The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 201: The same bad personality

Serefina listened to Fabian's opinion, but did not say much about it. In the end, to appease Fabian's curiosity, she only said, "Because I see things."

There was no need for Serefina to explain it in detail because Fabian would have a hard time believing it anyway. And this was a better way to keep everything in its place, just like how it's supposed to be.

Raine, who was walking behind them, tilted her head as she thought about her own theory. However, it sounded so crazy she did not dare voice it out.

After a few hours of walking, Raine felt her feet grow stiff and sore. Even the beauty of the blue flowers, which fascinated her initially, no longer captivated her attention.

"Is itstill far away…?" Raine finally asked gingerly. She did not want to slow them down, but her feet really could not take it anymore.

"Around one hour." Serefina said in a flat tone.

Rained wondered whether she was just too weak from lack of physical activity or the two witches simply had very strong stamina because even after hours of constant walking, the two did not even seem to break a sweat.

After one more hour…

Raine gritted her teeth and held back her complaint, her steps slowing down painfully behind the witches.

"Don't blame me, blame him! He is too stubborn that we had to walk out of these stupid fields of blue flowers rather than just tear the spell down." Serefina said, noticing Raine's pain. "If he could only set this place free from his shielding magic, we would have reached the Cartier village faster." She glared crossly at Fabian.

"I will not risk my wife's safety for that sort of convenience." Fabian said stubbornly.

Because of Fabian's magic that protected the place, they could not perform magic within this area.

"You can put a charm on this place again once you returned." Serefina complained.

However, her complain fell on deaf ears when Fabian dismissed it with a reason, "Who knows what will happen during the time when this place is not protected? There are many creatures looking for us nowadays. I won't take any risk, young lady." Fabian answered her in sarcastic tone.

Raine could relate to that as Torak would do the same for her as well if he had to leave her alone. That was why Calleb would always be with her whenever Torak wasn't around. He entrusted her only to the few men that he trusted the most. Only then would Torak feel a bit at ease.

Serefina let out a frustrated sigh and threw her hands up in defeat. "Whatever."

Even though Raine understood Fabian's reasoning, it did not change the fact that her feet were almost falling apart.

When one hour had passed and they could finally see steel gates in the faded color of white, Serefina took Raine's hand and together they walked past the gates.

The gates were apparently under some kind of magic spell because the moment they stepped through it,they were suddenly inside a beautiful city's old historical quarter. The place was amazing! Beautiful structures lined the cobbled streets, people garbed in colorful though varied styles of attire were roaming around and a cacophony of sounds pierced the air. Just then, a large and expensive carriage passed by, led by the strangest pair of animal Raine had ever seen. They were like horses, but have two heads on each of their bodies which had silver stripes.

Seeing this, Raine's eyes widened and on instinct, she scurried behind Serefina's back. "What is that?" She whispered to the witch. However, Serefina's focus was on the crowd of people around them.

"Let's go." Fabian said, walking on the road to his right side. Serefina and Raine followed him.

Raine turned around and saw that the gates through which they entered were still there, but every passerby did not seem to notice it and just wentabout their business, not giving it a single glance.

The new scenery around Raine distracted her from her sore feet, but only for awhile as the throbbing pain could no longer be ignored.

"Serefina… I am so tired and my feet really hurt. Can we rest for a while please?" Raine pleaded. As much as she did not want to slow them down, her feet could not take it any longer.

The two witches stared at Raine and in the same mocking tone and words, said, "You are so weak."

This harsh comment made Raine frown as she was slightly taken aback.

"I thought it was only a rumor when they said angels are physically weak creatures, but now I realize that rumor must be true." Fabian stated harshly.

If it was Raine's old self, she would have burst into tears upon hearing such rude comment, but thanks to Serefina, her tolerance for harsh words was getting better and her skin was getting thicker. Nonetheless, it stillhurt. So she held her tongue and remained silent.

Despite his ruthless comment, he apparently hassome conscience leftsince he began looking around for a place for them to rest.

"Come on, this way." Fabian signaled them to follow him.

Though Fabian has been ordering them around to follow his lead, oddly enough, Serefina did not take offense. Knowing how dominant Serefina was, one would expect her to constantly argue with him.

"Rude, bossy, bad attitude…" Raine listed Fabian's offensive behavior and looked at Serefina beside her. They were walking a few steps behind Fabian so he could not hear their conversation. "You really take after your father…"

Upon hearing her last comment, Serefina stopped on her tracks and whipped her head towards Raine, "What did you say?" Her face had turned ashen, although she frowned in puzzlement.

"Why? Am I wrong? Are you not their child?" Raine also frowned. She was pretty sure that when Serefina told Cassandra that her baby girl would be a powerful witch, she was bragging about herself.

"Wrong." Serefina replied curtly as she continued to walk. They were now going inside a bar.

"I am weak, but I am not stupid. No offense, but you two have the same bad personality and the rare talent to annoy other people." Raine grumbled as she followed her into the bar.

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