The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 271: She admitted it

Today was the third day since Raine had lost conscious because of the mark that Torak forced upon her.

Sapphire, the healer in Torak's pack, had been tending to her along with Serefina, but until now there was no significant progress that he could see.

Raine was getting weak and her heartbeat was barely audible to hear.

Torak couldn't move her to a big hospital, as this wasn't a case that those doctors in white coats could handle and also because this house was so far away from the city, it would take hours just to reach the nearest hospital, during which, Raine's condition could drop anytime.

On a king sized bed, Raine was sleeping soundlessly with thick white bandages on her neck and faint red blood could be seen on the surface of it.

Until now, Serefina and Sapphire only managed to slow down the bleeding, but couldn't stop it entirely, and it caused Raine to lose so much blood and needed transfusion and IV drip the whole time.

During this time, Torak had never once stepped out of the room, sitting beside her while holding her hand. He became more taciturn than he already was.

When there was a soft knock at the door, Torak didn't even bother to raise his head from staring at Raine's small figure, to check who it was.

After sometime, despite not getting an answer, the person who was knocking at the door decided to open it and behind the opened door was Raphael, who then stepped into the room slowly.

"Alpha." Raphael called Torak respectfully. Though Calleb and he had not received any punishment from Torak for divulging Torak's location to Raine, but it didn't mean they were exempted from it.

Regardless of the fact that it was Serefina who had brought Raine here, but Calleb and Raphael did nothing meaningful to stop her, which added to their carelessness, and enabled Raine to go inside Torak's cell alone without any protection.

Serefina hadn't yet told them that it was her, who had given the key of the underground door to Raine, thus it was still a mystery how Raine could go inside.

"Alpha, I need to return to the Fulbright city because there is something important that Jack couldn't handle in the company." Raphael informed Torak solemnly.

Ever since that night when Raine was found in Torak's arms, bleeding, Raphael and Calleb had been acting very cautious around him, afraid to incite the Alpha's ire.

Because under Torak's calm behavior and his expression that was seemingly devoid of any emotions, was a brewing storm that could lash out at any one of them and at any moment.

"Alright." Torak answered readily, without even thinking.

Nothing was more important in his eyes at this moment other than his precious mate. The company could go bankrupt or the world could turn into dust for all he cared, as long as he could see life in Raine's eyes again, he wouldn't complain.

"I will leave this afternoon." Raphael said again.

"Hmm." Torak didn't even budge.

"Calleb will be here and I will update you through him about the company." Raphael added.

Torak only nodded in response this time. He didn't have time to listen to those meaningless company issues when his mate was here, laying on the bed on the verge of death because of him.

Torak remembered leaving her in their care on the night when his human side had taken the brunt of the impact for killing dozens of innocent people in the library.

That wasn't the cause alone, because his battle before that, when he tried to get something for Serefina, so she could recover faster, and the devil poison had weakened him greatly, but at the same time awoken his beast side.

After being quiescence for many years, his beast became more feral.

That was the reason why he had to avoid Raine, because he didn't want something like this to happen, yet in the end this was what he got.

Probably, he should have just told her about it…

At this point, regret was useless.

Torak didn't even realize when Raphael had gone out of the room, or the sun outside had fallen deep into the horizon.

He lost track of time.

He lost himself in this dark room while waiting for Raine to wake up.

Few noises came from behind Torak's back and all of a sudden the light inside the room was lit up and the bright rays hurt his eyes, forcing them to shut for a moment.

"You need to eat Torak." Serefina came with a plate of beef steak, whiffing a delicious smell in the air. "Here." She put down the plate on the bed, in front of him.

Torak was sitting on the other side of the bed, staring at Raine's sleeping face and the thick bandage on her neck, the spot where he had bit her.

Getting no response from Torak, Serefina could only sigh deeply as she gestured at someone, who had been standing in the doorway, to come inside the room.

"Step aside Torak, we need to change the bandage." Serefina said as she watched Torak leaning in before he pressed a tender kiss on Raine's forehead, and released her hand ever so carefully as he stepped down from the bed and let Sapphire tend to Raine's wound.

"Still no progress?" Torak asked grimly.

"I am not a Lycan." Serefina stated. "I don't how this will affect her. It's already good enough that we can still preserve her life."

Serefina's bluntness earned a glare from Torak.

Seeing that the hostile glare was directed toward her, Serefina was about to retort, but somehow she stopped midway and let it passed.

"All we are doing now is preventing her from dying from blood loss." Serefina stated. "The mark has not healed and with you sapping her energy, made her weaker."

Torak balled his hands into fists that seemingly could tear everything down as he talked through his gritted teeth. "You don't need to remind me about that again and again."

It was more than ten times for Serefina to mention that. Her words only rubbed on Torak's guilt feeling more.

On the other hand, Serefina sighed. "I told you this again and again, in hopes to ease my guilt feelings." She admitted. "No matter how I said it, I am the one who had brought her here."

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