The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 219: Unwilling to part

Even though she could not lift the spell from the entire castle because she did not have enough power for now, she could still enter it without much difficulty.

She waved her hand at the entrance gates where there was not a single guard in sight and stepped inside.

Serefina would not be able to look for Raine in this entire castle as it was too huge. And what's more, she could not use magic to find her either, thanks to her brilliant idea of giving her the horn of the unicorn. Thus she decided to find the Alpha and the Luna instead.

Because the woman at the inn said Raine was brought to the castle by the guard, Serefina assumed she would meet the Alpha as they needed an explanation about what had happened at the inn.

Hence, she used the same spell and conjured a white butterfly from her breath. It flew away to find the Alpha of all the Lycanthropes.

However, the more she walked inside the castle, the stranger the situation felt.

There was no one in the front yard or the first hallway towards the main hall, where the party was supposed to have taken place. Where did everyone go?

It was too quiet. There wasn't even a sound of the wind.

Serefina stopped and looked around her as if she was assessing something, and when understanding dawned on her, she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"This trick again?" Serefina scoffed while the white butterfly fluttered its wings above her head.

However, for now, she must try to be comfortable with this situation because she couldn't use her power to lift up the spell.

Apparently, the enemy has a fetish for quietness because they used the same spell as the one they used at the inn.

Actually, losing her hearing ability to what was happening outside her surroundings wasn't a big deal, but it was still uncomfortable as it could have helped her locate where the fighting was taking place in this huge place.

Especially for those Lycans who always depended on their remarkable hearing ability.

Meanwhile, Serefina needed to be careful at every turn because with the absence of sounds, she couldn't hear anything until she saw it for herself.

She had ran into a battle ground twice as she followed the white butterfly and got almost clawed at by a Lycan, who was fighting witches and wizard hunters.

The questions remained in Serefina's head about why the witches and the wizard hunters were attacking the Lycanthropes. They were not natural enemies. Most of the time, they would respect each other's territory and were aware enough not to cross the boundary.

With a little bit of magic and agility, Serefina managed to escape from two battle grounds and now she was walking down the corridor to the backyard. Once the white butterfly disappeared into thin smoke, she knew that the Alpha was nearby.

As soon as Serefina turned at the last corridor to the backyard and the battle scene came into her sight, a cacophony of roar, growl and snarl filled Serefina's eardrums.

Serefina covered her ears with both of her palms as her eyes landed on a white Lycan and a seven year old boy in the middle of the chaos.

That little boy was standing so close to the white Lycan as the beast guarded him protectively. And flanking them on their both sides were other Lycans, in the color of red and black.

Serefina's focus fell on the boy and out of nowhere, her eyes turned foggy as she stared at him intently. The boy put her entire being in a mess.

She didn't realize it, but she stood there unmoving, watching as the white Lycan roared in anger, sending his enemies flying a few meters away from him and his son just as a witch almost managed to break free through the other two Lycans.

The boy's expression didn't change as he watched the enemies fall one by one.

As blood spluttered on his tiny face, his eyes remained as cold as ever, as if nothing could move him. He was so young, seven years old, but the dreadful scene before his eyes didn't even manage to daunt him.

"Such a cold guy, even in his tender age." Serefina mumbled to herself.

The white Lycan and his two comrades kept the boy at the center of their protection and, as many carcasses and dead bodies fell on the ground, the smell of blood was thick in the air.

Even the white fur of the Lycan had turned into red color, complimenting his bloodshot red eyes.

Although Serefina was far enough so no one would be able to see her, but from her spot, she could see everything. She narrowed her eyes when she saw a witch who was about to attack him with a curse.

Serefina moved faster than the Lycan to prevent the curse from hitting the little boy and repelled it before it could do any major damage.

On the other hand, the boy seemed to realize something as he saw black magic that was sent towards him suddenly banish before it could come close enough to do him any harm.

He frowned and looked around but saw nothing odd,except the mess around him.

Serefina hid herself behind a big pillar and kept protecting the little boy from curses that was sent to him from time to time, as bunches of witches came one after another, out numbering the Alpha and his two subordinates.

Serefina only left when she saw that the reinforcement of Lycan warriors had come. They went berserk and bit off the witches' head, adding more blood and dead bodies on the scene.

And when the situation was in their favor, Serefina took one last glance towards the boy with indiscernible eyes. There was an unexplainable feeling in the way she stared at him, as if she was unwilling to part.

Afterwards, Serefina moved to find the Luna.

There was a high chance the baby was with the Luna and Raine was with her as well. Just like Serefina, Raine must have wanted to protect someone dear to her.

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