The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 233

To be willing to be willing, to be willing to have a gain.Andrew looked at Situ Nan with satisfaction, he was still too satisfied with this son-in-law.He thought for a while and said, "Let's do it! The Mellon family bought 5% of the shares of Bethlehem United Steel, and I recommend the others to other families. After all, this company was created by you and retains 20% of the shares. It’s a bit uninsurable. You don’t want to sell that much, but keep 30% of the shares."

"Okay!" Situ Nan was naturally okay.Andrew only eats 5% of the stock and seems to have no ambitions for Bethlehem United Steel.

However, after becoming a shareholder of Bethlehem United Steel Corporation, the Mellon family's influence in the steel industry has been greatly strengthened. In addition, the Mellon family’s own holdings of several large steel companies such as Amco Steel and National Steel, as well as The Mellon family’s ban on Alcoa, a steel alliance with Bethlehem United Steel as the core and multiple steel companies as the backbone is ready to come out, and it seems to be directed at the U.S. steel company!

However, neither Situ Nan nor Andrew had thought of forming a super-monopoly giant similar to U.S. Steel Corporation. The several steel companies under its control formed a loose alliance to counteract the aggressiveness of U.S. Steel Corporation tacitly.It also includes the Rockefeller and Cleveland consortiums. In addition to the steel companies other than Bethlehem United Steel, they maintain a good cooperative relationship with the Mellon family.

When his career developed to a certain level, Situ Nan became more and more eager to obtain resources outside the economy to protect the William Consortium for steady development.

Without prejudice to the holding of Bethlehem United Steel Corporation, it is worthwhile for Stuart to give up part of the benefits to obtain something other than money, and to win over some big families to become allies of their own interests.

Pay now only to get more in the future.As long as the William Consortium can seize the opportunity in the next few years to take the lead in the three major industries of construction, automobile, and electrical appliance manufacturing, it does not matter if the Bethlehem United Steel Company is lost.

In Situ Nan’s vision, Occidental Petroleum, Cummins Power, Chrysler and Fannie Mae will be the key development targets of the William Consortium.Bethlehem United Steel Company has another year of glory, after which it will develop slowly and steadily for a long time until World War II.

Of course, Situ Nan did not intend to abandon Bethlehem United Steel Company, but just started planning new investment directions.

For Situ Nan, the First World War was basically over until 1917. In addition to expanding production and making money, making money or making money in the next year, basically there will not be too many turning points.

Andrew was very pleased that Situ Nan was mature and could be a human being. He didn't know that Situ Nan actually wanted more.Because Situ Nan has an ulterior ambition in his heart, that is, the newly born William Consortium, under the protection of Andrew, will keep a low profile. When the wings are hardened, then whether it is to independently develop the two super oil fields in Texas or to buy the bottom. In 1929, I will no longer fear anyone.

I don’t know if Andrew heard any rumors from the Nanyang Foundation. Before he left, he said to Situ Nan: “In the United States, money and politics have always been linked, and big businessmen are actually politicians. They are one.

It is not uncommon to use money to manipulate politics, especially in large foreign companies. The power of the United States is a strong guarantee for American businessmen to do business.

Stoneney, although I am not very clear about some of your tendencies, I tell you that if it is in the interests of the United States, I can share one or two for you no matter how big it is."

It's not that Andrew has any weird ability to know about the Hanmin Foundation. He just checks his words and observes his actions, and he will always find some clues.Andrew also inferred something from Situ Nan's Meihua Company.

Is it persuasion or encouragement?Situ Nan didn't want to know, he only knew that Andrew would stand firmly on his side after the Gulf Oil Company sold oil in Nanyang.

The United States is a country of immigrants, and it is normal for immigrants to have deep feelings for their old country.Among them are the Jews. The leader of American Jews, Jacob Schiff, is a typical example.

Loans to Japan to fight against Tsarist Russia, loans to allied countries, prohibits loans to Russia, helps Jews, participates in Jewish affairs, and is enthusiastic about Jewish charity, etc. Jacob Schiff is not only a monopoly, but also a Jewish hero.Although he is often attacked by anti-Semitists and known as a conspirator, no one can touch him.

Because he is strong enough, has deep connections in the United States, and is determined and unswerving.All these made Situ Nan envy and admire.

Although he does not have the courage of Jacob Schiff, Situ Nan thinks that he is strong, because he has more than a hundred years of knowledge than others, which no one can match.

Taking a detailed inventory of 1917, if there is anything to mention, Meihua Company in Nanyang Dutch Sumatra has already controlled the cultivation of Medan.A large number of Chinese workers are constantly immigrating from the mainland and are scattered in farms everywhere.Some of the strong workers selected were organized to conduct military training in secret forested bases.

Proud Dutch people may not believe in God, but they will believe in money!Money is their god. With money, Meihua can do a lot in Nanyang.

Chapter 212

Time finally slipped to 1918, unknowingly Situ Nan has been in this world for 6 years.

After experiencing a turning point in his life, he has completely adapted to this world.A real and exciting world.

This year he was 23 years old, from a humble sailor to a big business man, young in appearance, mature in heart, and ambitious, especially Laura's pregnancy gave him more vitality.

At the beginning of the year, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson put forward fourteen-point peace principles in his speech to Congress.

Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen-point peace principle was put forward and was generally praised by progressive people from all walks of life.

Prior to this, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George also proposed several similar principles.However, France and Italy are a little unhappy, and they are not opposed to the strength of the United States.

The European powers have begun to feel the ambitions of the people of the New World, and their wariness has come from this.The mouth of a person is soft, and the hand of a person is soft.Americans are increasingly enjoying prestige in the treaty countries, which is also inseparable from the expansion of the United States.

If these fourteen-point peace principles can be realized, not only Germany, but also countries such as Britain, France, Italy, etc., will be caught by the Americans.

Especially the one mentioned in it: remove the barriers to international trade, how can Europe, which has been battered after the war, compete with the powerful US industry and commerce?

In any case, this is an improvement.Wilson's fourteen-point principle laid the foundation for the subsequent establishment of the League of Nations, and also reflected Wilson's idealism and the naive side of the American monkeys eagerly competing for world hegemony.


After Christmas, the war in Europe rekindled, the Germans reinvested millions of troops, and the number of American expeditionary troops was no less than one million.

It was still trench warfare. The battle was fierce and boring. The only bright spot was that the German forces once fought 38 kilometers away from Paris.

It is a pity that the successor is weak. Facing more and more Anglo-French-American forces, the Germans can only look to Paris and sigh.The war that lasted for four years finally exhausted the giant of Germany.

After launching several large-scale battles in vain, the Germans lost their offensive power, and gradually walked down the road, and could only passively cope with the attacks of the Allies.

The war finally made people see the dawn of victory. The newspapers were overwhelming with good news about the war. Although there was no breakthrough in defeating the German army, almost all military experts were optimistic that after containing the German offensive, victory Those who have already lost to the Allied Powers are just waiting for the fruit to mature and slowly fall.

Beverly Hills.William Manor.Situ Nan was like an ant on a hot pot, turning around in the living room, muttering words and constantly muttering something.

Even Paul, who is rarely seen in normal times, is staying at home today instead of flying around with Hughes in the Hollywood sky like usual.

"Stoney, you turn to me and I'm dizzy. Damn, it's been so long since I've been in it, why haven't I given birth!" Paul said impatiently.

"Shut up! You guy hasn't had plastic surgery all day." Andrew raised his crutches and knocked on Paul's head unceremoniously, but his eyes were looking at the in and out room not far away, with a look of concern-Lao Ra is going to give birth!

In order to see the birth of his grandson for the first time, Andrew hurried to Los Angeles less than half a year after returning to Pittsburgh.


The heart-piercing shouts that came from inside from time to time made the men outside nervous. Situ Nan clenched his fists, his whole body almost trembling with tension, wishing to bear the pain of Laura himself.

As early as a month ago, he brought the best doctor in Los Angeles to his home to provide Laura with the best preparation.

When things come, it is inevitable that they will become nervous.Situ Nan no longer believes in the hospital. Now there is a cold outside, many people are sick, and some people have lost their lives.Now when I walk into the street, there are people wearing masks everywhere.

"Stone, don't be nervous, everything will be fine." Andrew walked to Situ Nan and said to the man who is about to be a father, but it seemed that Andrew's somewhat old hands were trembling slightly.

"Thank you. Andrew, I..." Situ Nan was about to say something when suddenly he heard a loud baby cry.

A wow sound made Situ Nan moved to the trembling of his soul. He rushed forward quickly, and the second reaction was Andrew. Seeing his swift trot, where is the usual old-fashioned appearance?


"Stoney, he's a boy, very beautiful, isn't it?" Laura leaned against the bed with a baby in her arms, panting slightly, her eyes soft and caring.

Situ Nan hugged the baby cautiously, agitated in his heart, and a feeling of blood connection spontaneously emerged.

In fact, the newborn baby is dry and not pretty at all.But in Situ Nan's eyes, he is so cute and perfect.

"Yes. He is very beautiful, the most beautiful baby in the world." Situ Nan praised.

Andrew next to him looked at Situ Nan greedyly, but the focus was on the baby in Situ Nan's arms, he stopped talking.

"Andrew, take a look, this is our child." After being watched by Andrew's faint eyes for a long time, Situ Nan finally reluctantly handed the baby to Andrew, and Andrew was so relieved.

After a while, the nurse came in and took the baby to the nursery that was already prepared.Only Situ Nan and Laura remained in the room.

"Thank you, Laura!" Situ Nan stroked Laura's pale face, heartbroken, he said with an expression, "You know? I am grateful that God met you when I was most depressed. You gave me a lot of happiness. , Also changed me. I love you!"

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