The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 209: Raine's plan

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.

-Mark Amend-


Upon hearing that, Raine's eyes opened wide in horror. Did she hear it right? Were they planning to kill the Alpha's son?

Only one name reverberated in Raine's mind now.


He would be in danger!

But wasn't he under the tight protection of the Lycanthropes? These wizard hunters wouldn't be able to come near him, right? The Alpha would certainly not allow any danger to come near his family.

But the wizard hunters were no fools. If even Raine could think that way, then of course they would have thought of these too.If they were so daring as to make a move on the Alpha's son, they would have come prepared.

But what exactly was their plan?

Despite her fears, Raine opened her eyes to stare at the two pair of legs of the wizard hunters and listened attentively. Maybe they would spill some of their plan.

Yet, they did not. Without saying anything else, the wizard hunters went out of the room. They no longer have any other business there, after all.

Raine waited until the sound of their footsteps faded as they moved farther away. It merged easily with the commotion happening along the corridor.

Only then did Raine dare to move her stiff body. Shewas careful not to look at the dead bodies of the five witches. She did not think she could stomach the gruesome sight.

Afterwards, Raine rolled her body out from under the bed and then leaned her back against the bed frame. She needed some time to catch her breath and arrange her jumbled thoughts.

At a time like this when she really needed Serefina the most, the witch was nowhere to be found. Raine stopped her mind from thinking that something bad had happened to Serefina and Fabian. The mere thought made Raine's body shake.

Serefina, where are you? Raine whimpered inwardly.

Raine wanted to wait until Serefina returned, but she knew she just could not sit still and wait. She needed to do something.

The wizard hunters had left the door open and some curious people passing along the corridor looked into the room.

One of them let out a shrill scream. Chaos ensued as more people flooded into the room, their voices loud as they all talked at the same time, trying to figure out who had killed those poor young witches.

Raine, who was sitting on the floor and leaning against the side of the bed, was hidden from their view.

"Who killed them?"

"They are witches."

"I saw these five teenagers earlier. They didn't seem to be looking for trouble."

"The wizard hunters must have killed them. I saw two of them walk out of the room earlier."

"But this room was rented by a witch."

"The Alpha will be enraged. If he finds out something bad like this had happened during the celebration of his son..."

When Raine heard that, a crazy idea formed in her mind.

The fearshe felt at the thought ofsomeonehurting Torak was much bigger than her own fear for her safety.She has no idea if her plan would work out, but at least she needed to try, right?

If something happened to Torak now, it would affect Torak in the future, right? And if the wizard hunters manage to execute their vicious plan, then there would be no 'Torak' in the future, right?

Raine did not want that to happen.

The fear of losing someone so dear to her was a dreadful feeling. Raine had felt it once before and she did not want to feel it again.

No, if she could do something about it, even if it sounded ridiculous or foolish, she would do it!

Clenching her hands tightly, she let out a soft whimper for people to notice her.

When they heard her, a few startled people gasped. They thought the dead bodies just came back to life.

However, when the soft sound got a bit louder, they noticed there was someone else inside the room. Their eyes traveled towards a cloaked figure near the bed, on the floor, that was slightly moving.

"There is a survivor!" A guy screamed in surprise and some people moved forward to see what was hidden by the cloak.

When a part of the cloak was lifted, they found a little girl, curling her trembling body in a fetal position.

"Oh, there is a girl here!" This sentence was repeated again and again until more people came.

"I think this is the girl who traveled with the witch who rented this room."

"Where is the other witch?"

A burly man stepped to the front and wrapped Raine's body in a blanket before he carried her out of the room.

Raine could feel the muscle of his strong arms through the fabric of clothes that he was wearing. She peered through her wet lashes at her surroundings. At least, among these people, she would be safe from the wizard hunters for the time being.

The burly man took Raine to another place. It looked like the lobby of this building that she had seen earlier, but Raine was not sure how to call it.

This place was spacious with a few tables and chairs. The burly man put Raine down on one of the chairs and asked someone to bring her a glass of water.

"Girl, don't be afraid." The man squatted down in front of Raine, facing her with tender eyes.

He looked like he was in his early forties, but no one could really tell for certain the age of this kind of beings.

"I am in charge here. I will ensure your safety." The burly man said. "Now, tell me what happened to you?"

At first Raine did nottalk and kept her head hung low. When someone brought a glass of water, she took it immediately and drank it until it washalf empty.

"Now, tell me what happened.Someone told me that there was another witch with you. Where is she now?" The man asked Raine.

Although his concern for her was apparent, it seemed that giving comfort wasn't his forte.

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