The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 217: Showdown

Serefina knew this wizard hunter. They would meet each other two centuries from now and become sworn enemies.

However, the wizard hunter named Brad was quite surprised when he realized that Serefina seemed to know who he was.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "I am very surprised that you know my name." Brad slightly bent his body, mocking her. "Such an honor for me."

There were soft whispers among the wizard hunters when they saw Serefina.

"Did she survive the attack of those witches?"

"No way! There must have been traitors among them."

"Yeah, those witches didn't care about their family."

Even the most powerful witch who was not a pure blood wouldn't be able to survive a fight against twenty witches at the same time, so they could not believe that Serefina managed to leave unscratched.

"Keep your honor for yourself since you are obviously lacking it." Serefina replied as she lifted both of her hands. There were blue fireballs on both of her palms and she was ready to shoot. "Leave him now while I am still being nice."

Brad raised his eyebrows. "You sure are very arrogant, young lady."

"Arrogant? You judge me too fast, Brad. You have not seen my arrogant side yet." Serefina smirked and threw the blue fireballs, aiming at the two wizard hunters near her.

The two wizard hunters were able to evade the sudden attack just in time. They immediately retaliated by lashing out their whips towards Serefina.

As the whips whirled rapidly in the air towards her, Serefina did not even bother to stop walking. She merely flicked her hand to ward off the attack.

In no time, she had set the whips on fire with a blue flame, causing the two wizard hunters to shriek in shock.

"How could this happen?" Both of them backed off and stayed behind Brad. "She shouldn't have been able to burn the whip!"

That whip was protected so no spell from witches should have been able to do any damage on it. Yet, with only a flick of her hand, she burned it like it was nothing.

A smug smile appeared on her red lips as she approached them, step by step, as if she enjoyed the bewilderment and confusion in their eyes.

"Get lost while you have a chance." Serefina said calmly as she allowed them to surround her, such that she would be in the center of an attack.

"You want this man?" Brad kicked Fabian's leg with the tip of his shoes. "How about you work with me and I will give you power."

All of a sudden Serefina broke into a fit of laughter. She laughed so hard until her body bent down as she held her stomach and tears came out from the corner of her eyes.

This action of course irked all the wizard hunters and hurt Brad's pride. His eyes turned gloomy as if a dark shadow covered them. He clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes dangerously at Serefina.

But the witch didn't even care to stop as she enjoyed her own joke.

"STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!" Brad couldn't contain his anger anymore and his voice roared across the vast land, forcing Serefina to give him some attention.

Finally, Serefina stopped laughing. She wiped the remaining tears from the corner of her eyes and stared at Brad disdainfully.

"You…?" Serefina moved her eyes up and down Brad's figure as if assessing his worth. "… Will give me power?" She pointed at herself and looked at Brad tauntingly. "You can't even beat me and now you are talking about giving me power?"

Serefina's questions were too much for the wizard hunters. As they were the haughty kind, Serefina's words did not sit well with them.

Thus, even without waiting for a command from Brad, they all immediately wore a mask over their face and threw smoke bombs at Serefina. All of them, at the same time.

In no time, Serefina was covered by a thick red fog that burned the grass around her. The smoke was actually poisonous. If inhaled, it could burn the lungs and poison ones blood.

Upon realizing what was happening, Brad immediately carried Fabian away from the area and stayed further back so they wouldn't accidentally inhale the poisoned air.

With the volume of smoke bombs thrown at Serefina, surely the witch wouldn't be able to survive. Even the grass had turned into dust and the soil had turned darker than charcoal.

There was no way she would be able to survive it.

Yet reality said otherwise.

The red fog stilled in the air and then suddenly whirled into an odd movement before it dispersed into thin air without leaving a single trace.

In the middle of the wreckage was a beautiful woman with fiery red hair, standing tall and looking untouchable. Even her white dress had no stain at all.

She stood in the middle of burnt soil, looking like nothing untoward had happened. Her lime green eyes shone attractively under the moonlight.

All the wizard hunters around her stood rooted on the ground, dumbfounded as if they couldn't find their voice, and completely entranced by what they were witnessing.

"That's it?" Serefina raised her perfect eyebrows and shot a dagger look at Brad. "Move!" She said.

And, like a miracle, Fabian opened his eyes and groaned. He curled his body into a ball as he held his throat tightly. His throat was burning.

Serefina ignored their intense stares and moved forward, not caring if they throw more smoke bombs at her.

"Retreat!" Brad said as he walked back a few steps, away from Fabian.

Serefina drew near Fabian and squatted down beside him.

Brad glanced at the witches,his eyes laced with resentment, before he turned around and left the area with his people. They disappeared into the darkness.

Serefina tried to hold Fabian's body from trashing on the ground. "Stop! Let me see what they fed you!"

Yet Fabian still growled in anguish and when he opened his eyes, they were so dark it was like staring into the pit of an abyss.

But that wasn't the shocking part, because as soon as Serefina touched his hand, Fabian jumped and strangled her to the ground.

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