The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 218: The lockdown

Serefina could feel Fabian's strong hand strangling her with all his might. The pit of darkness that covered his eyes also clouded his sanity.

However, her strength was not enough to push him away and Serefina could feel her consciousness starting to fade.

The earlier fight she had with the witches at the inn and just now with the wizard hunters took a toll on her body and wore her off.

The magic in her hands had also started to disappear, and her power is waning.

And so with her last breath, she chanted a spell before she welcomed the darkness that was slowly engulfing her.

After some time, when Serefina regained consciousness, the moon was already shining brightly above her as if the moon goddess herself stood guard over her.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of her lips at that silly thought. There was no way the moon goddess would spare time for her.

The last spell that she had chanted had saved her from the dreadful result of Fabian's assault.

Serefina touched her sore neck and tried to stand up. She does not have the luxury of time to heal herself. She had wasted enough time while she lay unconscious.

She looked around and noticed that she was indeed alone on the same spot where Fabian had strangled her. This was a good sign because it meant that the wizard hunters were long gone. The bad news was that Fabian must have followed them.

Serefina slapped her forehead when she realized why Brad and his people retreated so readily. He knew that Fabian would follow him.

There was no way a person like Brad would leave a bounty like Fabian, the pure blood witch, so easily. If he could, Brad would rather lose all of his people than lose Fabian.

It must have something to do with the water that they were forcing Fabian to drink earlier.

Serefina sighed.

She decided to go back to the inn and take Raine with her before proceeding to track down where the wizard hunters had taken Fabian.

Raine must have been terrified by now to be left alone with the five witches inside their room.

When Serefina was about to return to the inn, she suddenly saw a dark cloud hovering above the castle. Then it cascaded down and covered the entire castle before it faded away into thin air.

Serefina knew what it was and what it would bring.

She was torn between returning to the inn and going directly to the castle. Both places were on different parts of the village.

Gritting her teeth, Serefina chose to go back to the inn first.

Raine was more important, much more important than the imminent danger that hovered above the castle.

If something happened to Raine, it wasn't only that she had to give up her life, but also her mission, all of their mission, which was the reason why she was still here. It would be futile.

Thus Serefina sprinted down the hill towards the direction of the inn. But when she arrived, she saw that the commotion had not yet dissipated and the crowd had not yet dispersed. They were standing together in groups at the lobby of the inn.

When Serefina was about to go to their room, a young woman came running after her. "Young lady, young lady!Stop please!"

With an irritated expression, Serefina stopped and turned towards her. "Yes?" Her tone was higher than she had intended but she did not care about that now. "I am sorry ma'am, but…" She was about to say that she was in a hurry, intending to leave the woman when the woman cut her in mid-sentence.

"Are you looking for your little sister?" The woman asked. She was young and her eyes shone beautifully, eager to help Serefina.

"Little sister?" Serefina frowned.

The young woman blinked, slightly confused at Serefina's reaction. "Oh, I thought you were looking for the little girl with purple cloak. Isn't she your sister?"

Only then did Serefina realize that the young woman was referring to Raine. She guessed that Raine must have mentioned that she was her sister.

"Right. Where is she?" Serefina asked impatiently. A bad thought crept in her head as she imagined the worse.

"She was very terrified about what was happening and thought that you had gone missing, so people from the castle brought her there." The woman informed her.

"She is atthe castle?!" Serefina screamed out of frustration.

Her scream made the woman jump in surprise as she stuttered to answer her. "Yes, she is at the castle now…"

"D*mn it!!!" Serefina cursed loudly and then stormed out of the inn, leaving the young woman behind without even saying 'thank you'.

Serefina did not have time to think about that. Her mind was replaying the image of the dark cloud above the castle and the dreadful things that would happen there.

And now, out of all places, Raine was there!

Those Lycans would not be generous enough to protect her. If the worse thing were to happen there, Serefina doubted Raine would survive on her own.

She could feel the rush of her blood on her veins as her precious heartbeat thumped wildly in her ribcage.

Serefina could not teleport herself there because she had not yet marked the area. She needed to be there and put her mark first before she could teleport herself.

All she could do now was force herself to run as fast as she could.

The moment she arrived at the castle's gates, she felt the thick atmosphere. This only means that the place was now filled with spells and charms.

This particular magic was cast for people who were already inside, to remain inside. It also prevented someone from outside to come inside.

It was almost like a lockdown. Moreover, the witches were now apparently on the wizard hunters' side.

For now, Serefina's power was greatly depleted after the two recent fights. She had experienced fighting three consecutive battles once, so she knew that it would be risky to engage in another round of fighting. Too risky that it could mean facing death. She didn't know if luck would be enough to keep her alive this time.

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