The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 149: What are you doing here?

Because of Torak's status, and affairs, they could only hold him in for a little bit more than thirty minutes.

They asked the crucial questions about the business between his company, and how he ended up getting ties with the De Mediccis' company.

The only thing that Torak could do was being cooperative. He answered all of the questions that were asked by the questioner, but still, being the Alpha that he was, his dominant aura just couldn't be helped. The questioner was a little bit intimidated by him for it.

Afterwards, they didn't make things difficult for him. They let him go, and asked for his cooperation if there was something else they needed from him. With a curt nod, Torak agreed and then walked away from that place.

"Alpha, you need to go to the company. Your presence is needed. The shareholders are becoming anxious with the progress of this matter. They demand to withdraw their investment." said Calleb, informing Torak about the situation at the corps after he received a phone call.

It didn't turn out to be as he planned initially. At first, the plan was to build the new company in this city that he had joined hand with the de Mediccis. But because of the recent chaos that emerged after the assassination of one of De Medicci brothers, everything was shaken. As if things happened oppositely to what he thought it would be.

Their stocks started to plummet, and the shareholders were absolutely displeased with this result. They seemed to be thinking that Torak's strategy of salvaging the almost-bankrupt company would bring profits to them. Now finding Torak himself was tangled in this mess, it was only natural that their trust was being tested. Because for them, this scandal would only bring loss to them.

It didn't stop there. Rather worsening, when their worry were topped with Torak's disappearance. He was out of reach for more than a week. The reason behind his action was that he refused to meet anyone. Not until Raine gained her consciousness. Regardless of any reason behind it, the investors were afraid of loss. They thought that withdrawing their investment would save them from an even more loss.

At that time, the five shareholders were not at ease. They were panicking, and it was fair enough for them to do that. So they demanded Torak's presence in flesh, not just an order that passed down through Raphael. 

The thing was that they were all humans. In other words, Torak couldn't make them quiet the way he did to his pack members. If only they were his pack member, this unnecessary commotion would never happen in the first place. And also, it would be easier for them to understand the situation, that only if they were his pack members. 

Torak was annoyed by this. All he wanted was to go home and be with Raine. But apparently, this time his desire should wait as he needed to go to the company first.

"The meeting will start as soon as I arrive." Torak said to Calleb as he entered the car. 

"Yes, sir." Calleb replied politely, he didn't address him with his Alpha title as usual. Because the car driver was a human. 

Now they were surrounded by humans more frequently. Even inside the house, all the guards were all humans. That was why Calleb couldn't complain about this, at all. One thing that he believed for sure, all that was done, this all was for the sake of their Luna.


Raine was inside her, and Torak's bedroom as she was sketching Torak's face on her sketchbook. She couldn't remember since when did Torak become her favorite object to draw. But she loved to express her feelings for him that way.

The sun had set, and the night had come. Even the moon was shining brightly up in the clear dark sky. But Torak had not yet come. She was waiting for him.

Probably he had a lot of things to do?—she thought, assuring herself.

Since she left Torak's office, Raphael and Serefina didn't bother her anymore, and Raine was glad for that. She would be really upset if Serefina barged into the room again with her magic. The witch was the last person that she wanted to see.

But, thankfully she didn't do that. 

While drawing Torak's warm blue eyes, Raine's mind went back to the diary of her mother. She could feel her tears were about to fall down her eyes again. But she rubbed her eyes harshly. Raine didn't want to cry, she didn't want to give Serefina another reason to mock her again. She tried desperately to shift her mind to any other thing there was. And then, she remembered about Aeon. 

So suddenly, and of all things there were, he was the one who came up into her mind. He was Aeon, the shadow warrior.

Would she really never have to meet him again? Just like how Serefina said it clearly. 

But, there was another question in her mind. How could that diary, which she had been holding for years, turned out to be something that belonged to Aeon? How could that be possible to even happen?

Raine remembered it was the police officer, who had given her that diary the last time she returned home years after the death of her parents. 

And yet, having things unfolded, and that it turned out to be something that belonged to the shadow warrior. For a second, Raine hoped that she could meet with Aeon again somehow. Because she had these many questions inside her head now. She wished to receive the answers from him. There were many things that he needed to explain to her. Because Torak wouldn't have the answers to those questions.

She was in the middle of deep thoughts about it, as she tried to find the answer for herself. But suddenly, there was someone knocking on the door of her room. Surprised by the knock, she was a little bit startled. To be exact, when a gruff voice came from behind the closed door. Strange enough for her to hear, it wasn't Raphael, it was the guard who was standing outside of the room.

"Miss Raine, there's someone downstairs who asks to meet you." The guard said in a rigid voice. 

Raine frowned upon hearing that. Who could that person possibly be? Why would they ask to see me?—she thought to herself questioningly.

Another knock on the door was heard when Raine didn't answer. "Yes, I will come out." She said to the person behind the door. She put down the sketchbook on her lap, and got off from the bed.

Thinking that whoever this person was, it would be someone who was close to Torak. Or else, they wouldn't be able to step inside this house. Not with the strict close guards being all over this place. Not only that, with other Lycanthropes who were also living around this area, it was unlikely to get any harm from whoever this person might be. With all that in mind, she was rest assured of her safety.

Raine opened the door. She was greeted with the same guard from this afternoon. He politely led the way to the first floor where Torak's office was. But this time, they walked straight to the living room.

There, someone had been waiting for her. 

A woman with her gorgeous blonde hair that reached to her hips. Regardless of how she was having her back facing Raine, the girl immediately could guess who this person was.

But, why did she come here? What made her come to look for her?

As if that woman was aware of Raine's presence effortlessly, the unexpected guess turned her back. Her face beamed with a big smile. The kind of smile in someone's face who was looking at an early Christmas present. Excitement was clearly seen in her eyes.

"Raine, long time no see." Jenedieth greeted Raine with her crisp voice that sounded so distant. Raine noticed her red eyes. They were a red flag for Raine. This red flag somehow validated the danger about the situation. Who knew? Jenedieth could be as threatening as before, or maybe even worse. Raine knew that she must be careful with this woman.

"Jen…" Raine reciprocated Jenedieth's greeting with a low voice. She felt a bit calm when she caught a glimpse in the corner of her eyes that the guard was still there, standing just a little bit behind from her. 

There was a surprise expression that passed her smiling face. "Oh I see, you can talk now!" She clapped her hands exaggeratedly. "Good! Now answer me, where is Torak?"

But before Raine could even process the question, she felt someone pulling her back. In just a second, she was now shielded behind his broad back.

"What are you doing here Jen?"

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