The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 216: Powerful witch

Serefina dashed through the debris and dust to go to Fabian's room as the sounds of fighting grew louder and louder.

She moved as fast as she could and arrived in the middle of the fight. The room was a mess and the door was torn from its hinges.

Inside, she could see Fabian fighting ten wizard hunters at the same time.

However, Serefina was apparently not fast enough as one of the wizard hunters was able to sneak an attack behind Fabian's back.

He was stabbed with a long black rod that turned white when it touched his body. He then slumped on the floor, unable to lift even a finger.

"Fabian!" Serefina shouted before his eyes closed entirely. "Let him go before I kill every one of you." She snarled menacingly at the wizard hunters.

Serefina looked terrifyingly scary, her eyes shone with dark green light while her fiery short red hair fluttered with the wind that swirled around her. She was at the center of a typhoon that she had created.

"Take the witch and get out of here!" One of the wizard hunters shouted at his subordinate, but before he could say anything more, his body was being lifted from the ground and thrown harshly through the window and towards the side of the road across the inn.

"This witch is powerful!" One of the wizard hunters hissed in frustration and resentment at Serefina after she threw his friend away.

"Come out here! It is now your turn!"

He signaled someone to get reinforcements to join the battle.

The wizard hunters were protected by many charms and spells cast upon them by the witches that they managed to capture. They were using witches' powers for their own benefit.

However, if they could capture a pure blood witch whose power was equivalent to those of a thousand ordinary witches, then imagine the power that they could tap for their purpose! It was known that a pure blood witch has many hidden powers.

One of them was the power to raise the dead.

At his signal, about twenty witches burst into the room, immediately surrounding Serefina.

Now that the room was filled with many people, it was hard to move around, especially when there was strong wind whirling inside the room that could throw away anything that touched it.

"SCRAM!!!" Serefina's powerful wind threw them all away from her.

Some of the witches were thrown out of the window while many crashed against the wall behind them, leaving a visible dent on the surface.

Around seven or eight witches still stood their ground and was less affected by Serefina.

"Why are you helping the enemy?" Serefina growled at the remaining witches inside the room as she shot them a dagger look.

"We don't have a choice." One of them answered her. He was an old man who looked much stronger than the rest of the witches.

Serefina's angry eyes scoured the room and noticed that the wizard hunters had already left, bringing with them the unconscious Fabian.

The wizard hunters must have thought Fabian was the last pure blood witch alive. They never thought that Serefina was also a pure blood witch;otherwise, they would not have left her there to deal with the other witches.

"Scram from my sight or else you will never have the chance again." Serefina glared menacingly at the witches around her.

Some of the witches who were lying on the ground started to get up and joined their magic with the old man, trying to hold back the fiery witch in the middle of the room.

In the next second, a blast of pulsating white blinding light forced them to shut their eyes. Then they heard an earth-shattering sound as debris and dust fluttered in the air.

They soon found themselves lying down on the dirty floor and as the blasting white light subsided,all they could see was a huge hole in front of them.

The wall was gone and the witch with fiery red hair had disappeared. Right across the street, through the gaping hole where the wall used to be, they could see and hear the lively sounds of the ongoing festivities.

All of them were flabbergasted by the show of power that they had just witnessed. The witch was indeed so powerful. They had never seen a powerful witch since the pure blood witches had all but disappeared.

However, there was no way that woman was a pure blood, right?


Serefina was running through the crowd, trying to pick up traces of the wizard hunters' escape route.

She was very exhausted after blasting the whole wall and taking down a dozen witches on her own. As a witch, she has her own way of tracking down another witch and locating wizard hunters.

After all, Serefina had spent centuries of encountering their kind. She cursed under her breath when someone bumped into her, causing her to lose her balance.

The street was very crowded.

Serefina took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. She released her warm breath into the air, which condensed and formed into a small misty cloud as if she was breathing in the middle of winter. Then the small misty cloud from her nose and mouth turned into a white butterfly. Its tiny wings fluttered for a while around Serefina's face before it flew up high.

Serefina took a deep breath before she followed the white butterfly that she had conjured by a magic spell.

The white butterfly led her towards the eastern part of the city and up the hill where she found a vast land covered with yellow grasses.

The magic butterfly disappeared with the wind when Serefina found what she had been looking for.

Lying on the ground was Fabian and beside him, a wizard hunter was forcing him to drink something.

Serefina's breathing became uneven with rage but her eyes were still sharp. With a wave of her hand, she struck at the thing that the wizard hunter was forcing upon Fabian.

However, she noticed that there were even more wizard hunters here than there was at the inn.

"You are too late." The man said with a devilish smirk.

"Brad…" Serefina breathed his name with venom on the tip of her tongue.

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