The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 208: A vicious plan for the alpha's son

Raine caught sight of the wizard hunter just before he noticed her. She quickly squeezed her body under the bed. Fortunately,she was skinny enough to fit in.

From the sound of footsteps entering the room, Raine could determine that there was more than one person coming in. She counted three persons, and they were all men.

The first man mumbled something in a strange language as white thin smoke covered the entire room.

Raine watched in horror as the white smoke crept closer to her. She hoped that the horn of the unicorn could repel it. She closed her eyes in fear and waited for what the white smoke would do to her.

A minute passed and nothing happened.

"There is no one inside the room except those five witches." The same man continued to speak as the white smoke faded. His voice sounded like that of an old man.

So that was the purpose of the white smoke, Raine thought, letting out a silent sigh of relief.

"What shall we do with them?�� The second man asked, his voice sounded so callous and haughty. Raine felt uncomfortable just hearing his rough voice.

"Burn them all." The third man said curtly, his voice oozing with authority.

"You heard what the Master said." The second man said. "Do it!"

"No… I can't… I can't kill my own kind." The old man was apparently a witch as well, but why would he be working with wizard hunters?

Raine shook her head. This was not the time for too much curiosity. She needed to focus. For now, she had to make sure that they will not catch her, at least until Serefina came.

"You can't do it?" The second man said, his voice laced with viciousness. He kicked the old man's legs so hard that he fell on his knees before them. Then, unable to keep his balance, he toppled to the floor.

Raine held her breath. The old man was now lying on the floor, his shoulder visible to Raine. If he lowered his head a bit more, the old man would be able to see Raine.

Fortunately, he raised his upper body just now to plead with the witch hunters, "Please… don't make me kill my own people…" The old man begged pitifully. He was a witch experiencing misgivings at the thought of killing his kind, and young ones at that. A tad too late for such reservation, Raine thought.

However, those were the last words that came out of his mouth because in the next second, his body slumped to the ground with a loud thud and blood pooled under his lifeless body.

The second his life slipped away from him, the old man stared at a girl in purple cloak who was hiding under the bed. The last thought that bothered him was that he did not notice the girl earlier. How could his magic fail to uncover her?

Raine stuffed her palm into her mouth to stifle her scream.The sight of the old man's lifeless eyes staring at her terrified Raine.

Fortunately, she managed to keep quiet as she shut her eyes tight. Her body was trembling uncontrollably.

Raine kept seeing this same scene in her life. Starting with the death of her parents, then when Torak killed a lycan that assaulted her, then the man in the mental hospital, and now… this one…

People died around her…

Though this was not the first time that Raine saw something as horrifying as this, she still could not get used to it. Nobody could ever get used to it.

Raine pressed her palms hard against her mouth to muffle any sound that might slip from her lips. She closed her eyes tightly.If she could, she would have shut down her ears too.

But she could not, hence she was still able to hear one of the two men move towards the five teenagers.

A slashing sound echoed inside the room and then she heard the sickening sound of blood spurting on the walls. She could well imagine blood spilling on the floor.

"The battle is ended." The third man stated.

The sounds of fighting have indeed faded away. For a moment, a creepy silence descended upon the room. Outside, the sound of people chatting along the corridor could still be heard. The festivities on the streets continued on its merry way. It was as if nothing unfortunate had happened. 

"Brad, do you think that they managed to capture the two witches?" The second man asked as he wiped his dagger.

"They will." The third man named Brad answered him with certainty.

At this time, Raine really wished that instead of having the power to control time which she have not been able to use, she really wanted to have the power to make herself invisible so that she could get out of this room and look for Serefina.

The witch would not die so easily, right? She was so calm when Raine mentioned about the man that followed them from the bar and was not even abit concerned when she said they were wizard hunters.

But why did Serefina not return yet? Wasn't the fight over?

Raine bit her lips to stifle her cry upon the thought that something bad had happened to Serefina. As time passed by without any sign from her, she became agitated and very afraid.

"Good!We can move forward to our next plan." The second man said as he brandished his clean dagger. "But are you sure with this plan? If something goes wrong, we will be in a dangerous situation." The doubt in his voice was palpable.

"Back off now if you are starting to become a coward!" Anger laced Brad's voice when he shouted at the other man.

The man scoffed disdainfully. "Of course I will stick to the end of this plan. I just want to make sure that everything is under control."

"Everything is under my control." Brad said arrogantly, a vicious smirk curled on the corner of his lips.

"Perfect. After all, to kill an Alpha's son is not an easy task."

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