The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 205: Ambush

That man was there, wearing all white, standing near a food stall and glancing at Raine every now and then.

Raine frowned and looked at him, but he always avoided her eyes. Who was that man?

"We will stay here for a night." Fabian had brought them to a yellow building that looked like a motel. "Go ahead and book your own room. We will meet here before sunrise tomorrow, but before that, I don't want to be disturbed." He said.

Fabian booked himself a room and quickly retrieved the key from the inn owner. Afterwards, he dashed towards the appointed room.

There were many creatures in this village and most of them were lycans, werewolves and witches who did not share the same pure blood as him and only knew some magic spell. These three were among Fabian's top list of creatures that he did not want to see or mingle with. And though he was in lycans' territory amidst their ongoing festivities, he would avoid them as much as possible.

Serefina looked at Fabian's retreating back and shrugged. Fabian's antipathy towards lycans run deep in his blood. However, without him knowing it, he would encounter and mate with a female lycan and a year later, they would have an adorable girl as well.

Fate could sometimes have a twisted sense of humor, yet it will happen and there was no way anybody could change it. Serefina would not intervene even though she traveled back in time.

There were rules and with every breaching of these rules, there would be consequences. It was not something that Serefina could afford right now.

Raine tugged at Serefina's dress. "Maybe this is only my paranoia, but I saw a man who kept glancing at us since the time we were at the bar." She decided it would be safer to inform Serefina about it.

However, Serefina's answer was very calm as she retrieved a key from the inn owner. "I know. He is a wizard hunter." She said.

"Wizard hunter?" Raine narrowed her eyes at Serefina's answer. "He is here to capture… you…?" Raine ended her statement as a question, unsure if her guess was right.

Upon hearing this, Serefina laughed heartily before she signaled her to follow her towards their bedroom.

"He must have known that Fabian and I are witches and on top of that, pure blood witches. They will get a handsome payment if they manage to capture us." Serefina contemplated but did not appear to worry even a bit about this. "How much will they pay for this time around…?" She seriously thought about it as she scratched her chin.

"Serefina! This is a serious matter. Don't talk about it so casually!" Raine cried helplessly, seeing the witch's unconcerned expression.

"Do you really think they can capture us?" Serefina scoffed as she put the key in the keyhole and opened the door to their room. "You really have underestimated me."

"You can't take your enemies lightly." Raine retorted and locked the door hastily, afraid that someone would barge in.

"Why? Will you worry if something bad would happen to me?" Serefina raised her brows with an arrogant expression.

"Worry?" Raine repeated. "Of course I would worry! How else would I go back to my real time if something happened to you?" She reasoned.

Serefina sneered when she heard that and went to the bathroom, ignoring Raine completely like she always does whenever she does not like their conversation.

The night has arrived and the people outside were celebrating the birth of the second heir of the Alpha.

Along the inn's corridor, a beautiful woman talked to her friend about the opening of the gates. She said that the Alpha and Luna would show up for a few moments in front of the public, together with their first and second son. At this time, they would be able to see the baby from afar as the Luna would hold the baby Torak on his first public appearance to receive everyone's blessing.

Raine could hear her through the thin walls of the room, but the woman's voice faded as they went along the corridor and into their own room.

Even if she would only be seeing baby swaddle from a distance, Raine really wanted to come and see Torak as a baby. Not only that, she wanted to see Torak's parents and his brother as well.

But the problem was how to make Serefina accompany her? The witch has zero interest in attending such occasion.

Raine could not go there alone because she would not dare roam around a place that she is not familiar with.

"Serefina…" Raine called when Serefina walked out of the bathroom. She had to give it a try.

Would they visit this place again or be in this occasion another time? She thought that if she missed this opportunity, maybe there wouldn't be a second chance.

"No." Serefina replied immediately even without looking at Raine or listening to her plea.

"But I have not said anything yet." Raine was displeased at her immediate rejection.

"I think I don't need you to say anything to know what you want to say." Serefina replied haughtily as if she could read Raine like the back of her hand. Well, up to a certain point it was true. Raine was easy to read.

"So you know what I want…" Raine taunted Serefina who was changing her dress into something more comfortable.

"You want to see the celebration, the baby Torak and his family. Am I right?" Serefina raised her brows as a smug smile smeared her lips. She indeed knew everything.

"Wrong." Raine lied with a straight face, but Serefina was not so easy to fool.

"And so what do you want?" The smug smile on Serefina's face widened, "Stone of dew?"

But before Raine could retort at Serefina's words, the room suddenly turned dark. The only source of light was from the lamps alongthe road that dimly illuminated the room.

Though the festivities still continued outside, yet inside the room, it was so quiet.

"Come here Raine." Serefina's voice was slightly tense when she called Raine over to her side.

"What happened?" Raine rushed towards Serefina and stayed beside her.

"We are being ambushed."

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