raphael lifted his head to meet Jack's eyes.

"May I know where the Alpha is right now?" Jack was only informed that Torak had other matters to attend to, but Jack was a hunter, he was used to calculate everything meticulously, so he found this reason to be a bit odd.

"There is an urgent matter that came up, so he had to settle it down first." Raphael replied.

"But, Luna is not here as well. She had left with you and the Gamma." Jack stared at Raphael. "By any chance, is Luna with Alpha?"

"Yes, they are together." Raphael stood up while waiting for Calleb to pick up his call, he strode across the room and leaned his tall body beside the window glass, staring at the backyard, but at the same time, avoiding Jack's other questions. His curiosity, wasn't a good thing.


Today was the eighth day since Raine got bitten by Torak's beast and lost her consciousness. She was still being ministered with continuous IV drips and blood transfusions.

Her condition did not improve, yet with Serefina, Sapphire and Belinda's combined meticulous care, Raine's condition didn't get worse either, but no one could say when she would regain her consciousness again.

Torak's condition wasn't any better either, though he had started to do something about the issues of his company and the pack matters, he still refused to step out of the room and leave Raine alone there.

He talked to Raphael a couple of times regarding the vampires and the spell-casters from the northern coven, but he preferred them not to take any drastic action.

Torak would like to see what his enemies had under their sleeves, especially those Alphas who began to show their claws just because they couldn't see him in person, believing the rumor about him went missing for half a month.

They were so ridiculous and absurd, someone had definitely orchestrated all of this from the shadows.

Though the number of the Alphas who started to act rebellious were only a handful, but they could instigate others to initiate conflict among their own kind.

It was a well known fact that there were a few Alphas who weren't satisfied with Torak's reign and wanted to overthrow him from his position as the supreme Alpha so badly, but didn't have guts and the right moment to do so.

This period of time, during which they assumed Torak was missing, could be their chance to make their moves.

For this internal issue, he told Raphael to let the situation escalate, so he could see who would raise their claws against him, but that wasn't the entire reason…

Torak turned his head from the laptop in front of him and looked at Raine's sleeping face.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he stood up and settled down in his usual spot as he caressed Raine's hair. "I am sorry my love… please wake up…" He said in a very subtle voice.

Torak kissed Raine's forehead before trailing down small kisses all the way until her pointed nose.

"I will never hide anything from you again…" Torak whispered regretfully. This was his fault by hiding it from her, if only he told her the truth…


A soft voice sounded near Torak's ear that he had been longing to hear.

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