The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 215: She was struck by magic fire

Raine was dumbstruck when she witnessed the graceful Queen transform into a beautiful golden Lycan. Her golden eyes had turned bloodshed red as she snarled at the witch above her.

Raine did not have time to appreciate all this as the beast whipped her head towards her and growled loudly as if to chase her away.

After one last look at Fabian, Raine started to move towards a different direction. The only problem was that she had no idea where she was going.

She had a lot of concerns and unanswered questions in her head. When she saw on open door, Raine slipped inside with the baby Torak in her arms. She decided to hide there until the situation settled down.

She knew that the Lycans would be able to find her by following her scent or the baby's scent.

Apparently, the room that Raine had entered was a dining room hence there were not many places for her to hide.

Raine found a secluded corner behind a huge display cabinet where she squeezed her small body in. It seemed this part was intended for storing paintings that were not used anymore as Raine found herself sitting beside a row of canvas.

Only then was Raine able to take deep breaths to calm her thumping heart.

Once she had calmed down a little, Raine looked at the baby in her arms. She did not pay attention to him earlier because she was too busy finding a safe place for them to hide.

When Raine finally looked at the baby, she noted that a pair of beautiful blue eyes was already staring back at her. Somehow, the baby had stopped crying from the impact of being thrown away during the explosion.

Baby Torak was now playing with Raine's hair. Strands of her hair were wrapped around his little fingers while Raine looked on, mesmerized at thesight of such a beautiful baby. She had never seen a baby that was as enchanting as him, especially with his blue eyes.

"Torak…" Raine whispered his name and stroke her finger against his chubby cheeks. "This time I will be the one who protects you."

Though Raine does not even know how to protect herself, much less protect another, she was determined to do everything that she could.

The baby giggled at her touch and waved his stubby fists while showing his toothless smile.

Raine could not help but giggle along with him, but then she realized how precarious their situation was.

"Ssshh… don't make a sound…" Raine whispered to him as she tried to listen for any sounds. But the room was still very quiet.

Raine had no idea what was going on and wondered if the Luna had managed to take Fabian down. Come to think of it, she did not even know if Torak's mother was still alive in their real present time or how she died if she wasn't.

Raine made a mental note to ask Torak about his past once she returned, in case something like this happened again.

However, before long, Raine got nervous again when she heard the sound of someone walking into the room. No, there were two sets of footsteps coming in.

"I saw the girl ran inside this room with the Alpha's son." The first man told his companion as they walked further into the dining room. "Do your job well and we will not harm your family."

The other man didn't say anything, but Raine could see the familiar white smoke filling the room, the same smoke that the other witch had used back at the inn to discover if there was someone else inside the room.

Raine held her breath though that wasn't necessary since she knows that she will not be discovered, just like before, as the horn of the unicorn protected her.

Again, Raine made a mental note to thank Serefina when she sees her because this thing had saved her life once more.

Afraid that the smoke was poisoned or could have a negative effect on the baby, Raine covered Torak with her cloak and hugged him tight. She hoped that he would not make any sound that would draw the two men's attention.

Only when the white smoke had dispersed did Raine stare down at the baby to check on him and found him still playing with her hair. He appeared quite fascinated by how Raine's silky hair was wrapped around his little stubby fingers.

"Found you."

A rough and callous voice suddenly sounded from above Raine's head and made her shriek out in fear.

How could they have found her? Was the horn of unicorn not working anymore?

However no one could answer her and she was trapped there with no way to escape.

And before Raine could do anything else, the man grabbed her hair and dragged her out of her hiding place.

Raine tried to hold her hair and keep the baby safe at the same time, but it was a hard thing to do as it felt like her hair was being torn from her scalp.

"Well, well… who do we have here?" The wizard hunter threw Raine across the room and chuckled.

Ignoring the pain on her head, Raine curled her body to protect the baby from the impact as she skidded across the floor. She screamed in pain when her back hit the foot of the big table.

"You said that only the baby was here." The wizard hunter tilted his head at the young man, who stood looking puzzled as he also stared at the girl in purple cloak.

"No, the baby is supposed to be the only one here." The young witch looked perplexed.

Raine then remembered that she was immune to the spell but Torak wasn't. That was why they were able to find them.

"I think you are not that good a witch." The wizard hunter said in a mocking tone as he approached Raine and the baby. "But, it doesn't matter." His lips curved into a devilish smirk. "Kill them." He ordered the witch.

The wizard hunter stared at Raine who was still writhing in pain at the foot of the table.

"But that is the son of the Alpha…" The young witch was very afraid as his hands trembled.

"I said kill them! Do it before I tell my people to kill your entire family!" The wizard hunter roared.

At that, a ball of magic fire hit Raine and the baby in her embrace.

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