The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 200: The first encounter between the guardian angel and the witch

Raine coughed profusely. She was drinking her milk when Fabian mentioned Torak's name. She was so surprised that she even spilled some of the milk on her dress.

"Careful." Serefina said in disgust as she looked at the mess that Raine had made. She handed over a napkin to her.

"Are you alright?" Cassandra asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I am fine." Raine mumbled her answer as she tried to blot out the wet spot on her dress. She then glared at Serefina.

What was this witch trying to do? She actually brought them to the day Torak was born.

Serefina acted as if she did not realize that. Raine could see that she was an expert at ignoring people. 

Serefinacontinued to chat with the couple in front of her.

"I have seen their first son too, and the boy is also not that vicious… I think…" Cassandra added, slightly doubting her own judgment.

"Lycanthropes and werewolves usually do not care about other creatures as long as they stay out of their territory, pack and family." Serefina said. "Those are the only things that they care about the most."

"Hmm…" Cassandra nodded her head. "That's how they live, after all."

Still, Fabian did not like the idea that they had to go through Cartier village. "They are haughty creatures!" He scoffed.

Meanwhile, Raine was not yet over her shock and tugged at the sleeves of Serefina's dress. The witch was wearing a white dress, which was in the style of the era, its color contrasting beautifully with her fiery red hair.

"Is he the same Torak Donovan? My mate?" Raine asked in a very low voice until it seemed only her lips moved, yet Serefina could understand her nonetheless.

"Yes, happy to meet your mate?" Serefina asked in a mocking tone. She would always become irritated upon the mention of the word 'mate'.

Raine ignored the way she talked and only focused on the fact that she would be able to see Torak as a baby. Raine wondered how Torak would look like as one. That thought excited her and it was easy to read what was on her mind now.

"Stop whatever you are thinking! You will not be seeing him." Serefina said. "I did not take you to this era to see him!"

Raine pouted upon hearing that and sullenly resumed eating. The bubble of curiosity in her head plopped one by one.

"I think we are ready to leave now." Fabian wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up. Cassandra also stood up with him. She did not seem to have much appetite as all she drank was only a cup of warm water.

"Cassandra, can I have the item that I asked for?" Serefina said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. A minute please, I will get it." Cassandra strode across the room and went inside her bedroom. Fabian walked out of the house and stood waiting for them at the threshold.

It did not take long for Cassandra to comeback. She was holding a purple cloak in her hand which she then gave to Serefina.

"Wear this." Serefina said as she handed it over to Raine. "This will cover your scent, so no one will know that you are an angel." She explained briefly.

Raine put it on and asked, "What will happen if they know?"

"The lycanthropes and werewolves will probably not care much about you, but the other creatures attending the celebration will. I don't have to explain how bad it would be for you if they sap out your power, right?"

Lydia's words rang again in Raine's head. The fate of an angel without power would be worse than death itself.

Raine tightened the purple cloak around her and tied her hair up. She followed Serefina out of the house.

The sky began to brighten up as the sun started rising over the horizon. Some stars were still visible and one could see birds soaring gracefully across the sky. The air was fresh yet a bit chilly. Raine was glad she had the purple cloak on.

Raine followed Serefina towards the gate of the dilapidated wooden fence. They waited for Fabian, who was saying his private goodbye to his wife and the baby in Cassandra's womb.

"They look so sweet together." Raine sighed as she watched Fabian bend over and apply kisses on Cassandra's tummy.

"Their relationship will not last for long." Serefina said in a cold tone.

"Why?" Raine switched her attention to Serefina who was standing beside her, but the witch was looking at the couple with a face that was devoid of any emotion. "Will something bad happen to them?"

Serefina averted her eyes from the couple and turned towards Raine. Somehow she could feel a tinge of sadness from the way the witch was looking at the couple earlier, that is, until Serefina flicked her head.

"Aww!" Raine protested and rubbed her forehead. "What was that for? It really hurts!" That was not like the flick on the head that Torak would give her. The pain was real and it brought tears to Raine's eyes.

"Stop asking. You become more talkative day by day."

"But you didn't have to flick my head that hard…" Raine whined pitifully.


The vast field of blue flowers was incredibly stunning under the ray of themorning sun. Some gentle breeze would cause the flowers to sway from time to time, and the movement would add vivacity to an already entrancing sight.

Raine was enjoying the scenery very much while listening to the conversation between Serefina and Fabian regarding the book.

"How did you know that the book contains information about the guardian angel who possessed the power to control time?" Fabian still could not get over that. "Actually, the book doesn't mention much about the guardian angel as it only tells about the first encounter between the guardian angel andour ancestor. Not even the previous holders cared to read about that story as they were only looking for powerful spells." He said in matter-of-fact tone.

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