The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 199: The second son

Early in the morning, Serefina woke Raine up from her deep slumber.

Because the sun had not risen yet, the entire room was dark. The only source of light was from a flickering candle.

Raine rubbed her sleepy eyes as she looked at her surroundings. "Where am I?" She yawned and tried to open her eyes to look at Serefina.

"Wake up, you sleepyhead and dress up!" Serefina threw a dress at Raine as she walked out of the room. "Get up! If you are late for breakfast, you will not get any."

Raine stared at the dress in the dim light as her mind recalled the event yesterday. She sighed in regret remembering that she missed her lunch with Torak. She wondered about Torak's reaction when he found out that Raine had disappeared again.

Serefina should have informed Torak about her plans. At the very least, she could have left a message, but no, the witch seemed always bent at looking for trouble with Torak. She must have done this intentionally to annoy the Alpha.

Raine stared at the dress in her hand and felt the softness of its fabric. It felt good. She got off the bed and changed into the dress.

Her stomach began to grumble, reminding her of the last time she ate. And it certainly was not yesterday morning, she thought crossly.


When Raine entered the dining room, she only saw Serefina and Cassandra.

"Good morning." Mumbled Raine, seeing thatthey were too engrossed in conversation to even notice her.

"Oh, good morning." Cassandra smiled politely at Raine while Serefina simply threw her a glance and signaled for Raine to sit beside her.

Raine proceeded to sit down beside the witch and poured herself a cup of milk. She knew which jar contained milk. After all, this was notthe first time she had been in this era.

However, this was the first time for Raine to see Serefina having a conversation with another person without irritatingher. Cassandra even appeared to enjoy the topic.

"So my child is a girl? Are you sure about that?" Cassandra asked in wonder. "How did you know that? Even for a pure blood witch, the ability to see the future is considered a talent."

"I just know it. There is nothing special about that." Serefina shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly.

Raine tried to stop herself from jeering at Serefina's words. The witch knew nothing about future, yet she acted like she was powerful enough to have such ability. But Raine wisely refrained from giving even a single remark. She tried to busy herself instead with eating her breakfast.

However, Raine became curious about the identity of Cassandra. She must be someone that Serefina knew from the past.

"A powerful witch?" Cassandra wasfascinated and a soft smile appeared on her lips. "That sounds great! My child's name will be known to many people… I can't wait for that day to come." She rubbed her stomach affectionately.

What Cassandra did not know and Serefina did not tell her was the fact that she would not be there for her daughter when that time comes.

A moment later, Fabian joined them. He was already in a bad mood,judging from the wrinkle on his brows which appeared to have been carved permanently between his eyes.

"We need to take a detour for the trip to the sacred place." Fabian informed Serefina in a gruff voice. He stabbed his meat in irritation and munched at it.

"Why?" Serefina slightly raised her eyebrows in question. So did Cassandra. They mimicked each other perfectly.

"The Luna of the Lycanthrope is giving birth to a son, so there will be a ceremony in the Cartier village and its surrounding area." Fabian stopped talking for a while to gulp down his milk. "I don't want to be in the same place with the lycanthropes. Their kind can sometimes be very unreasonable. As it is, there is a high chance of running into them and I don't want to accidently irritate them or cause trouble or be involved in one."

"Oh…" Cassandra made an expression as if she just remembered something. "The ceremony for the son of the Alpha will be spectacular. They also did this when their first son was born."

When Raine heard the word Alpha, she turned her head to listen to their conversation.

"Yes, the security was so tight at that time, even though they said every creature could join the celebration. I don't think they were able to move freely then as the lycanthropes were feared by many." Fabian added.

The celebration this time would also be open to all creatures, but they would be under strict supervision and would not be allowednear the Alpha's baby.

The main thing that caught the other creatures' interest though was the sumptuous meal that would be served and the chance to see the most feared Alpha of this realm.

"In a normal day, Cartier village would have been the fastest route we could take to reach the sacred place." Cassandra stated as she drank a cup of warm water instead of milk. She was allergic to milk.

"Let's take a detour." He grumbled.

"No, we will take the usual route through the Cartier village." Serefina said with finality as she gulped down the warm water in her cup.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Fabian stared at Serefina sharply.

Yet, once the stubborn witch had decided on something, she would not deviate from her plan. "Don't you care to return early for your wife and child?"

Serefina's comeback made Fabian shut his mouth. Of course he wanted to come back as soon as possible. If it wasn't because Serefina had proved herself as one of the pure blood, Fabian wouldn't even leave his pregnant wife alone in their home.

Seeing that the atmosphere is becoming tense, Cassandra tried to lighten up the mood as she said in a casual tone, "I have seen the Alpha and he does not seem to be that scary and troublesome.This celebration is for their second son. Do you know the baby's name?" Cassandra asked Fabian.

"Torak Donovan." Answered Fabian in a flat tone.

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